Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Bank says customers can keep $100 bills mistakenly dispensed by ATM


Fun with conspiracy theory!

Funny Money!

It has been many years since I documented and wrote about the billions of dollars that went to Iraq on pallets and nobody knows where they went from there.  They were all serialized and it took almost every one of them from the depository in New York leaving none behind.

That started my interest in tracing money.  Unique Serial numbers but digital in a positive monetary system.

Recently I revisited $100 bills.  They are new style and have embedded digital information.  Traceable uniquely identifiable. Like human biometric identification links to a unique single person that is absolutely identified by something that cannot be counterfeited.  The analogy being spiritual.

I read the link and recalled the experiment with serial numbered $100 bills conducted by the CDC because they model the dispersion of disease in time and distance of spread.

How much would it cost to conduct that same experiment today with the unique tracing embedded in $!00 bills?

Strange because several days ago I had one of those bills in my wallet and I decided on the verge of spending it to keep it and enclose it in my grandson's birthday card.  I looked at I and wondered what markers might be in it, on it.

The first one I thought of was black light.  I have one.  Sure enough, zeros and ones appeared.  What about the stripe?  I should google the new bucks and see what else is in them besides value!

Was it an experiment? How many bills did it spit out? Initial reports said it was 20's but then corrected to 100's.  If it was an experiment then some smart person may have said "we get the same results with 20's, let's use them and afterwards say they were 100's!

The cast of the experiment?  200 bills at 100 each?  A thousand bills at 20 each?  Maybe the machine spit out a range of denominations to a single recipient?  That would be clever!  There would have to be some control over how many each one received.

ATMs  have a camera.  Was the controlled experiment conducted at a place to entrap a selected group of people when the bills started phoning home at recording points?  What sensors might have been embedded in those bill?

Near field IoT?

That is how to leverage money!

I wonder what data was derived and what is is being used for?

It is very clever surveillance by traceability?

It follows the model of "stolen" cell phones in the USA being distributed in other places but after being modified to phone home.  Also payments to informers with anonymous debit cards.  That solves the problem of linkage in an actual hand to hand pay off.

It is all so obvious!  So easily done.  An elegant way to skin the cat!

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