Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thinking About Proof of Conceptual Work and ThinkCoins

This is what I am talking about in this blog entry:  Modern Monetary Theory Meets George Lakoff.

This link embodies (encompasses) so much of the thinking that I have expressed in this blog that it could be a springboard to expressing for the rest of the day what I have already said.

The link must have more than 15 primary key word conceptual links in it to multiple blog entries I have made.  I should have an automatic parser to show that.  I do.  It is in my head.  Same place where my personal wiki resides.  I know the link connections and meanings so I will just give the result:  It hits the nail on the head.  Of course, anything based on Lakoff thinking is already the right hammer tool to use.

So, I will  not go off and spend the rest of the day parsing the various major concepts of the link and extending them in my own block chain as I spend them with value added by my mining of the block and awarding myself 25 ThinkCoins for my self validation of self owned/held concepts.  Why?  Because I already have done proof of work and do not need to do it again.

To a great degree it is like my retirement from the navy.  In my navy career I always had to do proof of work and submit it to my superiors.  It was called putting my ducks in a row.  After my retirement, I only had to put my ducks in a row for myself to validate.  Validation of a third party was greatly reduced.  Loner?  No.  Just hooked up with someone that validated herself as well and when we compared proof of individual work it agreed.  Most often our individual validations were not conducted individually at all.

What a joy not to have to put ducks in a row.  Essentially it is a very difficult proof of work effort like hearding cats.  Especially when my definition of hearding cats is to let them free range when someone else's definition of hearding (to whom my proof of work must be submitted) is a nice tight bunch controllable bunch.

It is like a messy desk compared to an in-basket.  If within 2 seconds the owner/manager o of either desk can extract a single desired document it does not matter what the desk looks like.  Except on Saturday morning inspections during which they must all look the same or you do not get your liberty card.

Yes, I am "Old Navy" enough to have carried a liberty card ashore.  To remember the days back when "Old Navy" was "Rocks and Shoals" Navy.

 I am encrusted with barnacles.

My thinking remains ready for inspection but no longer has to stand for inspection of ducks in a row to validate proof of work.  That is why it really does not matter that anyone reads this blog.  It is written for myself.

New idea in this blog entry: ThinkCoins!  I do my own proof of work on my own thought coins to validate them and award myself some new think coins for the effort!

It is like the story an old guy whose skate ski boots I wear told me about women and their points system awards on what I now see in terms of proof of work.  Bitcoin awards 25 new coins now but in the Woman system guys always get a constant 1 point.  Say she is pretty, treat her to dinner, give her a diamond ring.  It all gets just one point as proof of work.

In my own system I award myself points for work I do not have to prove.  I also loose points when my work fails self approval.  Two summers ago I gained a lot of points for the best trip of a lifetime.  Last summer I lost them all and then some.

Thinking about the ThinkCoin Concept of Life today.

I have done proof of on the block of words contained in the link at the beginning of this blog entry.  It has its ducks in a row.  I split my ThinkCoin earnings of new ThinkPoints with the authors of the link.

ThinkCoin has already been coined!  Darn.  I did not start it I only do work on the block chain.

Don't we all?

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