Friday, December 13, 2013

This Blog

I write this blog for myself.  Myself alone as a means of self expression that is not intended to communicate anything to anyone but myself by structuring my own thoughts. I learn both from the creative structure process of exploring ideas that come out of nowhere and then looking at them after they fit somewhere in a structure of abstract conceptualizations that are entirely of my own object oriented design.  This blog is just building blocks that I play with to assemble my thinking.  They can be put together in many ways and that is the fun.  If they amount to something to me then that is good.

This blog does not fit the normal frame of a blog.  I do not fit normal frames.  Blogs are objects to be passed as messages to others.  That is their purpose.  While this blog is open to discovery, nobody really looks at it.  It has only once been commented on and that was by a dear friend.  If anyone cares to look at what I express, they may.  Who cares?  I don't.  I do not write with the intention of laying out clear, concise, briefly elegant structures of information creating insight and new knowledge for others.  I do not have to explain what I am saying to myself.  Just say it in hopes of grasping where it fits.  Sometimes it does and I feel I get somewhere.  Otherwise the blog would dead end.

That is the framing of this blog.  It is for me.  That is not the frame of expectation that others view blogs.  In their frame the first and most obvious failing of the blog is what the frame of blogs is all about.  Communication.  Quality communication based on general judgements of presentation and degree to which it "says something" effectively to others.

I really do not care to manage anything I say in this blog to fit that "other oriented" frame.  I could fit that frame if I refined whatever I have to say by wordsmithing in to be a more effective message.  That does not matter to me.  Previously I wrote about that in terms of not having to get my ducks in a row anymore.  Unbound freedom of expression from worry that someone else will not get what I am saying because I failed in communication.

No fear of failure here with the intent of this blog.  For a mission oriented guy who will focus on the external accomplishment of significant external objectives; a navy career, crossing the country several times on a bike or doing Ironman multiple times that seems to be contradictory.  The final objective and focus at this later stage in life is just me.  Proof of work in my block chain of life has already been done and the proof is good enough for me.  Externally, however I still like a good challenge.  This blog plays with challenging concepts.  Focus in on play and there are many challenging concepts to play with.

Much of what I say to myself is half baked, half-assed, off the wall excursions beyond reality to fantasy and back again with stops and diversions along the way while I climb a tree to the moon.  I know a little about a lot which to some might as well be worth nothing.  I am the first to say that the words and concepts I use might imply some great knowledge.  What I truly know a mile wide and an inch deep.  Like the Platte River:  "To thick to drink and too thin to plow, a mile wide and an inch deep".  What is it worth?

If your frame is a farmer, this blog is worth as much at the Platte River.  Farmers are anchored to the land.  I am not.  My free range mind likewise.  It roams wherever I wish to go entirely for my own purposes which are unrestricted by any fences.  Whatever may be fences defining given frames of reference restricting others to the order of their conceptual boundaries I just walk through.  They would have to jump over them and cows don't jump.  Horses do but eagles fly.

One frame that I do acknowledge is the frame of Logic, Language and Structure.  Jump or fly out of that frame and the other side of the fence is a cliff of eternal free fall and eagle flew to close to the sun.

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