Monday, December 2, 2013

Bitcoin Is Debt Free Money

Bitcoin Is Debt Free Money.  That is a fact.  Max Keiser says so!  Max gets it!  There is no counter party holding a debt instrument against it.  Bitcoin comes born into existence debt free.  Like a virgin birth.  No original sin to stain it nor require its redemption by payback sacrifice.

Does that scenario sound familiar.

Bitcoin is debt free money and that is an astounding fact in a world where all money is debt money.  Created by virtue of a creation of debt through a loan process.


Amazing but there is no recognition of its most important feature.  Only news on its rapid increase in value and how some are getting rich on it.

Google;  Bitcoin "debt free".  Not many hits except someone got out of debt because they made so much on the appreciation of Bitcoin value.

Bitcoin is debt free money.  That is written on the wall but nobody is seeing it.

Of course the US Dollar is debt based money and nobody is seeing that either.

There is a great big huge difference between debt based and debt free monetary systems.

Debt free money is what money is.

Debt based money is what money does.  It is a creation of debt.

Christmas is coming.  A new birth portending freedom.  Funny how we spend so much of it at that time of year.  Much of it that we don't have. 

Peer to Peer lending of debt free money?

That is one of the things that can be done with debt free money.  Debt free money is the operating system.   Spending or Lending is an application of money.  Lending must not the the primary purpose of the monetary system but it is the primary purpose of a debt based monetary system.  It is what creates money to get interest on loaning it.  First and foremost to the owners of the debt based monetary system.  Medium of exchange is secondary.

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