Thursday, December 12, 2013

Bitcoin Kill Switch - Skinning the Cat

All my blog entries ramble on excessively to get to a point.....if I have not lost sight of what it is and redoubled my efforts to get there.

Tip:  Skip to the end.  There is always an end of the entry.  If there is a point it is there.  Short cut to it.

This is true of my last previous post.  So true and such a worthwhile point in my opinion that I have extracted the last best of the prior post to be the first Point of this post.  After I had to write the preceding just to explain my thinking first!

This is what I wrote as the ending of the prior post:  The more I think about it the more it makes sense.  The conclusion is supported in a very roundabout tortured manner by what preceded it in the blog entry>

"Bitcoin is a global community money system.  The communities, whatever their size such as the European Community, the USA, China or Cyprus, or any smaller "community unit" all the way down to the individual person will gain or lose substantially relative to other communities depending on when they convert to bitcoin from a national currency.  When the tipping point comes and the world sees which way the wind of change is blowing for bitcoin it is fascinating to speculate exactly what will happen because the backbone of bitcoin is the internet."

"Is that what the internet kill switch is for?"

My Blog entry on the internet kill here.

Boggles my mind! When some "community" shouts Eureka! the new gold rush is on and the golden rule applies.  Those with the gold rule!  The price will bid up rapidly.  What if it is the Chinese that lead the bid up in the world wide market.  The Chinese People not the People's Bank of China?  The People's bank that washed their hands and the hands of private banks (by direction) of dealing in bitcoin as currency.  If the people choose to deal in it that is their business.

That is the beauty of peer to peer money!  This is where the cards have to be called and bets laid on the table.  Players either fold and get out or continue to play after one player has won big time!  If they choose to get out then they would exit saying:  China take all your bitcoin and welcome to it we will not play with bitcoin anymore we will make our own crypto currency.

Chinese are very clever people.  They must leave enough bitcoin on the table to continue the game.  Americans are not clever in the ways of war to para phrase Sun Tzu.

Pearl Harbor deja vu. but this time there is instant retaliation to stop the attack:

Internet kill switch.  Surgically applied of course like a virtual drone strike.

Silk Road was nothing more than Bitcoin bomb testing Trinity Site?

How sublimely elegant.  It is the application of my model for supreme elegance in accomplishing the objective by having the cat skin itself by virtue of jumping out of its own skin with one word that scares it to death.

If bitcoin is global community money the USA could shut down its own country community but what about the rest of the world?

That is why NSA is our new Department of Offense.  We could kill bitcoin in our own country but if the rest of the world chooses to use it among themselves then who are we going to play the new game with?  With the countries that would exchange their bitcooin for our dollars to give us bitcoin to play with?  Who in this case has the power to dictate the conversion rate?

All depends on supply and demand I suppose.

For those that believe in "Market Rules" and rig the market to rule might it be poetic justice that they are done in by their own devices.

That is the lesson in how to skin the cat.

My prior posts regarding the elegance of cat skinning:

Here: Wild Thinking Inscrutable Humor

Doom Upon Gloom

Skinning Cats

Might the NSA skin itself, and us as well by means of its own devices?

Might the anonymous programmers that created the Bitcoin Model have been.....exactly who?  Japanese?  Chinese?  Americans that wanted to change the world order is much as anyone else?

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