Friday, February 25, 2011

Where Money Lives

After getting some idea of what money is and should be what system does it live in once it is born.  That is the core Fedwire system for the USA and its related interfacing network systems.  For China it is the core National Advanced Payment System and its related interfacing network systems

Regardless of what money does as a medium of exchange, this is where money lives to do its exchange thing.  The system where money lives is not going to change much in any event, even a crises in what money does (or fails to do).

People interface with this system, if they have money or not is another matter.  A significant change like going from debt money to asset money and abolishing frational reserve banking is not going to significantly change how people view their interface with the money system even if the internals of the the money system operation change substantially.

Ylink is the core system provider to China.  Clear2pay is apparently a main provider of interface to the core system.

The fed owns its own Fedwire system.  I have no idea yet who the contracting system provider is.  The core system has its interfacing providers in the USA.

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