Friday, February 11, 2011

Alligators and the Swamp

While focusing on what money is I must also sometimes divert my attention to what money does (the economy).

Grappling with what money is now (the debt money alligators) I must keep in mind that the real objective is to drain the swamp (debt money economics).

I think the swamp got deeper today.  The following is from this report:

Mark your calendars. This may be remembered as the week our next financial crisis began, the moment when the Greenspan Republicans and Rubin Democrats who ruined the economy the last time around regained control ... and the cycle began all over again.

This is the Treasury Department press release. 

The following is my comment on the proposal:

The banksters are not in a risky business.  They shift all risk in what they do to somebody else.  If they load the shifted risk with something that will come back to benefit them, again without risk, they double their money.  Then they can put it out again at no risk somehow.  Is that a multiplier effect and will it shoot the geometric curve straight up?

End game in sight?

Why does the Treasury Department press release sound like a Mubarak Statement to me.  Will "Mubarak Statement" become an icon meme like Bagdad Bob?

Note: As I wrote this Mubarak made his last statement!!!!  God give all those people a hug and kiss for me and protect them.  Like an Egyptian just said:  "We are stronger than all those guys".

Egypt:  Now get yourselves a debt free public money system and you will really proclaim freedom!

This comment from here:

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, your only friends in the finance industry, are about to be done away with. You will then pay the mortgage rates and fees that the banks feel like charging and where are you going to go? What option will be left for you when private industry makes all the decisions.

My comment:

The obvious result is that more people become renters paying landlords for the use of their asset.

Will we then become homeless renters in the land of our fore fathers like Jefferson said if banksters own the money in a private debt money system?

We are now renting our money from the banksters.

Soon we will be renting our homes because we cannot afford them.  That might be a better stream of revenue to the banksters that renting money from them to buy homes.

Not only our renting our homes but the infastructure of our cities, states and nations.

The house is only the first loss.

Is that the bankster end game?

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