Friday, February 18, 2011

Funny Money

To my Radical Friend:

Considering what I am doing, the Max video you sent me this morning is the most amazing thing I have ever seen.

What am I doing:  Thinking about money.  I have been doing it for months.  I have hundreds of organized bookmarks that are my footsteps in this journey.

Finally, I decided that after all this input to my thought I had to start making some output.  I established This blog.  Nobody knows about it except my sister, two others and anyone that might find it by search, which appears to be one person so far.  I could hide it completely until I wanted to go public.  Those that I told about it don't look at it so it is still really non-existent except to me.  No heed to hide it.   Who knows, if it is open I might get some feedback but that is not what I am looking for now.  It is raw material that has to be refined, boiled down, shaped, processed and distilled into some 200 proof stuff.  So much on the internet is not.  Maybe my objective should be to put it all in a single tweet.

Not a bad idea;  A single tweet.  If our Founding Fathers had to put their thoughts into a single tweet and tell us:  Take this tweet and run with it to build a free country.  Maybe it would be: One person, one vote?  Just a fun thought  like my Euphemism post!  Really that is more or less the level of simplicity that I have to reduce a complex situation to and it has to be more direct than a euphemism.  I like linguistics.

So, I will give you this post and you can see what I am working on.  You are the fourth person to have it.   All the rest of the entries in the blog are on the right hand side.  All these ideas are going somewhere.  I am not ready to discuss them with anyone yet.  You are good at defending your ideas against a mob with one hand behind your back and I am sure you gave as good as you got last night or even better but talking to some mobs is a zero sum game.  All that is accomplished is that you irritate them but that is all they want.  As a result of the irritation they find the opportunity to express how they feel, not how they think, because they don't.  To many are led by those that don't and thrive on feelings like fear/hate.  Segue here to Egypt and what happened and feelings and thinking.

It was 5:20 by the time I realized that I had intended to be there last night.

So, here is the key to the door of my thoughts on the right hand side of this blog.

Please go to this blog post first.  It is germane to the Max video.  It dances around it but connects at the end.  All the rest are too.  This is the video about China at the end of that post.  Then meander at will among the posts.  Keep in mind I only wrote them for myself at this point.

What Jefferson said about those having the money ruling is a truth.  China is going to rule.  Perhaps they are sending us a two part euphemism.  We just don't get it.  They are very clever or we are very dumb.  Down the center of the beginning of this link are more good things that wise men said about money.  The rest of the link I am still struggling to understand and filed it as "return to" when I know more. 

Max was laughing through his entire comment.  He knew about some of the ridiculous parts of what he was talking about.  He did not know about the others.

Somebody over in China is watching Max and laughing all the way to the Noodle Factory.  If his video goes viral in China we will know the writing on the wall.  They get euphemisms, the beauty of this one is that Max does not even know that he expressed one.

What Max's video says in in so many words that is really bottom line words that are taboo for us to say (but he does not know he said it.)

"We are so stupid".


"We do not even know it!"

We will be the last ones in the world to get it when everyone in the world is laughing at us after the dollar falls.

Just desserts?  The end of our feasting on the rest of the world.  We get eaten.  So sweet for them.

Truly justice for what we have done.  Justice is what love looks like when it takes social form?  Interesting idea.  Mike has a fascinating mind and an equally interesting way of expressing himself.

And we thought we owned the world with our military.

The Chinese guy that saw Max with be the center of attention at the Noodle Factory water cooler today.

“First they ignored us
Then they laughed at us
Then they attacked us
Then we won”

Funny money.  That is all we will be left with.  It will not even be ours.  It all belongs to the banksters!  Like Mubark the banksters will bail out.  Where to?  China.  They will be greeted as liberators of the world that caused the downfall of the USA.

Banksters wear a beret and a t-shirt underneath those suits? The people who start a revolution are called revolutionaries.  The Banksters started this one.  Perhaps they are our enemies more than we even know?

Inside job!!!

Chinese plot?

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