Saturday, February 12, 2011

Show Me the Money (UML) Picture

I must conclude that the Banksters have a full and accurate picture of what money is and what money does.  That picture exists clearly in their minds.  Perhaps the safest place to protect something until we waterboard them.

If that picture was expressed as a technical diagram, probably in (UML),  as a managerial conceptual expression of the business model down to the computer system that implements and operates it then somebody might get their hands on it and reveal everything.  The ultimate bank theft!

It must be hidden, it must be kept secret by the banksters.  Wikileaks please find and reveal it.

Has any UML expert recently working at the top on Wall Street died in an airplane crash?

Is there a UML expert looking for a job to document the current monetary system?  You will never be able to work in the system anymore and you and your family will be smeared.

We will erect a monument to you in DC.

How about some institution sponsoring the effort?

Open Source Groupware development?

Google?  Maybe if Google gets a franchise to the private small money system that I described when we go to a public big money system.

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