Monday, February 14, 2011

Egypt - The Next Revolution

It is so obvious to me that the next revolution in Egypt closely follow what, as quick as yesterday, became the last revolution.

The revolution today is about money.  They will lose.

It is not about masses of people gaining control of space and finding a voice to proclaim their freedom and replace those in office that have repressed that freedom.  They already did that.  They can follow up by seizing wealth.  Wealth as property in its various form.  Perhaps some money as one of the forms of wealth.  That is what a mob does.  They were not a mob.  They were people that self organized not to destroy anything but to win control of what had been taken from them.  Or, on the flip side, to shed their fears of what was being done to them and those that did it. 

The joy they displayed at winning their freedom was more anticipatory.  The joy they displayed in shedding their fears of what would be done to them by the thugs that had ruled and their goons was direct and immediate.

The longer term fear of where the next meal is to come from, the future of their children remains.  I pray that their hope to conquer that remains as strong.  Thugs and goons that impose that fear are a greater foe than Mubarack, so much harder to change.

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