Thursday, February 10, 2011

Moving Toward Solutions

 The first step in Object Oriented Design (OOD) methods that apply Unified Modeling Language (UML) to create descriptions of systems to do something through implementing the UML through Object Oriented Programming (OOP) is naming the Problem Domain and giving it a fundamental simple description.  This description is a brief, concise written statement describing the boundries and nature of the existing situation and the problem related to it.  Our information age has provided better languages to accompany, enhance and support the traditional form of written problem description that serve as natural stepping stones to the actual methods used to solve the problem.  The big problems we face and solve now are in the Problem Domain of Information.  A problem model therefore becomes the stepping stone for the long path of translating a Natural Language description of the Problem Domain to a Machine Language that creates a computer based system that solves the stated problem with a working solution.

The Problem Domain is Money.  The word "Money" in the previous sentence links to a Wikipedia description because for convenience all previous links connect to Wikipedia.  Good enough to start but there are certainly more and widely varied description of what money is and often they are so inter-related to what money does to the extent that they confuse a clear view of what it is.  The Problem Domain of money is of course what it is and what it does.  The Object Oriented Thinking approach to the problem is, like it says, is focused on what what an object is and its relationship to other objects in the system. Then it focuses on what inherent methods the object must know to function in its relationship to other objects as they ask each other to do something.   In the case of money the object is a conceptual abstract. 

Originally, the abstract concept of money was one in the same with physical money, whatever that was chosen to be.  Then for a matter of convenience, the abstract concept was separated from its direct physical relationship to the physical object. The next step conceptually took money another step away from the physical object with "Fractional Reserve Banking" based on gold.  That step enabled those that used money to make money to make more money.  Then the United States went off the Gold Standard.  That made what money is an even more conceptual construction.  It also introduced a new complexity and associated obscurity in the increased level of conceptual abstraction of the original historical identity of what money is as an object.

The Golden Rule parody is the "who has the gold rules"  Which in reality is not a parody.  The reality was seen by Jefferson:

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and the corporations will grow up around them, will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." Thomas Jefferson in the debate over The Re-charter of the Bank Bill (1809).

The basic flaw in the construction of the money system is that money is a private system.  The solution is that it must be a public system.

Jefferson was right.  Jefferson was smart.  It is ironic that he appears on the Two Dollar Bill.  The two dollar bill is a Federal Reserve Note issued by the Federal Reserve Bank  A private bank that issues private money.  How totally ironic!

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