Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Money Is What Money Does ---- NOT!

Think about it:  "Money is what money does."  Really think about the logic in that phrase.  I mean, really think about it.

Boil it down.  Make it as simple as possible.  How about this for simplicity:  "A thing is what a thing does".   Google the phrase in quotes and the search actually returns 2 pages of 15 specific direct hits on the exact search term in quotes but states that there are 130,000 results.  This is the link to the search on the phrase in quotes.  Look at it yourself.  What Google defines as "results" numbering 130,000 is unknown.  The 15 it shows is specific.  I had hoped for something more conclusive defining how people use this phrase and an analysis, probably philosophical, of it meaning.

Here is what I think about this phrase:  "A thing (money) is what a thing (money) does".  It is an ignorant statement lacking any logic.  Therefore, illogical.  Stupid at face value.  Supremely clever however if its purpose is to confuse and direct by way of deception into never ending confusion about the difference between what a thing is and what a thing does.  It is a beautifully elegant way to deceive in the most fundamental way.

How is it so elegant?

Simply stated it takes a binary relationship between two object things and expresses that relationship as only and exclusively between one of the object things and the action that implements that relationship to another object thing.  Expressing the relationship that way totally removes by exclusion the other thing that must exist in a binary object relationship.  It transforms a binary relationship between two object to a binary relationship between an object and its action.

The reduction of binary relationship between two unique objects to a relationship of a single unique object to its action independent of any other object is a recursive relationship of the object only and exclusively to itself and nothing else.  That is by definition a state of being called "Unity"  A different state of being than "Binary".  Unity is one thing, unbroken.  Binary is two things.

Pure unity is a conceptually mystical state of being existing in the absence of time.  Binary is a conceptually real state of being existing in the presence of time and made possible by virtue of the nature of time (which is something essential for things to have actions, without time there is no action possible).  What is the nature of time?  That is an excellent question.

I believe that time is the ultimate verb, the action concept that unites different unique object things in the real world.  The real world would not exist without it. 

Kick that thought into the mystical state of being where a thing is defined only by what it does without connection to another thing and it sets up an entirely different alternate reality.  Really and clearly that has always been the clever way of the human mind to conflate and confuse reality to higher level states of being existing in eternity or absence of time.

Money is a conceptual thing that has been successfully manipulated into impossible state of being in reality to relate only to what it does and nothing else.  Defined as having no unique object identity attributes as a thing that relate by an action to any other unique thing.

Money is defined to be its action.  An impossible state of being in the real world.  Possible in a higher level abstract world but that is not where money is spent.

What a grand and elegant trick.  The nature of money is removed to a higher level world where it only relates to what it does but everything it does it does in a real world that is conceptually built on a structure as simple as our language, our conceptual structure that organizes our relationship to our world.  That conceptual structure is founded on the binary relationship of two objects called nouns related to each other by a verb.  The trinity of logic.

Defining what money is by what it does defies the logic of reality.  Of course it does.  Convince the users of money that the logic nature of money exists at a higher level of reality where a thing can only conceptually relate to what it does in the absence of relating to any other uniquely different thing then those that manage this public perceptions are masters of a real world that used the mystery of a non reality based world to their supreme advance to control a real world.

Go back and read the previous paragraph again and then ask yourself:  Doesn't that describe a very old business model?  One that we still have not figured out?

Money is a thing.  A commodity.  Every unit of the the money thing must have an identifying serial number and other defining finite and controlled data elements to give it a real world conceptual identity.  That is what money must be.  Logically it cannot be only what it does.   Money must be a unique conceptual object joined to related objects by an action called exchange.  The objects to which it relates in this exchange action are collectively called Economy.

The Economy is the relationship of money to real and conceptual objects of value implement by an action verb called exchange or spending.  Exchange (spending) is a public and private social decision making function.

The commodity concept theory of money destroys the false and deceptive concept that money is a money does.  It is a dangerous concept that would destroy the current conceptual foundation of money that elevated it to a logic domain beyond reality where some conceptual "thing" can exist defined only and exclusively by its action and can exist without a binary relationship to another unique object defining its existence which is the rule for existence in the real world.


I hereby claim first right of that phrase to be of my own creation to the extent that it has never to this time been indexed in Google as a thought expressed in that unique word order.  A search on those words in quotes gives no results of its existence on Google prior to the time I have made it on this blog.

L R Wray said here that "Money is not what money does" The phrase is not the exact same as mine but I must applaud his expression of the same meaning and credit him with expression of the fundamental concept appearing as a result of a Google search.  The trill here is that such a great mind had a similar idea.

L R Wray:

"It is necessary to distinguish between money as a measuring unit and those assets denominated in the money of account. Thus, bank deposits are not money, but are denominated in the social unit of account—that is, money (the dollar in the US). Similarly, it is necessary to distinguish between money and those various functions performed by assets denominated in the unit of account: money is not what money does. Some money-denominated assets function as media of exchange or means of payment. While these functions are typically fulfilled by certain money-denominated assets, this does not make any particular asset that so functions money."

I go one step beyond Wray in saying that money is more than just a number in a controlling account.  In fact the primary record of money should not be the account in which it exists the the association of serialized denominated digital units of money to an account of the owner.    This of course requires that all money be asset based in its creation and continued existence as opposed to debt based in the current system.

I also claim creative right (for what it is worth) to the following phrase in quotes as never have been indexed prior to this time in Google:


Not exactly like being the first to climb Everest but a small thrill.

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