Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dodging Taxes

This link discusses "The Deal to Dodge the Tax Man in America"  It is about the same old business model to maximize profit and minimize expense.  A fundamental business model.  To avoid or evade taxes is a way to do that.  The difference between avoid and evade depends on what can be gotten away with.  With big bucks anyone can get away with a great amount in various ways.

One of the ways to game any system of control is to confuse the the issue of right or wrong, fair or foul with confusion and creative ways to hide the crime.  When it comes to money, just make it hard to follow, hard to pin down and prove anything.  Run it through a maze that if anyone attempted to follow they would soon not know which way is up.  It is like chasing the feathers of a pillow in the wind to capture the pillow.

Hiding money from taxes is very similar to hiding connections on the internet.  Hops to various servers, hiding relationships and other methods applied so that where anything came from cannot be traced.  On the other hand, information systems in our digitized world have been created with the exact purpose of minimizing ambiguity.  The is the purpose of computing.  The tax dodge business model is to maximize ambiguity, the aim of computing is to minimize it.

Minimizing ambiguity in the computing domain starts with the identification of stuff, things.  It is very much like building physical things but done at the conceptual level that relates directly to a physical electronic processing model of circuits, connections, storage, etc.

In the object model I think about in this blog all digital money is identified by a unique serial number and a unit of value.  It is an object that has no ambiguity, cannot be changed and is persistent over time.  People relate to money and are identified in the same manner because they have accounts that relate to the digital dollar currency money they make,  own while int their account and spend.

If businesses are people they must also be uniquely identified in the system as the owners of digital money currency.  All money held is traceable at the unit dollar level to who had it in a chain of ownership and when  and who current owner is.  All digital money is owned by some entity, private or public.  There is no such thing as lost money or unknown ownership.

Businesses must keep records of what their money was received or payed for.  Based on the business records tax is paid.

It would be simple to construct a monetary system that is completely unambiguous regarding ownership of money, how it was made and spent and the things of value in a transaction that it was exchanged for.  In that kind of system tax evasion would not be possible.

Down in the comments to the link is one by Barbara Duck.  She provides this  link:  A Tax Free Tour it deals with the creation of ambiguity as  a means to dodge taxes.  Her link contains this video "The Tax Free Tour.

We have created a world wide computer based information system to serve us based on fundamental system design.  It organizes and controls the information and the processes.  We must simply apply the same systematic object oriented design and development methods to the domains of money and finance.

Where does that start?  By identifying the fundamental objects on which the system is based, with what it functions to a unique unit entity.  There are really only two.  A unique digitized serialized digital dollar as one instance of a class of all digital dollars existing as an independent data base of all dollars.  A uniquely identified entity as an instance of a class of all entities that relate to digital dollars in the system.

The relationship between the two super classes Currency and Currency Owners is that all Currency is owned individually and collectively by relationship to all Currency Owners at any given time and as ownership changes on a unit dollar level a history record of ownership change and related information is created.

It is a debt free based monetary system.  Debt may be created by lending of debt free based money but that is a contractual arrangement related to existing money, not the condition that creates new money.

It is a system that exists based on positive debt free money as an object, not negative debt money has no object identity other than a negative number created so that it may go out of existence when a debt is paid to the loaner.

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