Sunday, May 11, 2014

Income and Wealth

Income and wealth are two different but related things.  In accordance with my object oriented approach to figuring things out there must be a fundamental key verb action word implementing the relationship between the two conceptual objects of Income and Wealth.

If I identify that specific fundamental verb action the joins Income and Wealth in a trinity of two nouns joined by a relationship implementing verb then I will have established a basic foundation upon which to build a system model description of.........of what exactly?  It would not be like a relation upon which all is built like the top of a pyramid from which all descends in a top down breakdown to the bottom.  Or if you like to look at it from the bottom up then a the duality of two nouns joined by a verb upon which there is a bottom up assembly that is the picture of an inverted pyramid.

No, the pyramid structural view of the preceding paragraph is just a point of view useful to organize the approach to understanding but it is too conceptually rigid a structure to force the problem domain into.  Consistent with all the prior entries in this blog related to my own object oriented approach the problem domain is a big ball or marshmallow that can be entered at any logical point of view as a start point.

Income and Wealth and their object relationship implemented by a (fill in the blank) verb word is my chosen point of entry to the real and conceptual domain of allocation/application  of real and conceptual resources.  The progress of technology has given us (created by ourselves for ourselves) a vastly greater amount of conceptual resources and ability to manipulate them (integrate them with the manipulation of physical resources) over time.  We have more total combined real and conceptual resources now than we have ever had and the magnitude of total resources is growing at an increasing rate that can be described mathematically.

A key to a point of entry is never is never a single conceptual or real thing.  It is always two noun object things related by a verb action word.  That is the nature of duality upon which the entire universe is comprehended.  What is that duality and implementing verb?  It exists in many forms.  One of them is Matter related by Time to Energy.  The fundamental form in which all the various forms of expression fit is Noun related by Verb to Noun where the two nouns are different things.

Income (Verb) Wealth.  There is a common measurement of each thing in terms of value expressed in monetary units.

The monetary unit is the dollar.  There are two aspects of the dollar.  What it is as money and what it does as economy.

Excellent analysis of Piketti's wealth tax by Rumplestatskin at this link

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