Wednesday, February 22, 2012

If I Owned All the Ones and Zeros

The Onion had this wonderful satirical bit on Bill Gates patenting 0nes and Zeros.

If I owned the right to create ones and zeros out of nothing I'd be rich.  Richer than Bill.

I would create them and then loan them out for use, charge interest while they were in use and when they were used in an application program and moved to trash or when the product of that application program was moved to trash then the ones and zeros would be extinguished.  They would go back to the nothingness from which they were called.  I would then summon them from nothing to existence once again to loan for use.

Yes, would users pay me?  Not with ones and zeros of which I have unlimited supply but in fractions of tiny square area measurements of property they own.  This is the concept of micro payments with property as the medium of exchange.  People owned less and less property for which they had exchanged to me for use of ones and zeros in terms of movies and twitters as well as managing their businesses.  I would then rent back the use of their property to them for payment in money.

The banksters would create money out of nothing to lend to people to use to pay me in land micro payments for ones and zeros I created out of nothing to lend to them to use in application programs and the products of those programs.  Eventually I would own all the land but I would rent it back to the people to use.  I might even tell them how to use it or at least restrict its use any way I chose as a condition of use.  When there was no land left with which people could make micro payments to me for use of my ones and zeros then other forms of servitude payments could be chosen by me.

Nobody is off the ones and zeros grid.  This is the information age.  Nobody can live without using ones and zeros or being used by ones and zeros.

Curses:  Foiled by the Apple iCloud!  In the iCloud there is only one instance of ones and zeros that is called an iTune and everyone that uses it has bought a right to use it.  There is no longer a milllion or more instances of each iTune held on each persons iTune file.

Actually, Bill Gates was clever.  He created the operating system gate to access all the ones and zeros.  He also wanted to control the applications programs that would use his gateway.

Curses, foiled again by Apple.

Curses, foiled by Apple and Open Source operating systems and application programs.

Banksters rule.  They have exclusive rights to money creation.  No competition, no control, no open source.  No problems.  But Apple has a hundred billion dollars.  Enough to start an iBank in the iCloud where all the money is a serialized digital record existing forever and the name of the associated owner of the money changes with transactions.  The business model is no charge for the service, just skim off the related information value (like an user interest payment for use) for data mining.  In this case the interest payment, information, is something produced as a value.

Banksters patented money.  The best business model.  Create something out of nothing at no cost and sell as a time based loan for a real payment on the loan plus interest.  Do not create the interest to repay the loan.  When the loan is repaid and the originally created money goes back to nothing then do it again.

The Banksters model was best until Apple and perhaps Apple and the division of Google call Strudel came along with real 100% money in the iCloud called iMoney replacing fractional reserve banking after the Bankster's license to steal was revoked by the government.

I wish I would have patented the alphabet or numbers.

Maybe I should patent the idea of all virtual money in one virtual place all serialized and denominated and existing forever with only the name of the associated owner changing as transactions are made in the buying and selling that money is used for.

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