Sunday, February 12, 2012


I have found the model of my thinking that I knew someone, somewhere who is so much smarter than me at expressing it would have logically and reasonably have created it.  The person that did that, in detail, is Professor Yamaguchi.  Everything he has done in the detailed development of the complete model is the picture that I see.  The model developed by Prof. Yamaguchi is here.

Dennis Kucinich presented Prof. Yamaguchi at a congressional briefing with these words:

For quite some time Stephen has been telling me you have to hear Professor Yamaguchi.  He is a voice whose message has the potential to transform the world.  And I’m glad to be here to help make [this] possible, with the co-operation of you members whose staffs are represented here and the organizations that are represented here.

The model developed by Prof. Yamaguchi is here.  It has all the answers and detail to explain everything.  It is complete and comprehensive.  The debt money model cannot stand against it.  The only thing that supports the debt money model is special interest held by the few but powerful that benefit from it. 

Dennis's NEED Act is the simple toe in the door to open it so that this entire model of a complete Public Money System (Real Money rather than Debt Money) can be implemented.  It is the only thing that will save us and the world from financial disaster.  The current debt money model system simply as well a mathematically cannot go on.  This is why I have been contributing to Kucinich.  He is the only politician to make this system possible.  If only Ron Paul would run on this model!!! 

Professor Yamaguchi has planted the flag for the entire world to rally around.  The new system is as real and obtainable as was American freedom and the need for revolution to free ourselves from the political and financial bonds that restrained our freedom.  To that extent, the old model of how change comes about exists once again.

A crises that we cannot tolerate.

A statement of the crises and intent to separate from the cause of the crises based on principals. (Declaration of Independence)

Application of the principals of freedom and justice to a new form of social governmental structure model (Constitution) that will guide us in the future of our course as a nation.

Professor Yamaguchi's model is the one where I can find my niche to contribute.  The one I could not turn into detailed structures like he did but is essentially the exact relationship among all the basic entities of the system that I see. 


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