Monday, February 13, 2012

Decomposition and Assembly

Just a side note before getting on with the simple system to solve all the world's problems.

It is ironic that the Bankster system born in historical functional decomposition approach of what the system does has today evolved to use the most modern technological system design approach of object oriented analysis and implementation.

Banksters use object oriented system development to structurally design the banking system at a lower level such as transactions.  They probably use the same approach at higher levels in organizing the banking structure simply because that is the direction that object oriented design is taking. 

The banking system is failing due to its inherent functional design failure of debt money.  It is also failing based on the simple math of growing debt and interest.  If the banking system which is organizing its lower level structures using object oriented approaches extended the same approach all the way up to the top super class object level "Money" I expect that they would come to the same realization that I have come to:  They got the horse before the cart putting debt in the driver seat of their top down functionally oriented monetary system.

A valid system, proven by the test of system validity is that their is an integration of design and product of design if the system is evaluated from either a bottom up assembly or a top down breakdown of the conceptual structure.

A top down breakdown of the current monetary system as well as a bottom up approach would expose its fallacy.

A bottom up assembly of the banking system's current use of object oriented design methodology by simply extending it from its already established low level object classes would ask what a lower level object's class is in relationship to it's next higher level parent's class and its attributes.  Take that approach all the way to the super class in the banking system called "Money" and presto:  A new system emerges.  The same system that I propose by starting from the Class Money and working down in a decomposition manner.

On with the decomposition of the object Money!

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