Monday, February 11, 2019

Don't Be Evil ----Code of Conduct? - Not? If not the Negative Then What is the Positive Flip Side?

Answer:  Be Good.  ....Duh!

This is a time of paradigm shift!

What will be the new Code Meme?  Do Good Unto Others...?  Before they do Evil to You?

Code of conduct has been on my mind recently.

A long way to go in Trust based permissions to use private data for private marketing benefit.  It could go that distance quickly if another factor induces permissions.

Strange I should wake up before 2:00 am with it on my mind.    It is not an oath, law, legal obligation.    It is subject to free will choice ---that is an ambiguous conceptual thing that connects humans to their behavior.

Some guessing game starts out:  Animal ,Vegetable or Mineral?

Animals have a code of instinctive animal behavior.  Nature (Vegetable) has a code of conduct.
Mineral?  Really a Class that gets everything that is not Animal or Vegetable.

That is an old school game of naming physical things in 3 Classes.  The 4th class is what is not physical but conceptually relational among all things.  Their symbolic abstraction from reality and relationships.  Once highly ambiguous.  Now....not so much.

The Information Age is building or deriving conceptual relationships faster on a worldwide internet communication system.  New conceptual object children spawned from parents become parents faster that fruit flies that were once the standard for examining generational change or maybe those peas I never figured out in college.

Information overload is a self generating bow wave.  Always pushed ahead of advancement.  Always requiring solutions to advance faster and more efficiently with less energy input.

We are in an information overload crises.  The solution is a more intuitive interface for people to interact with the Internet and the WWW.  For those that don't know the difference, they will never get it.  Just get in the back seat of a self driving car and ask it where it plans for you want to go.  All based on a priority list not of your design but one designed for a purpose based on a Watch, Quarter and Station Bill and all the other Command and Control systems of a Navy ship called Space Ship Earth?

Hey, it was just a job.  Run a business the same way and it can compete any other business for a mission purpose.


No. the new concept of "Profit". is..........Trust.  Trust in fair, honest trade and equitable distribution of benefit among all.  Worldwide.

Not a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage but basic provision of life services to all society.

What is that called?

It is all based on trust in our institutions.

The political system is broken.  A joke.

Trusted Business Enterprise is the new Business Model.  The most trusted to deliver consumer goods and services at all all enterprise levels of a vertical or aggregated relational entity enterprise.

Big Business or Small Business or Individual.

How is that restructure of our society to be done?

It is being done now.

Evil entities of the current system will be identified immediately by the new system based on Business Intelligence and E-Governance Intelligence.

There are a few Evil businesses to be eliminated...because when exposed nobody will trade with them.

The greatest number of Evil Entities to be exposed are Individuals.  Some for criminal/civil justice system  prosecution.  Others shunned by society because the content of their character has been publicly exposed in a fair system that assures privacy protections but exposes responsibility and accountability of Civil Code of Conduct violations.

There are friends and enemies.

New Category: Frenemy

Friend or Foe?

To Whom?

It all depends.

They are at both ends of human behavior?

What might the extremes be?


Scale: 1............................................10

On a Case Basis?

Social Ranking?

China is doing it their way with a Peoples Republic governance system.

We are doing it our way with a Business System.

I don't know about China but would like to go there and see for myself.

I do know that the most profitable opportunity for small or big business is the golden opportunity to win market share based on Public Trust.

Bad Business Enterprise will simply not get business.

Linked In Professionals that have resume/credentials they publicly display for examination and linkage through public Open Source search verification are either very clever at hiding the truth or trusted individuals.

It is the new Professional Facebook.

The Model for inducing joining Linked In seems to be the skeleton site entry for a  "Professional" by some standard of AI algorithm like license, corporate position, etc. but having a name only.  If the "Professional" does not join and present a profile.........They self identify as ......not aware of a new way doing business as a Professional?

Or joining would expose them as Un-Professional.  What do you have to hide citizen?

There are Neighbor to Neighbor Apps emerging expressing uncivil behavior for resolution that may expose either neighbor as the uncivil one.

Interesting to watch how that develops.  Right to privacy related to civil responsibility and accountability?

Do good and avoid evil.

Always getting better as more good is trending up and evil down.

The metrics will emerge from data driven systems and Artificial Intelligence Apps.

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