Sunday, August 19, 2018

Self Driving Cars -- Machiner and Human -- Fixed and Variable Objects and Actions

Who/What is going to Drive?  Who/What is going to Navigate?

I don't know if this is true but it might be.....

There is a difference in British shoe size and American shoe size.  The Industrial Age manufacture of shoes required size standardization to accommodate production.  The Brits established a standard fixed shoe size and shape for all production and never changed it.  Consequently, Brit feet grew into the shoe size as they aged.  Americans adopted new sizes and shapes to satisfy an unconstrained free range foot size market.  American feet.  The beauty of Freedom!

The machine/human interface has evolved.  Machines evolve as  variable to better serve generally fixed human nature requirements both physically and mentally.  Humans often adapt to machines and modify behavior when a fixed machine requirement offers a better and better object or method of human interface with life.

Machines ruling the earth is stuff of science fiction.  Or maybe should be?

The pedestrian always has the right 0f way.  Actually a fallacy but it is the model for machine/human interface design.  A basic physical object model as well as a social human/machine relationship model.

What by default is primarily the fixed object and which is the variable object in the human/machine relationship?  It is like the standard rule of the burden of proof.  A relationship which must be fundamentally established upon which to build a two party relationship system.

Ultimate human rule over our machine creations is maybe like the God/Human relationship?  Some think/believe one is absolutely fixed and the other variable.  Others think/believe in a reversed fixed/variable order.

What serves whom?

It all depends on who is in the driver's seat!

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