Saturday, August 18, 2018

Property Tax Anomalies - Investigate Them!

The link identifies property tax anomalies.

Property tax is based on assessed value.  Assessed value is a judgment of market value based on some reasonably creditable factor or set of factors.  Maybe a WAG if there are less than adequate or accurate factors to use to derive an assessed value.

The anomalies in assessed value and the resulting tax computation are what stick out like a sore thumb and deserve some analysis and explanation to validate them or identify them for some kind of correction.

The anomalies derive from the property tax record itself and/or a comparison of comparable tax properties based on some this is like that analysis that may relate to geographical location, type, size, etc.

I wrote this about the Oregon Property tax system:

CAMA software:

Standard On Appraisal of Mass Property
Mass appraisal services can be obtained by contract.  Quick an d easy.  What makes it quicker and easier is throwing out anomalies that may skew the appraisal.  It is those anomalies that should be investigated.......but are not.  Certainly not by the contractor and the assessors contracted out the process in the first place due to lack of staff and investigating anomalies is like I investigating a buck of worms.  A bucket of works full of properties that have questionable factors determining an exceptionally low unexplained tax.  Probably due to special interest tax manipulation through loop holes, tax avoidance and legalized tax evasion.

6.4 Contracting for Appraisal Services
Reappraisal contracts can include mapping, data collec- tion, data processing, and other services, as well as valu- ation. They offer the potential of acquiring professional skills and resources quickly. These skills and resources often are not available internally. Contracting for these services not only can allow the jurisdiction to maintain a modest staff and to budget for reappraisal on a periodic basis, but also makes the assessor less likely to develop in-house expertise. (See the Standard on Contracting for Assessment Services [IAAO 2008].)

In Oregon the County Assessor is an elected position:

What elected position. office holder does. not owe their position to those that elected them.  It is politics.  Who has the most interest in this case?  Follow the money and influence!

Oregon  Crook County is having its first contender for the County Assessor Position in 40 years!

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