Saturday, August 25, 2018

Aadhaar -- A Lab Rat Test Bed for the USA

Big Tech in the USA needs to test out new stuff that could not be tested in the USA.  It is analogous to testing new drugs in poor foreign nations...or even poor and unprotected human lab rats in the USA.

One of the most fundamental rules of Information Engineering is that data element classes like "Human Beings must be identified by discrete properties that absolutely identify a discrete instance of the collective class to the exclusion of any other instance.  A person's name does not do that.  A collection of data elements relating to a person's name may do that with increasing accuracy as home address, cell phone number, property ownership, profession, school graduation, credit card, bank account, etc reduce the probability of error to near zero.  The shortcut to identification is a biometric ID that is not duplicated by any other human being.

Everyone take a number!  An IPv6 number for example that combined with your individual biometric ID is the key!  Like oxygen, water, food.  Don't have a biometric ID?  Then you are dead and that jersey number has been retired for infinity.  Don't have a biometric ID?  The law says each human must have one.  Violation resolution method?  Execution or involuntary branding with a biometric ID.

Sounds like a movie plot....oh, its been done infancy and reality all the way back to a scarlet letter or cutting off a hand before better technical methods reduced the level of human ID ambiguity.

In prior blog entries I have looked at various aspects of discrete instance of an object class ID at the most granular level.  Each single dollar with a value of one each identified by its own serial number as well as attributes, methods and messages properties as well as blockchain history over time since creation associated with that unique serial number.

In the absence of a universal USA ID for all citizens I have mused that the NSA or some agent of government has assigned us all a number to the maximum extent that all  and any citizen(s) can be identified to that number with an associated accuracy probability.  We just don't know what that unique ID number is.  It is not a Public Number and Private Key social engineering structure.....yet.  If it has in fact already been secretly done for out own good to weed out the bad guys by separating the sheep from the wolves then we should at least have a right to know what our secret number is!;postID=2272083378205830331;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=41;src=link

The USA is so far ahead of Aadhaar.  The only thing is that the public cannot know that.  Public knowledge of that in the USA is a variable factor that is critical to implementation.  That variable factor must be tested and evaluated in a foreign country before it is brought home to roost.

Maybe the USA Big Tech stuff being tested in India is also being test domestically. The most likely is a captive audience.


Military?  Name, Rank and Serial Number.  The military is predisposed to state regimentation.

Illegal Immigrants?

Other likely softer targets for testing?


Medical Patients?

Age sector of the population?

Maybe everyone in a single USA city selected as a representative test bed sample for experimentation based on criteria selection.

Maybe the ID and tracking of bad guys in the Middle East.  The deck of playing cards model with a biometric ID and tracking tag ability?  Plenty of military/security money going to Big Tech for that.

Is this blog getting into the conspiracy realm?

I would say so except it all seems so reasonable.  A reasonable extrapolation of things got come based on current reality.

Our real world that mixes the reality of physical things and conceptual things. A single unique elemental conceptual thing that is an instance of the collective plural is called Human Being. What conceptual collective thing is that unique instance of Human Being most closely related to?  Actually several primary collective real and conceptual collective things and singular instances of those collective thingsin order of priority as ordered by individual freedom of choice.

High on the list of priorities is an individual unique Human Being relationship to the collective conceptual thing called Money in its physical form and their acquisition, ownership and disposition of a quantifiable  amount of discrete units of Money.

If access to Money (or goods and services provided in lieu of an exchange of what money could buy) and use money or receipt of what would otherwise be bought with money by and individual is gained only through a unique personal identifier.

Create that strong one to one relationship structure as a foundation of a walled garden social system and the result is that people cannot live without it.

Everybody get and line for a number!;postID=7985352476041271671;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link;postID=3149571083242201857;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=2;src=link;postID=8703189862373922883;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=3;src=link;postID=5587877689155297960;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=4;src=link

It all discretely elemental at the granular level!

There is a difference in the technical design intent of the system.

An individual should not live the way they do and are subject to the design of a system in which to live.  No opt out for the greater good.

An individual should not have to live like they do and may freely chose the manner in which they live if they wish to opt out.

A compromise to this binary situation?

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