Monday, August 27, 2018

Pick and Shovel Data Mining - Data - Information - Knowledge

It is always strange to look back and see what started thoughts about anything and the relationship between what brought on the thoughts and the thoughts it produced.

An apple hit  guy on the head.  Who could guess at the thoughts that it would dislodge as. result.  Where did they come from?  Where did the apple come from?

This is the apple that hit me on the head this morning and I had no idea where it would take me.  Having gone there now I know, for what it is worth.
How did I go from here to what follows?  Beats me!

Data Mining with a pick and shovel.  Data mining has become a popular meme. I call much of what I write as investigatory research my Data Mining with a pick and Shovel.

Actually it not data I am mining it is the next progression level of data where base data elements have been brought together in a collection that has the attributes of Information.  Information that is a meaningful composite of relational data.  That information is available on the internet and Google is the search method.

How to fix things is an example.  Part numbers, makes and models are data element level things that when entered with some qualifying adjectives like "left door stuck will not open". leads to information on the internet relating to the problem.

The next level beyond information is knowledge.  I am using this model:

Data is easy to gather.  Little granular gold nuggets laying on the ground like bread crumbs laying out the trail to the loaf.  The target I want information about.  Finding the information loaf is relatively easy on the World Wide Web.  Often it is already an assembly of all its parts and asked for me.  Sometimes not and I have to put the parts together and bake my own loaf.

 The next higher order step of Knowledge. That is often found on the WWW already put together for me to know about.  Sometimes I have to put information together myself to conceptually create the bakery that produced the loaf.  That is an order of magnitude more difficult, unless I have a shortcut intuition that sees the knowledge in the information written on the wall.

The peak of the pyramid is Knowledge.

The essence of an object thing is what it is as a real or conceptual thing and what it does at any object domain relationship collection level.

Darwin was good at seeing things and what they do to create higher levels of information and knowledge of the real world.  Maybe his creative mind skipped ahead to see a flash of knowledge it would become in the future if he filled in the trail of data and information?

Artificial Intelligence is a creation of our human intelligence.  The creative making of a hardware and software conceptual tool that enables us to expand our ability to apply our own intelligence like a lever or wheel is a tool.

Artificial Intelligence of the future applied to our Information Structures of today will be a tool to make them more efficient to serve us better.  To engineer better systems based on logic and reason to accomplish our purposes of conceptual objectives.

Purpose and Objectives?

The purpose of self governance and what our objectives should be to accomplish that.  Democracy is an ongoing grand experiment.  I don't know about that.  Some have ideas about that The data and information is here along with some creditable structures of knowledge.  At the top is some wisdom about the domain of Self Governance Democracy.  The wisdom of it all is not something that a Google search will return.  Maybe someday Google will complete its creation of an Artificial Wisdom machine to wise us up to what the Wisdom means and put the writing on the wall for anyone to see?

Of all wisdom that has been presented to us to see the allegory of the Allegory of the Cave is absolutely elegant.

Plato was a wise guy.

Something is wrong with the Oregon Designated Forestland taxation system.  I know it because the system produces a tax it shroud not.  I know that by examples that clearly present a bug in the system that requires correction.  I know there is a problem.  I think I know a solution.  I really do not know how to implement that solution.  Implementation requires a re-engineering of the tax system that produced the problem.

What is the nature of the elegant solution that I can put into play that induces the Oregon Property Tax system to skin itself and shed itself of  self imposed disfunction?

The nature of the elegant solution is to be found at the granular level of the problem domain.

For example:  Nobody should go hungry.  Nobody should not have medical coverage.

It is the universal application to all the same things in the same equal singular object class model.  Objects self defining as equal or defined as equal by self evident proclamation leads to application of attributes that are inalienable rights that will not be infringed upon by any other real or conceptual entity.

Knowledgeable and (some) Wiser Experts than me face the same problem domain solution Problem with the big "P".  Does a magic bullet exist?  Does it start with self evident truths?

Maybe self evident truths do not work anymore as the foundation of our conceptual systems?

Who benefits when the truth is no longer the truth?  Where do we go from that premise?

The solution to our survival is a sluggish brain?

A dumbing down theory of evolutionary survival or maybe extinction?

Do leaders matter?  They certainly do when leading on the wrong path!  But on any other path that leads to a better way?

We have an individual leading the USA.

Perhaps the leader that will lead the world is not an individual like the USA or North Korea but a country with a better system?

Who is to know?

A strategy for winning?

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