Wednesday, April 25, 2018

LPR Parking Lot System State of the Art Applications and Information Privacy

The prior blog entry delved deeply into who provided the parking operating system hardware and software to OSU Cascades.  It began with this entry:

First it was License Plate Readers to control parking......then it was....what's next on the information control list and who is in control?  What controls are there?  Where does the information gathered go?  Is it subject to any form of data mining?  Sale?  Sharing with affiliated business?  Government agencies?

Eyepax is a small footprint player in the business of systems that manage parking lots.  It put together an aggregation of available off the shelf equipment and software to provide the same system that a big player in parking lot operation would equally provide.  The opportunity was easily there to do it.  The only thing that would have made it difficult is that a single entity would capture the vertical market starting with ownership of the "Hardware/Software" system necessary to run the "Application System" analogous to computing like Apple.  Hardware and Software vendors in the parking lot management system are available to anyone with the business knowledge to put a package together.

That, I think, is what Eyepax did.  The expertise of Eyepax is aggregating the system package  and marketing it.  Taking parking lot management a step beyond other players that are only a few steps behind in the evolution of adopting leading edge technology.  What Eyepax put together is brilliant business model application of available technology.

Who else provides such an advanced package?  The answer requires more research but I am sure it will not take long until this is a commodity package.  The situation is like the old school home security business where ADT would install a home security video video package for a hefty price.  Now they can be bought at Costco or Amazon and installed by the home owner their high school children.

License Plate Readers for the "Little Guy"

Eyepax provided the system to OSU Cascades.  There are two things to examine:  First is the the source of creating the hardware and software the system is built on and the other is the privacy issues that the application of the parking system creates.  Examining the second issue first leads back to the first issue.

There are multiple entity levels involved in the privacy issue.

The first level is OSU.  There is a responsibility of OSU to protect student privacy.  What specific protections are related to the OSU Cascades parking system?  What current privacy protections are in place and what protections would be required for what reasons?  Who is responsible for privacy control? This is a leading edge privacy problem domain!

First step is to identify what privacy information related to the parking lot user is generated and where it goes in the system.  Where it is generated and goes is pervasive because it links to so many places and uses that it is like scattering feathers to the wind or finding the needle in a haystack.  The Information Age is founded on finding needles in haystacks and creating a top down system to find them by linkage as well as a bottom up system to link the needle to everything it relates to for whatever purpose.

The needle in this case is Personal Identity  (PersonalIdentiy) and all information related to PI.

What PI is collected by the OSU Cascades parking system what does that information link to and how does it relate to Privacy Protection responsibilities?  That is an enormous challenge to map out.  Personal Information can relate to anything and everything!

Problem Domain Strategy:  Start with Point of Entry of Personal Information to the various Information Systems that collect it and then associate it as personal identity information to other nodes of the Information System.

Personal Privacy Problem Domain relates to everything about an individual.  It can be entered from anywhere personally identifiable information originates.  My entry of choice is the License Plate reader in the OSU Cascades System.  Any and all readings exist on a time line entry.  The purpose of the reading is a time line charge for parking.  That point of entry time links to information relating to to an individual that exists in other information systems.  That gets big quick as real time!

Point of entry reading is therefore at the center of a relational information data map.  Then all the nodes it connects to are examined for their linking relationship.

I have an purpose and a plan.

OSU Cascades possible contacts:

OSU Cascades Advisory Board: Bruce Cummings

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