Saturday, December 13, 2014

Nuclear Weapons

Tom Englehardt is my hero and publishes at  He features selected writing of others related to thoughts and perspectives on current events that contribute substantially to the formation of my own thoughts on world affairs.

This is his preface comment introducing
Posted by James Carroll at 8:00am, December 11, 2014.

It is an examination of nuclear weapon stockpiles and Obama's statements regarding their reduction. 
Statement about something that is never going to happen to any reasonable degree.

It involves intent of many stakeholders.  Our elected representatives are our stakeholding agents. 
They are supposed by popular misconception of the functioning of our democracy to be our voice in 
governing ourselves for our common good.  They pay lip service to that idea but do otherwise.

Congress votes on many things.  I want them to vote individually on how many nuclear weapons each
of them consider necessary for the defense (or offense) of this country and then state why they have chosen
that number as well as a projected "budgeted" number in a 10 year defense plan explaining contingencies of 
national defense in relationship to the nuclear stockpiles of all other nuclear nations.

The ultimate question that they must answer is this:  

If all other nations reduce their nuclear weapon stockpiles to zero and there is an inspection program to
assure that they do then would they agree that the United States would also eliminate all of its
nuclear weapons?

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