Friday, December 5, 2014


Blockstream is an enterprise that seeks to create infrastructure to apply the block chain concept to a global system of value exchange.  That concept applied to Bitcoin is now being called side chain because Bitcoin introduced the concept and is therefore the "Parent".   Unfortunate because Bitcoin simply gave us a application of the true parent of the concept and that parent is Blockchain.  Bitcoin is a child object of  Blockchain with its own unique sector application.

It's unfortunate that the public persona of Bitcoin is the owner of the the Blockchain concept.  The relationship is actually reversed.  Block chain is the big object.  Bitcoin just an application.  Blockchain is more like a universal operating system.  Application to the problem domain of money is simply one of its many applications.

Those that recognize that Blockchain is an open source operating system are the fist comers to the gold strike to mine it, apply it to a whole new conceptual world of object value identification, organization, documentation over time line, accountability, exchange, security, ownership.  Ownership in the broadest sense of validating stake holding as well as exact ownership of objects like money.

I have written about broad application of the block chain concept in prior blog entries at this site.  I'm surprised that creative minds have not grasped the broad application quicker.  Maybe because of its initial association with a money application that has some degree of disrepute.  The clear fact is that those that profit from the complexities that cast shadows on the wall to their advantage at to disadvantage of those that are confused by the shadows will fight to the death of their flawed conceptual structures that must, and will be replaced by better conceptual structures serving the rules of logic, the language to express it and the conceptual structures that the language is used to create.

The Logic nature of abstract conceptual objects is expressed in terms of a specialized Blockchain  Language to produce a social structure Time and Physical/Conceptual object creation and control.

Wow, I really am getting somewhere in understanding the Big Picture!

Blockchain will soon become the most profound conceptual application of the World Wide Web.

Blockchain will challenge and rise above Finance as the dominating conceptual operating system controlling our social structure applications.

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