Saturday, December 20, 2014

Gigapixel Cameras and Surveillance

I have made prior blog entries about gigapixel cameras.  A fascinating technology being developed at Duke University.  The basketball game gigapixel detail of individual faces are amazing but on the other hand it could be a picture of a crown of people assembled for any purpose.  Just add facial recognition........

A gigapixel picture is different than a gigapixel camera.  A gigapixel picture can be produces by a camera that has much less than a gigapixel image chip.  It just takes a large number of high pixel pictures with a telephoto lense and stitches the all together like this from IPVM.  It takes refresh time.  A gigapixel camera has a gigapixel image chip (aggregate of many smaller pixel capacity chips and captures the image with all of them at one time over a large area.  Fast enough not to just do a snap shot but record to gigapixel video in real time?  I'm not sure about that.  Post processing may later provide time delayed "real time" video imagery.  Real time in real time is something else but it may do that.

This Darpa Youtube published 17 Dec. 2014 explains Argus capabilities.  Argus is not new.  There is probably even greater current ability that is not being revealed and may have relationship to the blimp recently launched.

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