Saturday, October 25, 2014

Why Money?

Because Profit!

While this blog meanders wherever I choose, the bushes it beats are all about what money is.

What  is money?  What is the answer independent of looking at what money does, which is finance and economics.

Knowing a thing by knowing what it does (its functions) works in nature where natural laws apply.  There is a tight connection between what a thing does and what it is that interacts with its environment by means of some relationship implementing action.

Money as a thing does not exist in the domain of natural law.  It is a conceptual structure built on a scheme of conceptual rules that spring from, are spawned by, the human mind.  What can spring from the human mind?  Why, anything that we can think of!  What springs forth has controlling natural law binding it.  The product of the human mind is boundless.

What caused the concept of money (and here I mean to exactly define it as debt money because all our money is created by a debt relationship) to leap from a thing born in the mind as a concept to take form as a thing?


Money leaped from the human mind as a structured concept.  However the fundamental meta structure of all things is described by a simple trilogy:  Logic, Language, Structure.  I have talked about that many times in this blog.  It not just a cornerstone to build on.  It is the explanation of the entire universe.  Physical and meta physical.

In the order of things, Logic comes first.  It is the chicken.  Structure is the egg.  Language?  That is the means to implement the relationship between Logic and Structure.  It is an action.  A verb that connects a noun subject and an noun object.

Is Profit a noun or a verb?  Well, I'm waiting.......noun or verb!

It all depends and that perhaps is the first step in either creating or defining complexity.  That sounds like it might explain something.  It is a method to explain something.

Profit, or Loss (and don't forget this flip side negative of Profit) Can be either a noun subject, a verb action or a noun object.  It all depends.  Like everything it depends on the frame.

The frame of everything is Logic, Language, Structure.  However, that gives three different ways to enter the problem domain.  Logic is the front door of entry.  Language and Structure are back doors that also get inside the problem domain.  Logic is a top down entry.  Language and Structure are a bottom up entry.

For example:  Mathematics is a problem domain.  A problem?  Yes, anything we attempt to conceptually create through comprehending its components is a problem domain.  Math is a problem as simple as 2+2 or complex as the universe.  Its Logic, Language and Structure scale extremely well.....until it gets to things that cannot be explained in terms of its Language or Structure which are our human tools to comprehend the nature of the fundamental Logic.  Our tools, Language and Structure are themselves the application of Logic that built them.  Chicken and egg.

Money can be examined as a problem domain from three different points of entry:  Logic or Language or Structure.  The systemic nature of the problem domain of money is determined by which one of the points of entry is deterministic.  Which point of entry is chosen to become the Logic father creator of the system.  This is where the natural world differs from the purely conceptual worlds created by the human mind.  In the natural world Logic rules.  In the human conceptual world either Language or Structure can be chosen to rule the nature of the what ever we create.   Chosen by our own definition not defined for us by Logic and only Logic of the natural physical world we live in. We leap the bounds of the natural world with great ease to the domain of the supernatural.  We do it by the free will choice to say that either Language or Structure, not Logic may be chosen as the deterministic root of whatever we desire to conceptually create to serve whatever purpose we chose.

Back far enough in this blog are entries that look at environmentalists as the best designers of a monetary/financial system.  They have a philosophy built on a natural law model.  Maybe an excellent idea!  Sustainability anyone?

This meandering thought is going off in certain direction.  Back to the original thought.

Why money?

Because Profit!

Because Profit is a Language and a Structure.  It could be a Logic thing but that would subject it to the rules of Logic.  Money, our Debt Money System is not fundamentally Logical in the sense that an natural law domain that is ultimately Pure Logic rules the Language and Structure.  Language or structure create their own logic.  logic with a little "l" not a big "L".  What is that called?  False Logic?  No, of course not!  In terms of my way of thinking "False Logic" is impossible but "false logic" is possible when we make the rules.

That is what makes money essentially more like religion than a tree.

The "logic" of debt based money is driven by (product of) the Language or Structure of Debt Money and the purpose of the designers of the debt money system in choosing either Language or Structure as the dominant approach to creation of the logic.

What makes debt money hard to understand is that the designers of the debt money system chose both Language and Structure to describe the system but only chose one to define the system.  The one that solves the Problem Domain.  Their chosen Problem Domain was Profit.

Why Money?

Because Profit!

The sleight of hand pulled by the clever bankers that created Debt Money is that the users (marks or suckers) of the system conceptually see it as a Language as their user view of Money.....

(A refresher here:  Language is the verb word in the trilogy of Logic, Language, Structure).....

Users perceive Money as a verb.  What Money does.

Bankers perceive Money as a Structure that is determined by the rules of Debt as the solution to their chosen Problem Domain called Profit.  Or, making money on money.

If I want to know what money is, within the contextual domain of the current monetary system of our country all I have to do is ask a banker.

The honest answer that a banker would give in reply to my question is..........

Money is Debt.

The full picture is:

Why Money?

Because Profit!

"Profit" is variable logic king of the relationship: logic, Language, Structure.  (Subject Noun, Implementing Verb, Object Noun function of the verb) plug in the other two chosen variables in this equation and it becomes the following:

Profit,  Debt, Money.    Money being a function of Debt and therefore its nature as a object of the subject "Profit" is best called "Debt Money"

Profit is king of the private sector domain of Money.

There are only two sectors in the total Domain.  Private and Public.

The public domain purpose related to money is not profit in terms of money but the public common good.

It is not Logical, using the big "L" of Logic that a decision making tool of money (because that in my view is essentially what money and what it does), that money be a conceptual construction born to serve profit motive.

What is the bigger scheme of things in which all this money exists to do something?

Private rights and the public good.  The public good is assured and protected by granting to ourselves self evident private rights.  Self determination of our individual freedom of choice to exercise those rights.  

Logic with the Big "L" says to me to base what is created on the existence of something.  Proclaim it to exist in a conceptual world that we create to serve ourselves in the natural world.  Collectively in the common good.  Privately in the pursuit of our own happiness that does not infringe the rights of others in the context of the Constitutional meaning of that word.

Money is the tool of both public good and private pursuit.

It is not Logical to me that money itself is the creation of a private banking enterprise for the purpose of serving itself first in terms of private sector profit based on debt.  There is a glaring conflict of interest in that situation.  A conflict of interest that has serious dysfunctional results and impact on the common public good that is based on the proclamation of private rights we have to create our system to serve our common good and general welfare.  It is an idea based on what we have not on what we do not have.

It is a hell of a system when anything is structured on a fundamental idea of what we don't have in the first place to be proclaimed as a truth then give the key to resolving that negative based absence of something to an external controlling entity.  That is what a bank is all about.  A system structured on the absence of something essential to our existence that only a bank can provide through the creation of our contractual debt to it for their profit.

Money is a public domain problem, not a private domain profit making thing pretending to promote the common good that would otherwise not be served by public money systems.  Money is a public asset without a debt counterpart, not a private system structured on debt to serve the private system entity.

We did not get the current money system all wrong and consequently not serving our best interest.  Bankers got the money system all right to serve theirs.  The Bank problem domain is finance, not money creation must be regulated the application of a public asset money system to finance.  Debt must be is a function of contractual finance not the functional creator of money and bases of our monetary system.

The tyranny of an authoritarian system is founded on a negative condition premise of the base entities.  Something that does not exist in the first place by definition of the controlling authority but is created by the controlling authority and granted for the use of whatever entities are subject to its control.

Private sector dominated debt money systems to serve private sector finance of both the private sector and the public sector is tyranny.  Finance systems must be made independent of monetary systems by making the monetary system a public domain problem.  That is exactly what the Constitution provides for.  Money right of the sovereign system to create and manage.  Our sovereign system is the government of the people yet we are ruled by those with the private banking power to create money for their profit.

This all makes sense to me..............................even if I beat around a lot of bushes to say it as best I can.

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