Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Debt Based and Debt Free Money System Mirror Images

In the debt based money system the mirror image is a debit and credit balance.  Our money system is a debt based system with the exclusion of coins.

In a theoretical conceptual debt free based money system the mirror image balance of money would be the balance between the total of personally held money (corporations are people, my friend) and the total of money in the cloud.  The connection between the two is the account of the holding entity and/or the accounting identification of the holding entity known to the cloud depending on the choice of the holding entity to select an accounting intermediary or direct relationship to the cloud.

In this conceptual monetary structure all dollars a digitized, serialized and denominated in a value of one.  Ownership of digital dollars changes at the user level but at the cloud level each unit dollar is a static entity that is always has knowledge of who the current entity is that has right transfer to another entity the serialized, digitized debt free dollar it owns.

In either system the total amount of money in the mirror images balances at the macro and micro level.

Balance sheet accounting.  One is debt based, the other is debt free.

If money in the debt free system is loaned then an independent debt based contractual system recording and maintaining the debt agreement as well as accounting for collection processes is required.

Debt then becomes simply an independent application sub system of a debt free money system using old school debit and credit mirror image accounting concepts based on legal contracts.  Legal contracts should have their own registration system.

Is that a simple enough big picture?

Added as an after thought:

Bitcoin has a mirror image balance.....I think.

It is the balance of the block chain.  The block chain is  a transaction balance that establishes a history to the current owner of the transaction amount.  I say owner of the transaction amount because in the reality of the Bit Coin system it is transactions that are spent.  Transactions that are verified by the block chain of transactions that validate the fact that a current owner of a transaction related amount has the authority to spend that transaction amount.  When the transaction, or multiple transactions with a total value as necessary to be equal to or greater than the amount required is "spent" The amount over and above the amount required must be returned to the spender as "Change", which in itself a transaction that can be spent in the future by the receiver.

The mirror image appears to be between the transactions owned by the holder of the related money value and the transactions associated with that money value in the block chain.

Mirror image equal money value between a cloud network and the aggregate total holdings on a transaction related connection basis to individual entity Bit Coin value.

Is that the way the mirror image accounting for debt free money works in Bitcoin?

Looks like it to me.

It also looks like there are two big divisions in the structure of a monetary system.

One being a "mirror image" of some kind between two balancing records.

The other being inherent value in the medium of exchange that does not require an mirror image to substantiate is value but only some physical attribute to validate its value in whatever terms that value is expressed. 

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