Thursday, October 23, 2014

Math, Physics, Finance and Rocket Science

Bill Black, my hero, writes a two part examination of Finance and Rocket Science. 

The second part is at this Link and it links to the first part.

Rocket science, the landing on the moon kind, is in the strictly controlling domain of natural laws.  A framework in which to devise systems to put a person on the moon or in orbit with penalties for failing to devise systems parts and pieces to do it fail to comply with the laws of physics.

Rocket Science applied to the financial domain allow the science to dictate the system in which it operates to hit its target objective.  Few controlling rules apply therefore fraud rules to manipulate the controls.  Bill calls it control fraud.

Just like the complexities of physics shroud my understanding on how things orbit the earth so are complexities created to shroud how the financial system works to benefit those who designed and operate the system. 

In finance the "Rocket Scientists" devise their own controlling system complexities unlike real rocket scientists are bound to work within a given framework.

It does not take rocket science to see the results of control fraud, it only takes rocket science to hide the complexity in how it is done.  An easy thing to do when the problem domain operating system environment is designed by an entity that would benefit the most from its operation applications.

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