Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Money: Ball or Score

Is money the ball or the score and what is the name of the game?

Some people say that money is a means of keeping score.  It's a number, nothing more.

If that is so, then how can it be that money means so much to me.

A score of zero sum with nothing left with balancing done

In books with pages and dividing lines, equal numbers, different signs.

One a Debit one Credit but to us, the same number with a minus or a plus.

Two different signs summing to zero at the bottom line

telling the banker all is fine.

It is the game that moves the score

The tally of points, one less, one more

At times a tie but then the game

can only end when they are not the same.

At end of game there is a victor's claim

To  a spread in points between two scores that proclaim that number as a gain.

If the game is buy and sell each player leaves having traded well

One with points that have been acquired

in exchange for a thing that is desired.

Are those points just things called the score

or are they the ball to play with some more?

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