Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Speaking in Terms of Agreement

Draft form 8:00 December 11 2018

After finishing this blog entry I must add more:

Tomorrow starts  a new adventure!

I went back to add it at this link:

Much earlier this morning:
Moved so fast I did not even go back to correct mis-spellings that would have slowed speed syntax ore even reducing my fuzzy logic to clarity for any reader to see.  I saw the clarity and intent.  Said what saw as best i could.  Wordsmith and Conceptsmith it later.  Some will see it and Adequacy is sufficient all else is superfluous.



A couple days ago I saw this Osborne 1 at Habitat for Humanity.  It was my first computer! Adequate at the time but soon superfluous as a device but in its conceptual heart a building block of the World Wide Web.

When we speak in terms of agreement we understand the the spoken language of agrement  in precise  terms that convey precise coneptul meaning that creates precise conceptual structures.

The Tower of Babel is all about linguistics.

What we have here is a failure to communicate!

The Information Age is all about communication to create conceptual structures like we built things in the Industrial Age.   We built precise machines to go to the moon.

The Information Age is a period of designing and building conceptual structures that will take us far beyond the moon to ....??????  A place beyond it.

A Place Holder that is like the beauty of the space in an unformatted bowl that becomes formattted by precise agreement among all of us on what......the The terms of agreement are beginning at a ....////

come on....don\'t quit.   Never quit.....at the binary level.

Present/Absent meaning and definition of terms built upon them.

Wen it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it is a duck.

Can we all agree on that?

why is it so hard to herd ducks?

Or skin cats in such a brutal manner?

Beyond me!

But not?

That is what I saw going out that dream state door upon awaking from sleep to reality this morning.

My sleep patterns have definatly shifted.

We have build a machine that links physical and the reality of conceptual sructures we have created that have in the time line of history been difunctional and produced dysfunctional results as a fucntion of ambiguity of the terms of reference that were different silos of data, and information.

Concepts created until the Information age....gettin down a new brance here...that lead us down a better patch linking agreement on the dfinition of terms of meaning we define amongst us all.

Codex translates the ambigiity of self governance law and adminstering law in the name of law to the extent that it is .......being used by the few that benefit from skinning our collective selves We The People.

Our fatal flaw is that we do not see the truth.

Truth is is written with a big "T" . if it is written as a small "t".  it can be anything any one wishes it to be, believes it to be and convinces others to be.

We speak many languages in the world.  Lost is translation introduces ambiguity of the slip between the cup and the lip.  We have the tools of machine translation Artificial intelliganence bu there is nothig artificial about the nature of its intelligence in  a Parent Child View.


Socratic problem

The problem is s problem to us because we want to see what he said in words he never wrote down.

He expressed communication in Terms of Conceptual Agreement between our Intellegence and the Real World?

That is as far as I can go climbing a tree to get to the moon this morning.

Does it get me  cup of coffee that i have not had yet?

I need more than a cup of coffee to get me launched beyond the first stage.

Perhaps the beauty of the Moon is that everyone in the world sees the same moon in a single night from where they are GPS positiponed.not in real time.   Over the span of eternal now  night time ast the world turns we all see it.

When we all see the move traveling in orbit over time and al have agreement on the terms of reference that meaning that there is no ambiguity of going to the moon then.....

This is where the beauty of the more precise language of numbers leaps to the more precise language of music:

I'll be looking at the Moon but I'll be seeing You.  A reflected image or Image?

You is each of us, all of us collectively as human beings.  Those that choose? to see beyond themselves  the inner You  in themselves and all others on faith have personal terms of reference and their relationships that are mearly a higher level application of... our worldly terms of reference that are good enough for all of us to agree to.

Those worldly Terms of Reference are what we examine and when we all agree to what the are we abide by them in a state of peaceful co-existence.

When terms of reference are written in different languages can be entered on computers in all the different languagles of the world and translated to the same common conceptual meaning then we know that we are getting where we want to go and are all searching for..

Socrates by any other name is Socrates.  The Socratic Problem is solved by creating a platform for all to contribute structured file data that is by definition public from many different data source public silos that are linked  in the most precise language of numerical values to their conceptual higher order meaning  expressed any given Natural Language.

Building the Tower of Babel again from the ground up...together.  The sum of the bricks is greater than the whole world


Looking deeply into the above link and the bricks beneath it is one way to see what is beneath going to the Moon and taking us to actually seeing what the next link that will take us to seeing the moon is because we have always been searching for how to go there.

The precise expression and meaning of the above link is difficult to see.

Any computer user can click on the complexity of the above link product of a machine language to see the same result as clicking on this linking representation of the link:

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts

Many have stood on the shoulders of Giants to enable each and all to make and add a brick by creating systems that provide each and all of us to contribute a brick to the structure.  That same system filters out the past and present contribution of any and all that bricks that that did not contribute or undermined to a bigger purpose of the structure.

I have my own unique tree to climb my way.

Coffee time!

The definition of "link"  depends on it frame of reference to give it meaning in sentences and paragraphs. (Terms of Agreement).

Many views:

instance of the Class view:


Break a link and the chain is broken


Some chains are never broken.


Some promise never to break them.  Some have names recorded some do not.  We may never know their names but honor those unknown symbolically.  We know who they are because known and unknown their inspiration is honored by carrying the torch they carried and handed to us.

Many have held that torch.  It takes different form and means of expression.


Some stood on the other side of the barricaded bridge with riot control water cannon.  Their weapon to douse the flame in  brave hearts of those on the other side with water they defended as sacred.  An effective weapon to kill flame as well as lives in sub zero temperatures.

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