Monday, October 17, 2016

Investigative Journalism - Hillary Clinton - Haiti

The following link is about Haiti but not Clinton.  I believed the 2% just because I had heard it so often.  A tree is a tree.  A real unique countable thing.  Just count them.  They don't move.  Establishing the truth or a better estimate of it is not difficult!  What is the agenda of the 2% estimate that is not the truth or even near it?

The links are two examples of investigative journalism that deliver some facts, some fact based conclusions worthy of consideration that they might relate to some degree of truth through revealing analysis.  Good stuff.  Truth shall set us from the veil of hiding the agenda and actions from public scrutiny or comprehension.

Hillary is an expert at private and public policy, especially when they are in conflict.  In the case of conflict private policy dominates?  Because we do not want to know how the sausage is made?  Exactly who benefits and to what extent from all that sausage making? 

It is all about the money and power related to the money.

Our global monetary system must be restructured to be totally transparent revealing by virtue of direct relationship of units of money to the registered beneficial owners of the money and all monetary exchange transactions in a comprehensive blockchain system applied to the the fundamental structure of the monetary system as well as ownership of specific owned or invested assets involved in the function of the monetary system as a medium of exchange.

What kind of a system is that?  The system I propose that is the thread that runs through entries in  this blog.

Every single unit of the monetary system must be directly related to an owner through an account.  All transactions are traceable to both the specifically identified units of money and accounts in a block chain as well as the specifically identified real or conceptual things that are designated to be subject to ownership identification.

Everything involving money as well as the money involved must be totally traceable in a transparent system in which the need to know is subject to legal investigatory control and oversight.

We need a fair game on a level playing field!

Much of what I bog about derives from my favorite best website:
Yves not only does investigative journalism but links to sites and specific reports that do investigative journalism!  The truth will set us free!  Media technology works both ways.  To confuse with complexity and mis-direction or to clarify with facts and presenting facts and reasoning based on reason and reality to dispel special interest self serving myth and spin and agendas contrary to the common good and welfare.

Finally a shout out to an Investigative Report!

No, it does not address the specific focus of this blog title.  It is an excellent example of investigative reporting that researched information that is available on the World Wide Web and public records to through light on corrupt financial practices.

Most Excellent!

What official action will result from the evidence provided?  Action to enforce laws, regulations and controls that should prevent this corruption?   That requires a higher level control of the monetary system in which it operates.  A control that establishes as a matter of record through blockchain accounting systems the transactions involved, the accounts involved, the entities related to those transactions and the beneficial owner of the account and transacting entities.

Transparency and truth!

This is related to the title of this blog entry:

Investigative reporting at its finest:  If facts on criminal corruption can't be found then steal them.  It is called spying on the crooks using a corrupt system.  Stealing operations information from crooks, investigating it and releasing investigative information to the public for scrutiny is not a crime.  It is a public service.

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