Wednesday, October 12, 2016

AUSA - Association of the United States Army

This is a google search on General Milley

AUSA website: A non-governmental entity composed of military members beating the drums of war.

The last two links go off on a tangent from the focus of this post but are related.  While our forces in the Middle East are the tip of the spear, those teeth are business end supported by a long tail.  A tail of logistics that is more than just hardware support.  It is political support of the mission in tune with the political party of the day.  We have just one party really.  A war party, a big business party, a big money party, a capitalist party.  It puts the top 1% at the top of the supporting tail.

A top ranking military officer speaking in uniform at a non-military function, I will not even give it the description of quasi-military.  Mercenaries are quasi-military.  The audience is or was composed of top ranking members of the US Military (plus lower ranks of wannabes and probably their  counterparts in the Military/Industrial complex.  This does not pass the smell test of honor and integrity beyond reproach consistent with the standard of a higher level of professional performance.

Look at General Dunford, USMC, Chairman, JCS speaking at an AUSA function:
What he says treads on the domain of political speech.  A boundary that is being push in the same manner as the boundary between the military and industrial complex.  Perhaps  a search on the term: Military/Political Complex might be revealing?  It certainly exists except as an indirect relationship.  More money to be made going through the industrial revolving door than the political one.

AUSA images search: ausa association of the united states army
It even has its own credit card!

This is in my opinion, everything written here is that, an excellent statement on the Military-Political relationship evolving to a role of greater Military power and performance in the Political domain that has sifted the dominant role:

Perhaps the last several paragraphs looking at this situation is worthy of a new blog entry.

AUSA Young Professional deserves a critical look. A non-profit.

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