Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Beauty of a World Wide Web Data Base

Recent posts in this blog lead to this:

The beauty of a WWW data base is that anyone can data mine it by entry at any point because the WWW relates so many entity nodes.  Choose a nexus of common intersection as the crossing point core of paths of any problem domain and it leads to all points as well as relates distant points.

For Example"  "1209 North Orange Street"

Nothing like a physical address location to start the exploration of connected conceptual structures!


If anyone can't find some leads to follow here then they do not feel the primal instinct of the hunt.  The WWW is much more exciting than owning a gun.  More satisfying than a photo shoot.  Track and identify targets, pull the trigger and hit them with exposing truth of identity an connections.  The best first person shooter game ever created.  Investigative Journalism.

Come on game makers!  Make it the best reality game in town!  The best real time detective story!

It was a dark and stormy night on the WWW at 1209 North Orange Street.

Lets all start following the clues and collaborate on this investigation!!  The trails lead everywhere.  We need some boots on the ground at the geographic locations they lead to.

Tweet clues!  Add photos.  Take your shots!

Information is a resource.

Knowledge is Power!

Crime scene: https://www.google.com/?client=seamonkey-a#q=1209+North+Orange+Street

Tally Ho!

Good hunting!

This from a banker in the Cayman Islands:
“You can have companies in Delaware that have no U.S. bank accounts, no requirements for documentation and no one knows who owns them,” says Anthony B. Travers, chairman of the Cayman Islands Stock Exchange and former chairman of that country’s Financial Services Association. “There should be a level playing field and Delaware should have to comply with the same standards as the Caymans.”
Unfair! But an interesting comment:  A company in Delaware that has no US Bank account. That is interesting.  Elsewhere I read that there is not point in having a shell company if it is not connected to a bank account.  Seems true.  But what about having a Delaware registered company with no US bank account?  The obvious conclusion is that it has a non-US bank account.

What if it was required that all companies registered in Delaware were required to declare a current banking entity or entities to which their funds are deposited?  What privacy would that violate?  What would that information be worth?  Public info?  Plus a declaration of percentage of total annual flow of dollars to the deposit activity bank. 


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