Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sarawak Report -- Stolen Wealth

The link reveals knowledge as a product of data mining.  Otherwise known as outstanding Investigative Journalism.  All of that effort by an investigator could have been greatly facilitated by deep mining using Artificial Intelligence to produce information for analysis processes leading to knowledge.

In this case a person beats a machine.  Because the data is not available in a form that Artificial Intelligence can process.  It would be if beneficial ownership was mandated by law and traceable.  The current opaqueness is just another intentional deception to the advantage of hiding things that should otherwise be known to regulate the processes of the market.

Following the trail and putting all the clues together is old fashion detective work.  The detective that wrote this did an excellent job.  Now the knowledge is out there.  Light has been shown on the problem.  Bad guys identified.  Now what?  The system that produced this situation continues to function and will do so until Players in the Game and their associations with Market entities are required by law to be registered with a government in order to do business.

Something was stolen.  The thief wants to get away with the theft.  Secrecy is of utmost importance.  If thieves can't play unless they are registered with numbers on their back tying them to the various teams and sponsors they are playing for professional then the play of the game and all the motions are visible.

All commercial entities must be officially registered and connected to beneficial owners.  Accounting controls must validate relationships among the entities.  Simple rule.  Follow the money, associate it with all the players.  Make it all public open source information.  Corporate secrecy and privacy be damned.  Public right to know rules.  Is where I would hope to find some connections already established for the named entities and people in Sarawack link.  No immediate results.  Perhaps an entry with the links should be created at Muckety or some similar site that provides an appropriate format for posting investigative results from crowd sourced intelligence.  The "people based" form of data mining.  An owned subsidiary of SunChase that makes handling money so much easier.

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