Monday, October 26, 2015

Walled Garden Monetary System

My prior post examined Users of the my Monetary System design concept structured on the triad of User, Currency and Account.  Logically there should be two follow on blog entry examinations.  One being Currency and the other being Account.  I will skip that.  They were sufficiently presented in  the prior blog entry.

User is the focus of the system.  The system is a "Walled Garden".  This link is a Google search on the term.   It is a broad selection of what a Walled Garden is and how the concept is applied.   Wikipedia explains Walled Garden Platform at this link.  It is a closed ecosystem.   Strictly Members only. admitted to do what Members can do exclusive any non-Members.  I like that un-ambiguous concept.  It is modeled on nature, natural information structures.  Parent/Child relationships of natural things.  Living things being a major category that pass on attributes to their children.

If your Parent did not have and Children then you can't have any either.  It is an end of the line proposition of real or conceptual life of every thing.  Everything is related in a Parent/Child relationship.

Create a Parent attribute that is inherited only by its Children objects and shared with no other object in the total universe of all other Parent/Child attribute relationships and it makes all children of that parent and the environment in which it operates unique.  It is a "Walled Garden" into which no other entity can enter except the Child of the Parent that has that real or conceptual attribute.  Child members of that "Walled Garden" can however have relationships with other different Parent/Child objects outside the Walled Garden.

No Walled Garden is an Island.  Great thought!  It came out of nowhere when I key stroked the last period in this linear stream of symbols into where ever that period resides in concept and reality over time.

A Walled Garden works both ways.  Keeps protected things inside.  Keeps unwanted things outside.

If a Garden is "Not Walled" then it is not a "Walled Garden"  Is that a binary relationship?  One state of being....being Walled the other state of being....not being Walled.

My Walled Garden Monetary System is one where entities called Users having the conceptual attribute identity of IPv6 number can enter as the key to interact or play with two other entities that are also Walled Gardens, one being Currency and the other being Account all three being within a Parent Walled Garden Monetary System encompassing User, Currency and Account.

It is a tight system.  The key to entry for all three is an exclusive IPv6 number at the lowest granular level of each of the interacting triad entities; User, Currency, Account.  IPv6 is a Walled Garden but that is one that external to the Monetary System that the Monetary system where the triad entity members inherit attributes of an IPv6 Parent.

It is all ploymorphically incestuous by Object Oriented design.

As simple as our natural language is basically simple but look at all the complex things that be constructed with it as ambiguous at the fundamental building blocks of letters become as they are put together by application programs in our heads.  That is how the current Monetary System was built with conceptual symbols of letters and numbers.  Numbers have far less ambiguity than letters in natural language generated systems.  That however preceded the computer information age when descriptive system specifications are being written in a more rigorous language than Natural Language.

My Digital Monetary system is re-writing the system specification is a more rigorous manner that reduces the ambiguity of User Benefit from System Design to isolate abusers of System Design who emerge as the original institutional legacy Monetary System designers that built in features that are now clearly bugs in the system that sub-optimize it.

Focus on the User of the Monetary System is therefore the most important object entity to start with.  All else falls into place in the design.  All else being requirements for Currency and Account.

It is a tightly controlled Walled Garden.  It includes as Users all entities that conduct business with Currency as a medium of exchange.  "Money Like" financial instruments currently outside of ambiguous specifications of what money is or is not must be reduced to either in or out of the Monetary System Walled Garden objects.  Their complicated relationship must be highly defined.  A task that becomes easier after the conceptual structure specification of the Monetary System is highly defined.

"Money Like" financial instruments are things that Users of the Monetary exchange for currency.  Use as if they were currency.  Want to exchange at given values with currency.  As "Money Like" as they wish to be in form and function, they are conceptual representations of value that have varying degrees of connection to real world physical things with market associated/derived value.  At the extreme they are conceptual representations of Snake Oil but not even traceable to some real stuff in the real Walled Garden of a bottle.  "Money Like" financial instruments at this extreme must play in a Walled Garden called Fantasy where objects have no relation to reality.  Currency in the Monetary System cannot be used to resolve Fantasy object debt nor can Currency System be expanded to accommodate illegal or fantasy created debt.

Systems to create or satisfy obligations not involving a medium exchange in the Monetary System may exist outside of the Walled Garden of Currency.  However, those systems are based on direct trade not involving a conceptual medium of exchange but direct trade of two or more things between two or more contractual parties.

The concept of the last paragraph is elusive but required to distinguish the role of medium of exchange from trade in Economics.  Direct trades of value not having an intermediate medium of exchange are in the domain of the Walled Garden of Trade.  Different Garden, different relationships, different rules.  Generally in the domain of contracts.

No, that won't work.  "Money Like" things are too much like money that they freely operate as a medium of exchange.  Dark Money.  Convertible to the official money called Currency.  However they must be assigned characteristics of direct trade objects, not medium of exchange with value as a function conversion to Currency by right or demand on the Currency System.

Essentially it is a systemic risk matter.  Currency must be protected from shift of systemic market risk incurred by "Money Like" things masquerading as close to currency under the concept of money but are only objects of direct trade that can be purchased with Currency but once purchased cannot be exchanged for currency but only other objects in its Non-Currency (Money Like) Walled Garden.  That Walled Garden would probably have to employ an IPv6 identification to all objects in its direct trading system exchanged for other objects on the system.

Maybe just leave all trade not involving a medium of exchange to the Mr. Market to figure out.  Their user problem. It is a problem of things being expressed in money value units but not being settled by medium of exchange but traded on an agreed value of the objects involved.  Sometimes settled with a combination of Currency and the trade value of the objects involved.  Usually talking big business negotiations here normally involving contracts.

It requires a Problem Domain definition.  Currency as a Medium of Exchange is by nature a convenient intermediary to the conduct of business at the lower transaction value level where the bulk of transactions take place.  High values of few transactions called Loans are where money is created in the current system.  A system where money is not a medium of exchange that seals the deal but a contract is.  A contract that is sealed by a direct trade where each party walks away with a piece of paper signed by both that created money by a key stroke.  Money was not the medium of exchange but the product of the exchange of contractual obligation.  It them became a medium of exchange as a proxy of that contract agreement exchange.

The argument:

 Is Currency a contractual related thing making it a Child of the Parent Contract of a bank loan?  Yes that is what it is today.  All money is debt money.  (excuse the insignificant 3% that is paper currency circulating in the USA).  97% is digital debt based created by bank loans key stroked into existence as a function of a loan agreement creating an equal debit and credit account.

Or should Currency a child of a different Parent than a Contract  Parent? 

Yes, to the latter and a system structured on that thought.

The Parent of Currency in an Object Oriented structure  is answered by its methodology of discovery of Parent/Child relationships that asks: What Parent is this a child of?

It is the child the Parent that gives it either the greatest number of attributes and/or attributes independent of number that are unique to the Parent in both its Parent attributes and methods to do things as well as messages it can receive to do them.  Think of it as distinguishing genes and their methods and messages inherited from the Parent.  What Parent object does it look like, act like, more than any other possible Parent as an offspring product child of that Parent object thing?

Child of a Contract Parent?

Looks more like the Parent should be Us, We the People, the user and all of our institutions we form that use the medium of exchange in Persuit of Happiness.  Money can't buy it but it helps us get where we have endowed ourselves the personal freedom where we choose individually or collectively to go.

Money in the form of our Currency is the social decision making tool in our individual hands and collectively in the hands of our nation.

We are the Parent of a child called Currency.  It has more of our attributes and more important foremost distinguishing attributes and methods to apply them to actions than a thing of the business world called Contract that creates something called money that is owed at birth delivered by a Bank and a Child of a Parent called Debt.  As debt money it converts in use to a medium of exchange that facilitates our Pursuit of Freedom.  At its genesis  however is the tyranny of debt.

The game is rigged to force us into debt with debt money and enhance the power of those that extract the price of debt money and finance of our endeavors.  The power that becomes a tool of our politics, our form of collective decision making beyond the objectives and sometimes in conflict with objective of the profit motive.

Currency is a Child of Us.  We are the collective Parent that gives it child attributes to serve us as we choose.  One of those choices is to incur a debt obligation if we wish but that is a matter of contractual agreement with an agency that a fiduciary obligation to administer loans of existing positive money. 

Some tangled thinking here but throwing it all out as tangled as it may be puts it out there to untangle and find the pony.

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