Thursday, October 29, 2015

Internet of Things (IoT) and Trillions

Just a short blog entry to enter the idea that the IoT is a foot in the door that will open it so much wider to a greater impact on our future because it will expand the physical network system and all the big data it carries.  It will expand it to an increasing number of things associated with an increasing granular level.

Trillions of thing.  That is the magnitude.  That is LoT (Lots of Things)  The rate of growth is like Moore's Law.

How big can it be you ask?

I asked Google searching on two words, IoT and trillions, without quotes and restricting the time frame to the last month.

This is the result.

All the first page results were focused on Trillions measured in dollars.  Mr. Market is interested.  Somewhere in subsequent pages I am sure I would find metrics addressing the trillions of physical device things to be connected and maybe some speculation about the day that our tooth brush is connected to the IoT.  Also some mention of what the IoT will do for the macro economy as a function of all the business level entities that are going after this new gold rush.

The IoT is a physical device connection oriented thing.  Connection between us at the consumer level and our devices.

There are two bonanzas here:

Selling devices enabled with IoT communication ability to consumers, being us.

Harvesting the big data that the devices will communicate over the internet.

IoT devices will replace existing dumb devices associated with lower priced and therefore more granular level devices working toward toasters and tooth brushes.  More expensive devices that have both long life span but internal system sensors like vehicles will be retrofitted with dongles connecting them externally to the internet.  Electric gas and water meters are granular level objects (house level) that are already connected to the internet by dongles on old equipment or built in modules in newer installation or replacement.

It is a gold rush.  Just like there was money to be made in the gold itself initially and it was easy to make picking up the low hanging nuggets on the ground (subsequently lower at increasing cost) there is big money to be made.  The real money to be made in the gold rush is what was done with the gold after it was found or mined.  What the gold was exchanged for.

Computers were systemically dumb devices that made big bucks for their builders until they became commodities and the makers of the big bucks became those that benefited mainly from what was produced by connecting them in a network.  The flow of information.  First selling the flow hardware and software, then tapping into the flow of data to create big data.  Big bucks in big data.

IoT will produce big data.  Big data is not a consumer level product that consumers buy.  It is targeted at them to make more money.  Profit motive.

Who benefits?  Big data is where the money is.  Profit is the the gleem of big data gold.  Sell the device (or give it away free like the camera and film business model) over the counter but make money in the back room on the data it generates. Big data generated at the consumer level is often paid for in the erosion of privacy.  Privacy that consumers give up at a small price for a small erosion but when all those devices that we have, and there will be so many more, each produce a little information about us via the internet network then the aggregate of all that information at a big data is an order of magnitude greater in importance. 

Conceptual information rides on the back of the Internet structure.  I have lamented in prior post that people generally use the word "Internet" when they really mean the World Wide Web (WWW).  The Internet is a physical network system distinct from the conceptual system that rides on its back and has meaning to us.  We do no literally watch (the thing) called TV.  We watch the conceptual thing that it conveys to us.  The physical system knows nothing about the conceptual product it conveys.  It is just binary to the physical network internet system.

The IoT extends the erroneous public perception of true nature of an object identity of a thing by using the name of the thing to apply to what we perceive it does.  Now that is a complex thought.  Let me express it this way:  Actions speak louder than words.  Get it?  As humans that is our general perception tendency to focus first on the action of the game, not the background abstract natural language of words of the announcer that contribute to what is seen or even more abstract language of music in the even less noticeable background of a movie.  Only a geek would focus first on the the binary digital objects so distantly abstracted into the background we are totally unaware of or care less to know about as users.

Most people are action oriented.  The word specific isolated word: "game" has verb meaning to the vast majority, not primary noun meaning but some minority would perceive it primarily as a conceptual noun name with an secondarily verb meaning application in relation to whatever is being played.  Maybe it is a matter of conditioning.  Maybe it is an expression of our animal brain stem.

Money is to be made on the IoT.  Making money is the primary social perception of what money is.  The name of the game.  Money is defined by us, has primary meaning to us by the action we perceive on the field of play that has some abstracted object identity conveyed by higher order levels of abstractions that are evident and designed by geeks who think in primary terms of what money is an object rather than what it does.  (unless they are functional programmers rather than Information Engineers designing with conceptual objects).

Riding on the back of the IoT will be the conceptual object engineers to design conceptual links among conceptual objects in a software system using the physical object electronic backbone of the Internet.

I contend that:


Unless we as a majority of human beings see conceptual things primarily by the attribute nature from the macro to the micro level that encapsulates their ability to do actions rather than focusing first on what actions they do......which is not the current condition, were action oriented in general.....


Chose from amongst us those that see that level of abstraction first and foremost in the greater context of designing conceptual things to perform their internal actions known to them by design for the purpose of the public good over dominating objectives of profit.....

Then the second greatest conceptual physical and conceptual network ever created (IoT) relating real world things in a universal conceptual scheme for organizing their utility and operational benefit for society will repeat the itself in a structure that continues to benefit few at the expense of many.

Money and its evolved system was the first universal networking scheme.

Sooner or later the IoT will relegate Money to a servant child of of the allocation of resources by replacing Money at the dominant decision making tool to make more money with an Information driven system based on big data generated by all the granular level sensors of that become our votes in what kind of a system we want to govern us.

It can be a quick evolution.

A quick evolution is a greased revolution.  A greased revolution merely reduces friction on the skids of rolling in a new system greased by the fact that it is already operating and operating better than the existing system.

Money designed as a positive object thing at a granular level with persistent object unit value identity over time as a granular and macro level object on the IoT integrates it with the Information Age for the end purpose of serving the general welfare and greater union.

We must become and Information driven society not a Money driven society.  

An Information Driven society compared to a Money driven society puts Money as a discrete unit  object into a Walled Information Garden  where it is not a number in an Account but a separate distinct entity to which can be related the User and their ownership of Money objects each discretely identified with a value of one in the object Class: Currency and equal to the aggregate value of all units of each and/or all specific as well as total User Owners of all Currency in their Account.

In that Walled Garden the Information driven playing field is established that would preclude the playing of these kind of gamesInside the Secretive World of Tax-Avoidance Experts 
by Erving Goffman as well as so many other games that are features to benefit sub-optimization but bugs in overall system structure and function.

Users, Currency and Account all discretely identified in the IoT at the lowest granular level in a system that establishes current relationship among all three as well as each having a block chain history of categorical internal change of ownership is a Tightly Walled Garden based on the wheels grinding exceedingly fine to distinguish wheat from chaff in the process of operation.

There will be trillions of things in that system.  However, like Google indexes trillions of needles to make them accessible individually in the haystack to present their information when requested (or the NSA whenever desired) The system will serve up the information in extreme detail.  Sufficient detail to be irrefutable evidence for whatever purpose that evidential factual truth may be used.  A feature of the system is that all human Monetary system users must have a biometric controlled access to the Walled Garden to conduct monetary currency transactions like buy or sell in a transaction with another user anything using currency.

The Chinese are going to beat us to the punch of Information Age driven system development with an Information Driven 5 year plan down to the granular level bottom up integration using individual popular Chinese names in the music video representative of discrete citizen input.

The Chinese 5 year development plan music video is absolutely brilliant!

Meanwhile we have a federal budget deficit constraint battle going on!

Our system is doomed!

Note that the counterpart of our Federal Reserve Banking System in the  USA is called the People's Bank of China. 

China has a lot more of those granular level things called discrete instances of the plural People than we do and their aggregate of all People own the Bank.  That is why there is an "apostrophe s" on the end of People in the title of the institution.

If we were to follow the same convention of describing our Federal Reserve Bank ownership what would the title be?

Banker's Bank of the United States of America?

The entire world uses the Internet Protocol system. It is universal.  Is there any reason that China could not use it as the backbone of a Currency system as I propose?

Who does the money in the People's bank of China belong to?

Our Banker's Bank and its debt money?  Yes we can say that it is all just money we owe ourselves but there is an old joke about what you can do when a certain condition of primary member growth is reached.

The US has a Five Year Plan but it is called the Five Year Defense Plan, at least it was back when I had input to it as a navy officer.  Now it seems to be the Future Year Defense Plan.  Actually there was a 5 year plan then a longer range plan as well that was pretty much blue sky based on even more variable factors like interest rates and other rates of growth that have increasingly greater magnitude of results as a function over time.

We have no national level 5 year plan.  Ours is a 4 year plan of whatever elected official we chose that may or may not have any real plan beyond Hopey Changey. At whatever level the chosen politician is elected to conduct affairs as our representative or executive level.

We are doomed!

China's Five Year Plan on Youtube. 

What is our national plan in this new Plans Race? Do we have anything more than a Defense Plan produced not by the people but the Department of Defense?

 Trump's Plan to make Merica great again?

Hat tip to Mainmac's Youtube comment:

If you wanna know what China’s gonna do, best pay attention to the shits on you. The shit’s on you, the shit’s on you. Better pay attention to the shit’s on you.

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