Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Fusion Centers and Shadows on the Wall

Naked Capitalism is my goto site.  If I was on a desert island and could only access a single site and through that site all of its links, I would choose Naked Capitalism.  Yves Smith is my hero.  The Links and now Watercooler by Lambert Strether present a variety of always interesting Links categorized to major topics.  One of those Links topics is Big Brother is Watching You.

This link appeared today under the category Big Brother is Watching You:

National Strategy for the National Network of Fusion Centers 2014-2017 

I have a broad interest in information systems, engineering those systems.  Information systems often grow of their own accord, following an organic growth pattern simply dictated by the environmental influence of logic its fundamental core.  Sometimes I wonder if an information system is being created by our intelligent minds or if we are simply discovering what is pre-existing writing on the wall.  The "Shadows on the Wall" that I have previously written about from many different angles that thread themselves throughout this blog like the other major threads that seemed to have emerged over the years.  

Fusion Centers are a locus of points around a central point.  I wrote about the concept of a locus of points once in relation to "Point of Entry" to a problem domain.  The locus of points equidistant from a central point in two dimensional space is a circle.  A locus of points equidistant from a central point in three dimensional space defines a sphere.

Each unique Fusion Center on the surface of a sphere is a single point of (n) points on the surface of the sphere consisting of all Fusion Centers on the surface of the sphere.  My own way of looking at the points on the surface of a sphere, call that sphere information/knowledge is to view it as an informational point of entry to the sphere with the name Problem Domain, whatever that specific domain name happens to be.  It is a problem to be solved.  I think of the Problem Domain as the "Big Marshmallow"  Life is a Problem Domain.  Freedom is a Problem Domain.  Money is a Problem Domain.  Making a good cup of coffee is a Problem Domain.  Matters of the spirit are in a Problem Domain all of their own.  I don't go there often but problems in any domain point to other domains, relate to other domains.  "n" number of domains can be very large, theoretically.

The official government Fusion Center concept has a Federal Core Point around which a line goes out to national, state and local levels not limited to government entities not evident at first look until the term "partners" is analyzed.  As each connecting line to a "partner" reaches out from the central core government agency, call it the NSA, it goes through levels of partners that have their own locus of points around themselves.  

Extend that line out from the NSA at the core and where does it go at the extreme outer edge?  It potentially goes to every individual citizen.  Hmmmm.......this Sphere is getting to look more like a web.

The official Fusion Center concept aims to put every citizen at the locus of citizen points that make the sphere of the Problem Domain point of entry.  The concept does this by soliciting and inviting each citizen to be its sensory eyes and ears detector and providing an official means of communication for reporting.  Alternately it wants to have eyes and ears on all citizens whether or not they wish to officially contribute in accordance with the Intelligence System.  

Each American citizen at the surface of the sphere has its own locus of points around itself to consciously push intelligence to the core or from which intelligence will be pulled totally independent of citizen choice.  Concepts of "Open Source" and "Secrecy" means and methods as well as their application to direction flow apply.

Working toward the center of the sphere, entities become organizations as well as individuals in organizations with various permutations of criminal and non-criminal matrix of individual/organization on the way to the core as well as at the core.

It is a very complicated Sphere.  That is why I have chosen a 3 dimensional view of the problem domain and conceptually even a 4th and 5th dimension to explain it.  

4th dimension?  Call it the "Shadows on the Wall" dimension as in "Plato's Analogy"

I started out with a link that appeared in Links in today's Naked Capitalism but did not address it directly.  That is because it is, itself, a shadow on the wall that must be put in that context before anything can be said about it.  And when that thing is to be said it only works toward getting to the core of the problem domain.

This entry therefore sets the stage (or should I call it the cave wall?) for the next entry where a light starts to shine some vague representational shadows of the truth.



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