Saturday, March 14, 2015

It's Sunday -- Therefore I Digress

I digress because that is what Sunday was made for!

I have worked this week to create the principal objects,  I call them the Super Class Objects to overlay on the existing money system.  I did this because the existing money system was primarily designed on a function framework approach giving system control to functional processes instead of the objects used in the functional processes.

Call it an overlay of the supremacy of objects to determine functions (that is a top down view) or call it a foundation upon which to build (the bottom up construction viewpoint).  I simply prefer top down because it is a more formalized planning division of specialed ability process like the classic architect and builder model.  On the other hand,  I really prefer to do everything myself.

Having stated the attributes of the 3 objects:  Currency, Account and Loan Contract and at the point of running various test transactions through or among them I pause to digress and reflect as I rest.  Not really a digression when I think about it but part of (an object in itself) of the design process.  John Boyd would have called it an object driven feedback loop?

Which came first??

The chicken or the egg?

This is a digression so an off the wall comment is acceptable.  Besides its Sunday.  Because Sunday.
It will however go somewhere.  It is a loop.

So riddle me this:  Which came first?

It is a loaded question designed to tie to poor person who is expected to answer it up in knots to the amusement of the person who asked the question.  It is analogue to my elegant cat skinning strategy:  Set up the situation by manipulation of the objects involved so that the cat winds up skinning itself by jumping out of its skin.  Set the objects up well enough and any event (like sneaking up on it and shouting Gotcha! Will make it jump out of its skin.  Principal object manipulated is Fear.

A real life example?

How do you get the American Public to jump out of its Freedom?

1.  Be afraid.
2.  Be very afraid!


Vote for me, I will protect you!  (For a price).  New meaning to Paying the Price for our Freedom or:
"Freedom isn't Free". (Hand me you skin now please).  That is called winning without making a bloody mess out of it in the process.  Maybe I should call it shearing the sheep or milking the cow or grabbing the golden egg.

Does that sound like a business model?  Politics? Banking?

Which came first is intended to confuse then take advantage of the confusion.  The power to confuse, to hide the truth is power.  There is a simple explanation of how the confusion is caused.

From the issue in terms of the action.

Which came first?

That is the loaded set up question. It frames the matter of two objects in terms of Time.  Time itself, it's essence of being is verb.  The ultimate purity of action vs object noun thing being.  The only attribute of time is passage of time (the eternal now?)

Perhaps a mystical conclusion of this digression but time really is mystical concept.

Time is the ultimate enabler action that makes possible a purely recursive relationship of a thing to itself.  Time is action over span joining two things made different as a function of span.  We fantasize about time travel but we travel over time.

Time is a higher absolute truth in a metaphysical realm that ultimately controls all.  In our lesser physical realm objects are our ultimate truth.  Real objects or our conceptual constructed things we believe to be the truth.

Time is money.  Control time monetized as money in the temporal physical world by making the natural supremacy of objects to dictate functions (to the extent of organizing their functions over time) and somehow a natural order of things can be subverted for a sub optimized agenda.

The banksters trick depends on time as the as the architectural model structure of the money system.

My overlay of  design dictate of structured objects from which their design attributed relate over time restores what I conceive to be the proper order of things in the natural world.

Only one concept can control time.  To the extent of making it absolute eternity.

Banksters trying to control time.

Get behind me you devil!

We control Banksters with objects.

That is why I have created this object model to control their functional model.

I have a dream.........

Enough digression.  I feel that I have looped back to analyzing how the objects control monetary transaction the currency system.

Time is a tool of the Banksters to monetize currency.

Objectify time, put that objectified tool in our hands and we control the Banksters.

That is why I am doing this.

In the broader scheme of things technology has provided us, we have provided ourselves better tools to design and build with.  Not only physical objects but abstract conceptual objects of the Information Age.

The method of choice for designing and building conceptual systems is Object Orientation.  Conceptual objects can be invested with knowledge of functions that it can perform as a part of the object itself.  The object can communicate with other objects to invoke their known methods.

Money and accounting systems were developed long ago based primarily on serving/managing/controlling what money did by functional rules applied to a dumb object called money.  That is now a legacy system that needs to be redesigned as an object driven and dominated system.  An object schematic above but integrating with the functional money system that continues to function as it always has (except for dysfunction eliminated by the Object Oriented controlling overlay that surface problems like a sore thumb and puts the writing on the wall for their solution.

Object driven design in the Information Age is superior to the dominant functional driven design of a previous age like everything BC was overtaken by AC. At that time new and better methods were incorporated into body of what intelligent objects knew how to do and pass messages to other intelligent objects to call their performance of methods they knew how to do.

The simple command to invoke the methods?

You guess.  It is one step better than the elegance of getting a cat to skin itself and it was not based on fear.

Our Constitution is an Object Based Conceptual Social System design plan.  It is unfortunate that money was exempted from the design.  Even more unfortunate that the old functional based and oriented design became entrenched and institutionally established in the Fed.

While the Constitution is an object model it is unfortunate that the object ontology has not been extended down to meet the functional oriented implementation.

Like the monetary system, it's time will come but it will be a difficult time because like its tightly bound and associated monetary system there are too many benefitting greatly from the dysfunction of the functional oriented design that would be corrected by an Object Oriented analysis and controlling design implementation.

I will not see it in my life time and if I don't there will inevitably increasing stress until .....well, that is anyone's guess but the longer it takes the greater the cost of what???!

Freedom I suppose.

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