Saturday, March 28, 2015

China Leadership and Anti-Corruption

From the Economist:  The Devil, or Mr. Wang

This is how anti-corruption is practiced at high levels in China.


What a wonderful thing fear is when applied as a controlling tool applied to those that have very good reason to fear discovery and justice because they are crooks.

On the other hand fear can be used to destroy the strongest structures when there is nothing to fear but the fear itself whipped up out of nothing really there to fear except whatever is manufactured to serve self interest of those that profit from it.

A government should fear its people.  People should not fear their government.....unless they are crooks.

China gets it.

We could do the same if we put Bill Black in charge of anti-corruption and support the whistle blowers like Sherry Hunt.  Elect Elizabeth Warren and she just might do that.

If the Monetary system is to be restructured to serve the people it is the People's Republic that will do it.  The People's Republic is not the USA.  If I were to rate the significance of a all countries names I think that I would choose "People's Republic of China" to be the best.  Only to be exceeded by the USA if we called ourselves "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave"  but only if it was true.

The total control monetary system I propose could happen in China.  Never in the USA.  It would expose too much corruption, instill too much fear in crooks when they see that they cannot get away with using and abusing the current monetary, economic and political system for illegitimate private gain on a macro level grand scale.  It would no longer be the norm nor an accepted business model but a crime to be investigated with a great amount of convincing evidence and punished accordingly.

Appropriate punishment?

Condemn the big financial crooks to living on a medium average national wage anywhere they want.  Better yet, minimum wage!  No other income from any source allowed.  The amount to be given to them annually by the government and ever expenditure to be under the strict monitoring of the government as well as a matter of public record on the World Wide Web for anyone to view the time, place and amount of spending.

Would that be overly generous to big time swindlers?

The government would not even have to pay the annual minimum wage to the convicted

Not on a cost/benefit analysis to we the people.  Look at what we get in return.  Elimination of sucking illegitimate millions out of our economy.

Asian Infrastructure  Investment Bank

"Do you now or have you ever supported the goals and intentions of the "Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank"?  A foreign entity that seeks to destroy the monetary dominance of the US Dollar.

Yes, I do.  Is that an Un-American activity?  If it fights the world wide corrupting influence of US Dollar domination and control of world affairs then it is a higher level moral structure than the "American Way" if it uses money as a decision making tool of resource allocation for a greater good of the people. 

Afterthought:  Any country that simply called itself "We the People" would win the best name contest.  "People's Republic" would be runner up.

The Arapahoe simple called themselves:  "Our People"

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