Friday, March 13, 2015

Don't Fight The Debt Based Monetary System--Use it to Win!

I like this idea of letting go of the objective of changing the debt money system to a debt free monetary system.  That change would have little or no visible change to the end user but would be a significant change for the banks.  A better way to sneak up on changing the system is to design it so that it has little apparent change on the banking system debt based operating system.

So:  The object is to make a substantial fundamental change in what the monetary system is but that change is apparently no change in what it does.  When the change in what it is becomes established it does all of what it did, except the bad stuff plus more of the good stuff.

Bad for the crooks,  good for the good guys.

Does that sound like a business model.  Better than do no evil?  Do no harm?  Not as good as do unto others but a step better than the current system.

It is all about system structure control and purpose.

My revised monetary system thinking is built on three basic conceptual entities with existence and relationships in an integrated digital object oriented information system.

The the object class components:

1.  Money

2.  Account

3.  Contractual Debt

Each component is simply a higher level conceptual abstraction above the cuurent system segments an functions.  A natural evolution of a growing information system made possible by technology.  An overlay at a high level that brings integration to lower level information silos.  Classic evolution of information systems.

Therefore, if this overlay results in little change to what the current monetary system does but substantial change to what it is because it becomes more integrated and structural system with little change of what it does (other than eliminate fraud, waste and abuse) then a good test is to run some test transactions through it and see how it goes at the established system level and what additional things happen at the new higher level and the objects that interface with things at that higher level.

First the higher level object overlay of Money, Accounting and Contract have to be roughed out in order to apply the higher level process interactions to them.

For the sake of organization each object class in the Money System will be presented separately in the following three blog entries.

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