Monday, September 30, 2013

Left and Right --- Cooperation and Competition..Property and Rights

One of the joys of returning from a month long tour of Europe, mostly by bike, is not only:
..sleeping in my own bed,
..washing clothes that were hand washed for a month and
..making my own good cup of coffee,


finding gems of thought on the internet.

I normally spend a lot of time doing that.  However after a long time away I have to "speed read" my few favorite sites to find what I have missed.  Discover the few and delve into them.

Link:This is one of the gems.  "The Emerging Left in the Emerging World".  It is the third part of a series.  Like entering a play in the third act but the link is there to catch up but it is really something that can be entered at any point.

What is important here:  A restructuring of the problem domain.  A better picture. A more accurate place from which to progress.

I also found this to be seminal in regard to money:  "The Dilemma of the Cooperative Gene".  Mentioned in my prior post.

They both work toward the essence of a two part high level relationship.  Not a binary relationship but one of Yin and Yang.  Mind and Heart.

They playing field on which these concepts operate is both physical and conceptual.  Those two entities also have a fundamental relationship!

It gets complex!!

Needs some study.

I came back to this post to add this as a biggy that jumped out in my speed reading that I have already talked about but having read the "Emerging Left" and its equally illuminating reader comments I want to add something here.

Big Data:  Big Data is enabled by Big Hardware, Big Software and a Big Data Base.  The application of "These Big Things" is simply two big to be a huge monolithic enterprise entity.  For example:  The producers and providers of the Big Data products are operating in a cooperative fashion that looks more like the left in recognition of how all the various "partners" contribute and have an integrating stake in the broader scope of the domain.

Is Big Data a stealth model of Cooperation taking the upper hand (an equal hand?) in the Cooperation/Competition == Left/Right relationship. 

We are certainly seeing the most adverse effects of non-Cooperation being foisted upon us as Competition!

Hmmmm.  Is that a revelation or what?

Are we in such a sad state of thinking that we perceive non-Cooperation enshrouded as a desirable Competition strategy model???

Greed is Good?

Non-Cooperation is Good?

Who benefits from this strategy.

If "Good" by definition is related (equal to both)  then what is the equation between

Non-Cooperation and Greed?

Greed: What is it anyhow.  This thing called Greed.  It deals with accumulation of real and conceptual assets.  Money, power.  To the extent that accumulation by one sector is a detriment to the greater good?  That is my perception.  Google says this about Greed.

As our world becomes more conceptual in nature are we not seeing that Greed that once had a physical object capturing nature in history now has transformed into a conceptual capturing Entity?  Same old Greed but now aimed at conceptual ownership of limited conceptual things.  Limited by design of the conceptual thing.

Money is a conceptual thing.  Used to be a physical thing.

Who and what are the New Conceptual Greedy?  How do they function?  What do they hoard by "ownership"  What constitutes ownership of concepts and the associated property rights to use the concept for control purposes and/or prohibit others from use.  Ones own exclusive use of a concept.

It is a new Wild West of the Conceptual World.  If you can get it and you can hold it by whatever means then it is yours by right of your own power to proclaim and defend the right or your use of the power of the state that has always been under the influence of.....ta da:  The rich or the people?

Market is a concept.  Market Share of a conceptual entity as a target of Conceptual Greed to dominate by might makes right?

Greed applied to "Conceptual Resources" almost needs a new definition of an old concept that retains all the essential attributes of the old concept as a super-class object Greed but really needs a new name to identify it in a new world where Concepts defined and are as sought after in the information age as physical resources once were and still are.

Greed applied in a conceptual world to our big conceptual super=class objects is a bug in the information structure that sub-optimizes total system function.

What is a big conceptual super-class object?

How about Freedom?

Is the USA a country that is Freedom Greedy?

We do so many things under a banner of owning all the Freedom in the world and the self endowed rights that we associate with it that grant us American Exceptionalism that is not so different than the Greedy Divine Rights of the King.  If you can claim it and defend it then it is yours to own regardless of who you attribute as the giver.  We really proclaim that we are self-endowed because the concept is self evident.  That is our right to ownership and use of our freedom.

Freedom and Greed.  The USA is the King of the World because we have through Greed captured the title and therefore the media right to proclaim ourselves the Free-est Country in the World.....Really owned by the Greediest 1% that have captured our freedom and claim it as their own to do as they wish.

They hate us for our Freedom?

Hey, it ain't ours.  All the power associated with Freedom belongs to the Greedy that has the power and right to pervert the purity of the concept to their own exclusive ends.  I hate them too.  What does that make me?

Greed is Good
Freedom is Good

Freedom is as good as Greed

Freedom is Greed?

Now that is an oxymoron if there ever was one!

More accurately Freedom has been co-opted and captured by the Greed of a few to own the concept and the exclusive property right to do with it and its associated power as they wish.  To dictate law to protect the Greed, to accumulate more.

Is that a valid worthwhile view of what could be a nakedly true reality?

What is the role of lower level cooperation for higher level sector greed that captures thing that are more conceptual in nature that becomes at the higher level a dysfunction in the system.

Might cooperation by hyped at a lower level to gain advantage at a higher competitive level under the guise that it is good in the big picture for the controlling system?

Is that free private enterprise?



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