Monday, September 30, 2013

Bringing It All Together

A wonderful woman I care so much for has told me about a moment in a movie where the character in a room that would send an interior decorator into violent spasms of mental anguish points to one thing in the room and proudly says:  "That brings it all together".  Or something like that. 

The exact scene and describing it correctly does not matter.  The point is that some thing within a context of apparently unrelated other things, can, given a certain view, bring all the other things together in harmony.  The key to the structure.  The structure of the interior decoration problem domain or a conceptual problem domain.

The key to the puzzle.  The one single thing that unlocks the perception.  Maybe the missing piece that completes the picture.  Maybe a catalyst that is independent of the structure but the picture is not there if the external catalyst is not there to enable recognition.  The key can be many different entities.  It could even be a key by virtue of its non presence or non-existence.  Something outside the box.

I search.  I search google. I search myself and my experiences.  I search for new experiences to add.  I search for new meaning in old experiences.  At this point that is a rich domain to search and I do find amazing things there that present new pictures, new understanding.

Ultimately I search for keys.  I know them when I see them.  At least I pray to myself that I will.  Keys found in the past and described by formal methods of information analysis have the characteristics of being one to one mandatory relationships.  Built on that can be one to many and many to many.  Easy to see in the natural world order.  Hard to see in the conceptual structures we have created with our minds that go beyond modeling the natural world or making use of those structures to extend the building of our conceptual world environment.

My brain is what brings it all together.  I had a mini stroke.  A TIA.  Makes me wonder how well my brain is functioning.  An MRI, an ingenious collection of things in a tool that functions based on our application of natural physical relationships that we have put together to make a complex tool, will tell if the natural order of the tool that sits on my shoulders is as naturally intact as it should be.

If all the physical properties are as they should be then what I do with them to travel in the conceptual world of the structures that I can create with it should still work pretty well, at least as good as they ever did.

The point of all this is to bring it all together with one thing.  That one thing is to write this to see if what is coming out of my mind on the conceptual level is still as good as bringing it all together as it was or if there was some real damage. 

The test is a micro level to see if I can get this all typed out without making more than the usual number of typing mistakes, errors in assembling thoughts into coherent sentences, at least in my estimation and finally sentences into more complex conceptual thoughts that bring what I wish to say all together in some meaningful (to me if no one else) relationships.

I intended to bring together a single meaningful relationship in a recent trip from a wide range of inter personal things.  To find and hold on to for a long time that one key that has in the past been in so many situations the key to happiness.  All different depending on their context (no, won't call it a problem domain here, love is a problem domain but we do not see it that way, there is a better term to define it and way to express it).

I failed to find the key or be the key.  However, like the key to understanding money, politics or life in general is there.  I hope that the only tool to find it is still working as well as it has been built by nature and me to work. 

Consistent with my thinking:  The tool is really two things.  The rule is that a single thing can never exist alone.  Not relating to anything else is the definition of non-existence and it that exists I can't and don't want to go there.

The tool is two things:  Mind and heart. 

The clinic will look at both these physical things to assess their state and behavior with scanning tools and the judgment of an expert. 

I look at the conceptual health of my own mind and heart and conclude that they are still working as well as they did. 

Proof in the quality of my check up test, that is what this blog entry is all about: Yes, it is a key that brings it all together, will be if I can understand it tomorrow. 

Proof that anyone else can understand it is not necessarily proof that I did not pass my own personal test?

In the end I will just say:::::::

I did the best I could. 

And add....

I hope it is as good, (or better if I am progressing and not yet reached the peak that should naturally be at the end) as my best ever was.  As good as that may have ever been in any measure of subjective or objective judgment that anyone ever applied to me.

In my own opinion, my own judgment based on my own expectations I think I am as good as ever. As good as I can be.  I still hold fast to the key that brings it all together for me.

My key?

Like the NSA, my secret!

Written in a single stream of thought.  Typing errors corrected.  No restructuring by post-edit of the thoughts expressed in either sentences or paragraphs.

Not spell checked.

End of test.

Self assigned grade?

Your grade?

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