Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Thoughts Implement Visions

God bless the people that created this.  Bless the person that looked at the mobility problem faced by paraplegics, used their heads to think about it and came up with this elegant solution.  A solution that enhances quality of physical life at a fundamental level.  Do that and quality of life at higher levels is potentially enhanced.  What a wonderful device.

The video demonstrates the simplicity of the concept.  A totally different approach that is so obviously better.  To manage the weight and movement from the front and bring it to a standing position.  Technology made this solution possible.  The wheel chair was the best solution for a hundred years.  It would go on being the best solution unless someone saw the what could be done.  The writing on the wall.  Then they took the simple thought and implemented it.  Its time had come.

So often we go on living with the devices and concepts that have served us for so long.  They become the norm and the standard solution.  That is the way it was done.  All of a sudden it is a whole new ball game with a paradigm shift.  A different vision leading to a different solution.

The sequence of pictures depicting the evolution of man through stages of evolution from ape to humanoid is a common vehicle to express evolutions (and regressions!) of man in terms of other abilities or traits.  In my mind I can see the transition of pictures from a person in a wheel chair to standing mobility.  That is wonderful.  Especially since it does not happen gradually.  For a person in this position it could happen in a day.  A new position.

Iron lungs once confined people to be enclosed in cylinders below their neck that caused the lungs to expand and contract as a result of constant air pressure change within the chamber.  The technical advancement of positive pressure ventilation is now the norm.  For the few that require negative pressute ventilation today, biphasic cuirass ventilation is the now the norm.

I have a friend whose profession is helping people breathe.  What a wonderful thing to do.  Ironically, this wonderful thing is necessary in many cases because the needed assistance is due to a poor life style choice, not as a result of a life choosing a condition for them.  To compound that, her skill is unemployed because the money for it is not their.  The money is not their because it is channeled to other uses that are so often the perverted dreams of greed and power.  What both ends of this spectrum have in common is a 1% and a 99% relationship.  How often things are dedicated to a 1%.  How tragically often it is the wrong 1%. 

Another friend blesses her food with thoughts of gratitude and recognition of all those that somehow were related to the long process of bring the meal before her to the table.  Hundreds of people directly.  Thousands indirectly.  At the most indirect level I suppose it could be said that it took all of us.  Even the 1% GD Banksters that run the money system that made all the efforts to bring food to the table financially possible with a medium of exchange.

God Bless those people that brought a device to a paraplegic that enabled them to regain a degree of mobility that, before someone had a spark of vision to see, was only the dream of someone confined to a chair with wheels with dreams equivalent to flying like a bird.  God bless that one person that had the spark of vision to see it.

Thoughts do indeed become things.  As outlandish as my thoughts about a new monetary system are I do believe that it is a vision that in some part, some aspect, could be a game changer for the whole world.

This I believe: A clearer way of perceiving problems and creating solutions to them using our ability to create conceptual structures using our brains and object orientation approaches to organizing information and extracting knowledge from it will contribute to conceptual paradigm shifts and implementation of those shifts to create a better quality of life for us all. 

In short:  We were made to be better.  We were given the means to do it.  We can do it.

It is just a matter of seeing visions, using our not just our heads but our devine nature to see in our heads, maybe in the negative sense simply not being afraid to dream of something better.  That what we have is good enough.  That the world is what it is and we can't do much about it.

I am learning the chords on the guitar to "Over the Rainbow".  I love IZ's version.  It has special meaning to me as does Kona and Ironman where dreams came true.  The person that gave me the dream was my partner in fulfilling it.  They chords are simple: C, E minor, F, G.  More could be tossed into and in between but essentially that is it.  Simple but look how beautifully IZ put it all together for us.  He took an old song and made it fly over the rainbow again.

This link: "Over the Rainbow" is the song of possibilities as well as realities.  One person dreamed of mobility.  Another person made that dream come true.  Some say love is the glue of the universe.  Rainbows are an excellent way of showing the vision.

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