Thursday, April 12, 2012

Hero Crime Fighter

Bill Black is my hero action figure crime fighter.  I truly admire this guy.  He is the antidote to all the crap and fraud going on in the financial world.

Pink Slime and Green Slime.  The Green Slim being the odoriferous, toxic, sickening financial adulteration being inflicted on the world by the financial scam artists.  What it is and how they do it is described by Bill Black in comparison with how the Pink Slime meat product has been foisted upon us.

Read this: "Green Slime Drives Our Financial Crises" Bill is a true slime fighter, not just in his honesty to call slime what it is: Slime.  And the merchants of slime what they are: Crooks.

Comparing Pink Slime to Green Slime is true genius.

Bill Black you are an awesome hero. 

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