Monday, July 30, 2018


The manner in which FirstNet is framed is all about connectivity.  Communications.  What is really. important is with whom (more accurately with what).  While the optics are people connected to people for the purpose of emergency, public safety and the big it is in actual operation the process of connecting people with  information data bases and agencies with agencies.

As a communications system FirstNet is not new.  The model is military communications.  Dedicated systems with levels of information communication security and priority for command and control.  Flash message traffic being at the top.  Flash not only gets precedence in the network but carries the most important vital information.  The information it conveys is what is the payload purpose.

The framing of the network is entirely analogous to turning on the siren to facilitate the movement of the vehicle that delivers the payload/purpose.  It is so much easier to frame anything in terms of the isolated action associated with it, what it does, rather than what it is.  Most people are action oriented.  Their attention is attracted to the action not the object.  Keeping an eye on the ball and not the motion is the way to avoid deception.  Losing sight of the objective (object) results in a doubling of action effort.  Flim flam sleight of hand stuff.  Like the Commander in Film Flam.  That is the simple secret in deception.

Focus on what a thing is to understand what it really does.  What it does is a function of what it is.  Function follows form.  Most people structure real and abstract relationships primarily in terms of what they do and what they are is a function of what they do.

FirstNet is framed in terms of Action, what it does.  To understand it it must be framed in terms of what it is what it does follows.  Form first, function follows.

What exactly, objectively is Firstnet???????

It is a network.  So is the internet.  Ask anyone what the internet is and almost all responses will be in terms of what it does, what it is perceived to do rather than what it is.
"FirstNet is an independent authority within the U.S. Department of Commerce. Authorized by Congress in 2012, its mission is to develop, build and operate the nationwide, broadband network that equips first responders to save lives and protect U.S. communities."


This is a Public/Private enterprise.  This the the Private .com side of the Public .gov side of Firstnet:
The FirstNet mission is to deploy, operate, maintain, and improve the first high-speed, nationwide wireless broadband network dedicated to public safety. This reliable, highly secure, interoperable, and innovative public safety communications platform will bring 21st century tools to public safety agencies and first responders, allowing them to get more information quickly and helping them to make faster and better decisions.


Firstnet Privacy

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