Sunday, May 13, 2018

Top Level Domain (TLD) Ontology - Information Age - Knowledge - Future Becomes History
It is a way that information is organized to create definition but it works for me to structure things....and the implementing action that connect them at all levels.

This link lead me to examine TLD:

The entire Domain is simply an object oriented Parent/Child relationship in an extremely complex set of all relationships.  A complex structured set that can be reduced to simplicity With Information Age tools.  Everything in this blog that numbers more than a thousand entries is related.  It all came from my mind.  Stuff from my mind that came out of nowhere born as a new creation.  Other stuff that my mind saw that were thoughts created by others that classified them as valuable in the weaving of things and actions in the real world into some order of importance fabric of meaning to the "World Order" in my mind that I adopted from existing Information and Knowledge and added to as a creative contribution born in my own mind.  Structured thoughts not only new to  me but evidently, perhaps, never thought of in the same way before by anyone else.  That explains my person joy in deriving "bragging rights" for word phrase expressions in various blog entries that have never been indexed on the World Wide Web in exactly the same order of the same words to create a "thought fragment" expressing an idea of significance to me.....and maybe someone else.  Maybe my own unique framing of a thought in an original creative manner is not information or knowledge unless someone else "gets it". That is a tree falling in the forest thing?

Who ever "gets" anything I "say' in this blog anyhow.  It gets hits but that means nothing, at least measured by feedback.  The only two comments ever made came from my sister and a dear friend that would say anything nice to anyone.  Regardless of lack of feedback it al means something to me. When I stand far enough back and look at it.....I am the one giving feedback on what I write.  It is worthwhile to me!

Top Level Domains imply a top down information structure.  Down to the most discrete level of the lowest granular building block relationship to itself in its own attributes and methods in knows how to do and messages to send to other external objects in the system.  The World Wide Web is a structure of Domain Names in an information system that encompasses the entire world.  It is a way of organizing everything in a new "Language" structure.  A grand meta-structure of domain names established one at a time like the Wild West was established by Homesteaders making a claim on a piece of land.  Then Homesteaders making a claim within a claim within a multitude of higher order claims.

Guess where that came from?  I just completed watching the Ken Burns series "The West".  An analogy of the Information Age.  Prior to that I had watched "The Roosevelts" on Netflix.

Jumping from Top Level Domain in the WWW to Bottom Level Domain in the structure of the WWW the BLD is......a unique private domain name UIC for each and every human being upo0n which as bottom up structure of named domains chosen by (or assigned) each individual that defines them.

What is private and what is public in that unique BLD in a Bottom Up Assembly relationship to all other assigned or chosen domains all the way to a collection of Top Level Domains?

Maybe the answer is in Private/Public Keys in the information system?  That is another set of structural relationships that is extremely complex.  As in the Old West maybe it is primarily can be claimed and protected from others claiming it and in the Old West claim jumping was prevalent in the  absence of rigid protection of a six gun or government laws that worked to "protect" claiming rights.  Rights of some to violate the rights of others in a nation of "laws".

Top to Bottom Level domain structures like WWW domain names in a relational ontology is ruled in all its complexity to make the system simple to the user...but that "user" might be implied and interpreted to be the end user at the bottom....the individual citizen.  That citizen is not the primary stakeholder in society.  Sometimes or maybe even often a secondary stakeholder that will suffer the power and actions of higher level stakeholders.

Perhaps one of the Glorious Features of the Constitution is a Constant:

"These rights shall not be infringed"

It is a TLD "Constant" of specific citizen rights subject to interpretation in a TLD context that operates for the Common Good.

That is simplifies everything in a complex system!  As much as we can simplify it given the tools our times just as it was the simply answer to the framers of the Constitution given the tools of their time.

We have far better information tools today to create knowledge.  We have yet to learn how to organize and use the WWW for a TLD benefit to structure human endeavor for the common greater good.  It is a creative process that some future "Ken Burns" will present as the future look at how the Information Age came about in the same manner as we settled our country from East to West in the Old West.  There will be many things to regret in the history of that settlement that is now the future before us.  Some will profit greatly in the process.  Others will be losers suffering from injustices in the creation of a future, always hopefully, better world.

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