Sunday, May 20, 2018
Cell Phone Location
Privacy information only available to business enterprise and government agencies willing to pay for it. Technology access not available to the public.
Stephanie Kelton!
Fantastic! Stephanie gets recognition for her brilliance in not only seeing the obvious writing on the wall but even more brilliant heroic effort to get others to see it as well even economists!
But even inflation doesn’t impose a hard limit on policy options. The Federal Reserve can raise interest rates to deal with it, Congress can raise taxes to pull money out of circulation or even impose price controls. All those have their drawbacks, but depending on circumstances, any of them might be preferable to reducing government spending. It all depends on what a society needs. Those needs, Kelton thinks, should be the primary focus of study ― not the immediate impact on the federal budget deficit, a metric that dominates policy discourse in Washington.
My blog entry on Stephanie from 5 years ago:
But even inflation doesn’t impose a hard limit on policy options. The Federal Reserve can raise interest rates to deal with it, Congress can raise taxes to pull money out of circulation or even impose price controls. All those have their drawbacks, but depending on circumstances, any of them might be preferable to reducing government spending. It all depends on what a society needs. Those needs, Kelton thinks, should be the primary focus of study ― not the immediate impact on the federal budget deficit, a metric that dominates policy discourse in Washington.
My blog entry on Stephanie from 5 years ago:
Monday, May 14, 2018
Road Use Charges - Jim Whitty
Jim Whitty was mentioned in my 2015 OreGo blog entry.
Where is Jim Whitty now and what has he been doing:
Affiliations: 1: Partner of D'Artagnan Consulting LLP, USA
From public service to private consulting
" Jim led Oregon’s efforts on road usage charge legislation for 14 years while serving as the administrator of Oregon’s Road User Fee Task Force, an independent policy body that developed cutting edge usage charge funding policies for light vehicles, that led to passage of the nation’s first per mile charge law (??? What law???). Jim crafted and orchestrated two successful per mile charge pilot demonstrations, the RUFPP in 2006-07 and the RUCPP in 2012-13, and the nation’s first operational road usage charge program known as OReGO. Jim Whitty’s experience and knowledge make him a perfect fit for handling strategic marketing and vision for D’Artagnan’s national and international programs."
A 2016 presentation by Whitty
1108 Lavaca Street, Suite 110-227
Austin, TX 78701
United States
Phone: +1 (571) 535-0600
Fax: +1 (830) 935-4514
Steve Morello:
Jim Whitty: website?
"Shannon Crum is currently providing professional services in the areas of transportation planning, policy development, and road user charging. She brings more than 20 years’ experience in transportation, land-use planning, and economic analysis."
Summit in Portland July 2018
Close relationship with some government employees:
For example:
John Lawson, Virginia Department of Transportation, Richmond, VA
VDOT is a .org website? Why not a .gov????? Looks like a state government entity?
This is a website for example from the website:
"This website includes hyperlinks to sites neither controlled nor sponsored by VDOT or the Commonwealth of Virginia. Links may open in a new window."
It appears to be a portal to
What an interesting mix of public and private enterprise?
This is a government list of all state DOTs:
Arkansas for example is a .com website ???!
I will have to revisit my prior Top Level Domain blog entry! .com is a commercial TLD!
Perhaps this explains it"
Look at the above website and all the states that this commercial business entity provides services to!
What started out as an investigation of RUC has suddenly exploded into an investigation of the cozy quasi government relationship of a private/public nature. It looks like the .org and .com side of the relationship is conducting a high degree of .gov functions via "foot in the door" or "nose of the camel under the tent"!
Wow! Top Level Domains of .com and .org subsuming by the business model vehicle of being a "portal entry" to Top Level Domains of .gov?
Whole new ball game!
What Fee Based payments like RUC for example might these .org/.com websites bar collecting for remittance to the government? What information might they be collecting for their sole or shared use?
Where is Jim Whitty now and what has he been doing:
Affiliations: 1: Partner of D'Artagnan Consulting LLP, USA
From public service to private consulting
" Jim led Oregon’s efforts on road usage charge legislation for 14 years while serving as the administrator of Oregon’s Road User Fee Task Force, an independent policy body that developed cutting edge usage charge funding policies for light vehicles, that led to passage of the nation’s first per mile charge law (??? What law???). Jim crafted and orchestrated two successful per mile charge pilot demonstrations, the RUFPP in 2006-07 and the RUCPP in 2012-13, and the nation’s first operational road usage charge program known as OReGO. Jim Whitty’s experience and knowledge make him a perfect fit for handling strategic marketing and vision for D’Artagnan’s national and international programs."
A 2016 presentation by Whitty
1108 Lavaca Street, Suite 110-227
Austin, TX 78701
United States
Phone: +1 (571) 535-0600
Fax: +1 (830) 935-4514
Steve Morello:
Jim Whitty: website?
"Shannon Crum is currently providing professional services in the areas of transportation planning, policy development, and road user charging. She brings more than 20 years’ experience in transportation, land-use planning, and economic analysis."
Summit in Portland July 2018
Close relationship with some government employees:
For example:
John Lawson, Virginia Department of Transportation, Richmond, VA
VDOT is a .org website? Why not a .gov????? Looks like a state government entity?
This is a website for example from the website:
"This website includes hyperlinks to sites neither controlled nor sponsored by VDOT or the Commonwealth of Virginia. Links may open in a new window."
It appears to be a portal to
What an interesting mix of public and private enterprise?
This is a government list of all state DOTs:
Arkansas for example is a .com website ???!
I will have to revisit my prior Top Level Domain blog entry! .com is a commercial TLD!
Perhaps this explains it"
Look at the above website and all the states that this commercial business entity provides services to!
What started out as an investigation of RUC has suddenly exploded into an investigation of the cozy quasi government relationship of a private/public nature. It looks like the .org and .com side of the relationship is conducting a high degree of .gov functions via "foot in the door" or "nose of the camel under the tent"!
Wow! Top Level Domains of .com and .org subsuming by the business model vehicle of being a "portal entry" to Top Level Domains of .gov?
Whole new ball game!
What Fee Based payments like RUC for example might these .org/.com websites bar collecting for remittance to the government? What information might they be collecting for their sole or shared use?
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Road Use Charges (RUC) Top Level Domain (TLD)
This blog entry follows a blog entry taking a broader Information Structure look at the Top Level Domain of Information and Knowledge. Prior to that blog entry was a look a RUC West. In hindsight I should call it "RUC Wild West". Like carving the "Wild West" into an organized Domain it was done from a higher level located in the East, social beliefs and motivations of the East applied to settling the West. The focus then was Washington DC. Naturally that remains true today.
For background I suggest viewing Ken Burns "The West"
Look at the map in the top link presenting the a graphical view of what is to be settled with a new system of establishing and controlling a new "Information Territory" for charging to create revenues. Modeled on what is known in the East to Application a a far greater territory in the West. This is the plan of those that intend by plan to take the West. Back when it was the Wild West it was the building of the railroad the claiming of Geographical Territory for financial gain. Now the territory to be captured is conceptual. A territory that drew money to the government from taxes converting to a territory that draws money from fees. That is an old business model to make money not on the ownership but on fees that can be charged to those that use what is owned by others.
It its called a Rentier Society. Rentier Capitalism that seizes the Commons like territorial acquisition and charges fees for its public use.
The link at the top is the Top Level Domain in this Road Use Charge "land grab" to establish control of land it does not really own but land that it can charge a fee to use. A fee as replacement for taxes paid to the government for creation, use and maintenance of a public asset.
What is associated with this grabbing of the public asset to charge fees? Access to a vast wealth to be mined from the information derived from charging the fee to individual entities using the national road system. Who they are. Where they are located. The extent to which they use the road system. Where they go and when on the road system. It is like the question "Where does Google get its money". Look closer and the answer is the value of information created by use. It has become a basic business model. Give away the razor, charge for the (use of an expendable thing that is repeatedly required) blade. Give away the camera, charge for the film. What happened when film is no longer required? Charge rent for the medium to continue to store it digitally.
RUC is a big change in our social structure that will throw the spotlight on the creep of "Fees" as private enterprise invades the public domain and milks it like a cash cow. It is not only an invasion of the public domain by private enterprise but Big Private Enterprise invading the domain of small private enterprise. That invasion is even more subtle but the benefits of capturing a market for fees derived from it applies to the private domain as well as the public one. That is a separate thing to examine in itself and the object of a "National Organization" to capture the membership of the smaller players. It is a brilliant long range business model!
In the shorter range the ramifications of RUC are immense. It is a change from a tax based system to a fee base system. Fees collected by outsourcing to private enterprise and government receiving pass through (minus expense and profit) revenue. It may be hard to believe but citizens controlled taxes. Control by the vote for what that is worth. What happens when use fees must be increased? Blame the government that became merely the contracting agent to give away the right of direct tax on what it (We the People) own?
What is the NSCL? One of many Top Level Domain Players in the Road Use Charge Domain.
What a wonderful thing that they organized to "help" our elected representatives!
"In 1974, three organizations represented the interests of legislators and staff, but their influence was diluted. So seven inventive legislative leaders and two staffers got together and envisioned a single national organization to support, defend and strengthen state legislatures. After a survey of lawmakers and staff from around the country confirmed their idea was a good one, the three organizations dissolved, and on Jan. 1, 1975, the National Conference of State Legislatures was born."
Looks like the ALEC model.
Sure 'nuff:
"ALEC is a forum for stakeholders to exchange ideas and develop real, state-based solutions to encourage growth, preserve economic security and protect hardworking taxpayers."
And convert those hardworking tax payers to hardworking fee payers? Qui Bono?
Taxes vs Fees:
This search term link: "trickle down fees"
For investigation purposes it is convenient that the TLD players identify as representing the next lower level special interest players. Fees trickle down! In the private domain. Trickle down fees raise all boats in the private sector financial services domain as well as private sector goods.
Returning to RUC: These are the results of a search on the term "road use charges"
Wikipedia calls it "Road Pricing"
Arpent is a player in RUC. It provided financial support for this recent study:
Academic involvement:
A broader issue to examine in RUC is the Internet Of Things:
This blog entry follows a blog entry taking a broader Information Structure look at the Top Level Domain of Information and Knowledge. Prior to that blog entry was a look a RUC West. In hindsight I should call it "RUC Wild West". Like carving the "Wild West" into an organized Domain it was done from a higher level located in the East, social beliefs and motivations of the East applied to settling the West. The focus then was Washington DC. Naturally that remains true today.
For background I suggest viewing Ken Burns "The West"
Look at the map in the top link presenting the a graphical view of what is to be settled with a new system of establishing and controlling a new "Information Territory" for charging to create revenues. Modeled on what is known in the East to Application a a far greater territory in the West. This is the plan of those that intend by plan to take the West. Back when it was the Wild West it was the building of the railroad the claiming of Geographical Territory for financial gain. Now the territory to be captured is conceptual. A territory that drew money to the government from taxes converting to a territory that draws money from fees. That is an old business model to make money not on the ownership but on fees that can be charged to those that use what is owned by others.
It its called a Rentier Society. Rentier Capitalism that seizes the Commons like territorial acquisition and charges fees for its public use.
The link at the top is the Top Level Domain in this Road Use Charge "land grab" to establish control of land it does not really own but land that it can charge a fee to use. A fee as replacement for taxes paid to the government for creation, use and maintenance of a public asset.
What is associated with this grabbing of the public asset to charge fees? Access to a vast wealth to be mined from the information derived from charging the fee to individual entities using the national road system. Who they are. Where they are located. The extent to which they use the road system. Where they go and when on the road system. It is like the question "Where does Google get its money". Look closer and the answer is the value of information created by use. It has become a basic business model. Give away the razor, charge for the (use of an expendable thing that is repeatedly required) blade. Give away the camera, charge for the film. What happened when film is no longer required? Charge rent for the medium to continue to store it digitally.
RUC is a big change in our social structure that will throw the spotlight on the creep of "Fees" as private enterprise invades the public domain and milks it like a cash cow. It is not only an invasion of the public domain by private enterprise but Big Private Enterprise invading the domain of small private enterprise. That invasion is even more subtle but the benefits of capturing a market for fees derived from it applies to the private domain as well as the public one. That is a separate thing to examine in itself and the object of a "National Organization" to capture the membership of the smaller players. It is a brilliant long range business model!
In the shorter range the ramifications of RUC are immense. It is a change from a tax based system to a fee base system. Fees collected by outsourcing to private enterprise and government receiving pass through (minus expense and profit) revenue. It may be hard to believe but citizens controlled taxes. Control by the vote for what that is worth. What happens when use fees must be increased? Blame the government that became merely the contracting agent to give away the right of direct tax on what it (We the People) own?
What is the NSCL? One of many Top Level Domain Players in the Road Use Charge Domain.
What a wonderful thing that they organized to "help" our elected representatives!
"In 1974, three organizations represented the interests of legislators and staff, but their influence was diluted. So seven inventive legislative leaders and two staffers got together and envisioned a single national organization to support, defend and strengthen state legislatures. After a survey of lawmakers and staff from around the country confirmed their idea was a good one, the three organizations dissolved, and on Jan. 1, 1975, the National Conference of State Legislatures was born."
Looks like the ALEC model.
Sure 'nuff:
"ALEC is a forum for stakeholders to exchange ideas and develop real, state-based solutions to encourage growth, preserve economic security and protect hardworking taxpayers."
And convert those hardworking tax payers to hardworking fee payers? Qui Bono?
Taxes vs Fees:
This search term link: "trickle down fees"
For investigation purposes it is convenient that the TLD players identify as representing the next lower level special interest players. Fees trickle down! In the private domain. Trickle down fees raise all boats in the private sector financial services domain as well as private sector goods.
Returning to RUC: These are the results of a search on the term "road use charges"
Wikipedia calls it "Road Pricing"
Arpent is a player in RUC. It provided financial support for this recent study:
Academic involvement:
A broader issue to examine in RUC is the Internet Of Things:
Top Level Domain (TLD) Ontology - Information Age - Knowledge - Future Becomes History
It is a way that information is organized to create definition but it works for me to structure things....and the implementing action that connect them at all levels.
This link lead me to examine TLD:
The entire Domain is simply an object oriented Parent/Child relationship in an extremely complex set of all relationships. A complex structured set that can be reduced to simplicity With Information Age tools. Everything in this blog that numbers more than a thousand entries is related. It all came from my mind. Stuff from my mind that came out of nowhere born as a new creation. Other stuff that my mind saw that were thoughts created by others that classified them as valuable in the weaving of things and actions in the real world into some order of importance fabric of meaning to the "World Order" in my mind that I adopted from existing Information and Knowledge and added to as a creative contribution born in my own mind. Structured thoughts not only new to me but evidently, perhaps, never thought of in the same way before by anyone else. That explains my person joy in deriving "bragging rights" for word phrase expressions in various blog entries that have never been indexed on the World Wide Web in exactly the same order of the same words to create a "thought fragment" expressing an idea of significance to me.....and maybe someone else. Maybe my own unique framing of a thought in an original creative manner is not information or knowledge unless someone else "gets it". That is a tree falling in the forest thing?
Who ever "gets" anything I "say' in this blog anyhow. It gets hits but that means nothing, at least measured by feedback. The only two comments ever made came from my sister and a dear friend that would say anything nice to anyone. Regardless of lack of feedback it al means something to me. When I stand far enough back and look at it.....I am the one giving feedback on what I write. It is worthwhile to me!
Top Level Domains imply a top down information structure. Down to the most discrete level of the lowest granular building block relationship to itself in its own attributes and methods in knows how to do and messages to send to other external objects in the system. The World Wide Web is a structure of Domain Names in an information system that encompasses the entire world. It is a way of organizing everything in a new "Language" structure. A grand meta-structure of domain names established one at a time like the Wild West was established by Homesteaders making a claim on a piece of land. Then Homesteaders making a claim within a claim within a multitude of higher order claims.
Guess where that came from? I just completed watching the Ken Burns series "The West". An analogy of the Information Age. Prior to that I had watched "The Roosevelts" on Netflix.
Jumping from Top Level Domain in the WWW to Bottom Level Domain in the structure of the WWW the BLD is......a unique private domain name UIC for each and every human being upo0n which as bottom up structure of named domains chosen by (or assigned) each individual that defines them.
What is private and what is public in that unique BLD in a Bottom Up Assembly relationship to all other assigned or chosen domains all the way to a collection of Top Level Domains?
Maybe the answer is in Private/Public Keys in the information system? That is another set of structural relationships that is extremely complex. As in the Old West maybe it is primarily can be claimed and protected from others claiming it and in the Old West claim jumping was prevalent in the absence of rigid protection of a six gun or government laws that worked to "protect" claiming rights. Rights of some to violate the rights of others in a nation of "laws".
Top to Bottom Level domain structures like WWW domain names in a relational ontology is ruled in all its complexity to make the system simple to the user...but that "user" might be implied and interpreted to be the end user at the bottom....the individual citizen. That citizen is not the primary stakeholder in society. Sometimes or maybe even often a secondary stakeholder that will suffer the power and actions of higher level stakeholders.
Perhaps one of the Glorious Features of the Constitution is a Constant:
"These rights shall not be infringed"
It is a TLD "Constant" of specific citizen rights subject to interpretation in a TLD context that operates for the Common Good.
That is simplifies everything in a complex system! As much as we can simplify it given the tools our times just as it was the simply answer to the framers of the Constitution given the tools of their time.
We have far better information tools today to create knowledge. We have yet to learn how to organize and use the WWW for a TLD benefit to structure human endeavor for the common greater good. It is a creative process that some future "Ken Burns" will present as the future look at how the Information Age came about in the same manner as we settled our country from East to West in the Old West. There will be many things to regret in the history of that settlement that is now the future before us. Some will profit greatly in the process. Others will be losers suffering from injustices in the creation of a future, always hopefully, better world.
It is a way that information is organized to create definition but it works for me to structure things....and the implementing action that connect them at all levels.
This link lead me to examine TLD:
The entire Domain is simply an object oriented Parent/Child relationship in an extremely complex set of all relationships. A complex structured set that can be reduced to simplicity With Information Age tools. Everything in this blog that numbers more than a thousand entries is related. It all came from my mind. Stuff from my mind that came out of nowhere born as a new creation. Other stuff that my mind saw that were thoughts created by others that classified them as valuable in the weaving of things and actions in the real world into some order of importance fabric of meaning to the "World Order" in my mind that I adopted from existing Information and Knowledge and added to as a creative contribution born in my own mind. Structured thoughts not only new to me but evidently, perhaps, never thought of in the same way before by anyone else. That explains my person joy in deriving "bragging rights" for word phrase expressions in various blog entries that have never been indexed on the World Wide Web in exactly the same order of the same words to create a "thought fragment" expressing an idea of significance to me.....and maybe someone else. Maybe my own unique framing of a thought in an original creative manner is not information or knowledge unless someone else "gets it". That is a tree falling in the forest thing?
Who ever "gets" anything I "say' in this blog anyhow. It gets hits but that means nothing, at least measured by feedback. The only two comments ever made came from my sister and a dear friend that would say anything nice to anyone. Regardless of lack of feedback it al means something to me. When I stand far enough back and look at it.....I am the one giving feedback on what I write. It is worthwhile to me!
Top Level Domains imply a top down information structure. Down to the most discrete level of the lowest granular building block relationship to itself in its own attributes and methods in knows how to do and messages to send to other external objects in the system. The World Wide Web is a structure of Domain Names in an information system that encompasses the entire world. It is a way of organizing everything in a new "Language" structure. A grand meta-structure of domain names established one at a time like the Wild West was established by Homesteaders making a claim on a piece of land. Then Homesteaders making a claim within a claim within a multitude of higher order claims.
Guess where that came from? I just completed watching the Ken Burns series "The West". An analogy of the Information Age. Prior to that I had watched "The Roosevelts" on Netflix.
Jumping from Top Level Domain in the WWW to Bottom Level Domain in the structure of the WWW the BLD is......a unique private domain name UIC for each and every human being upo0n which as bottom up structure of named domains chosen by (or assigned) each individual that defines them.
What is private and what is public in that unique BLD in a Bottom Up Assembly relationship to all other assigned or chosen domains all the way to a collection of Top Level Domains?
Maybe the answer is in Private/Public Keys in the information system? That is another set of structural relationships that is extremely complex. As in the Old West maybe it is primarily can be claimed and protected from others claiming it and in the Old West claim jumping was prevalent in the absence of rigid protection of a six gun or government laws that worked to "protect" claiming rights. Rights of some to violate the rights of others in a nation of "laws".
Top to Bottom Level domain structures like WWW domain names in a relational ontology is ruled in all its complexity to make the system simple to the user...but that "user" might be implied and interpreted to be the end user at the bottom....the individual citizen. That citizen is not the primary stakeholder in society. Sometimes or maybe even often a secondary stakeholder that will suffer the power and actions of higher level stakeholders.
Perhaps one of the Glorious Features of the Constitution is a Constant:
"These rights shall not be infringed"
It is a TLD "Constant" of specific citizen rights subject to interpretation in a TLD context that operates for the Common Good.
That is simplifies everything in a complex system! As much as we can simplify it given the tools our times just as it was the simply answer to the framers of the Constitution given the tools of their time.
We have far better information tools today to create knowledge. We have yet to learn how to organize and use the WWW for a TLD benefit to structure human endeavor for the common greater good. It is a creative process that some future "Ken Burns" will present as the future look at how the Information Age came about in the same manner as we settled our country from East to West in the Old West. There will be many things to regret in the history of that settlement that is now the future before us. Some will profit greatly in the process. Others will be losers suffering from injustices in the creation of a future, always hopefully, better world.
Saturday, May 12, 2018
Road Use Charge Program - Oregon
This post from 2015 examines the OReGo Road Use Charge Plan.
The official state government site:
The non-government private organization site: ""
Cozy relationship between the state and the organization!
An update of the idea is at this solicitation for bids. The name has changed and now the application is regional:
"Notice Summary
RUC West, a 14-state coalition focused on advancing research of road usage charges (RUC), in coordination with their contracting entity, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), is seeking information from potential business partners who manufacture and supply road usage charging equipment and systems. This is a preliminary step, as ODOT intends to issue a subsequent formal Request for Proposal (RFP) and select one or more business partners for implementing a demonstration system in support of a Regional RUC Pilot, initially between Oregon and California but potentially expanding to other states in late 2018.
For this RFI, RUC West and ODOT are asking potential business partners to provide information relative to the equipment and services they could propose to support the RUC West Regional Pilot. RUC West intends to release a formal RFP for business partner equipment and services sometime late 2018."
RUC West
RUC West brings together leaders from state transportation organizations to share best practices, ideas, and information on Road Usage Charge.
This group acts as a go-to source for anyone who has any interest in RUC. Whether watching the story unfold, or considering implementation of a Road Usage Charge, RUC West is the place to find a clear, factual, non-biased picture of how RUC has worked and is working in other states. RUC West also provides case studies, best practices, and the most up-to-date information on RUC available anywhere.
RUC West is a ONE-STOP SHOP for all road usage charge information."
Yes, but who is really RUC West? An OReGo Zombie?
A week ago I registered a new vehicle at the DMV in Bend. Outside the entrance was someone collecting signatures on a State Initiative Petition.
This is a related website:
This is info on the State Initiative Petition;
Tax vs Fee: This is a very sticky issue for those that will pay it! Taken from this link state OreGo final report:
"Additionally, unlike the nearly invisible gas tax, which is built into the cost-per-gallon that drivers pay when they purchase fuel, RUC is a tax that
users will see. It will necessitate some action on the part of the driver, such as writing a check, logging into an account, monitoring a device, or other actions. ODOT should consider ways in which it can streamline the collection of road usage fees to minimize the time and effort for drivers."
Business Model:
Shift the burden of the state collecting tax to the burden of a free private enterprise collecting a fee, taking its "Cut" as the fee collection agent and then passing what remains to the state of Oregon!
The official state government site:
The non-government private organization site: ""
Cozy relationship between the state and the organization!
An update of the idea is at this solicitation for bids. The name has changed and now the application is regional:
"Notice Summary
RUC West, a 14-state coalition focused on advancing research of road usage charges (RUC), in coordination with their contracting entity, the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), is seeking information from potential business partners who manufacture and supply road usage charging equipment and systems. This is a preliminary step, as ODOT intends to issue a subsequent formal Request for Proposal (RFP) and select one or more business partners for implementing a demonstration system in support of a Regional RUC Pilot, initially between Oregon and California but potentially expanding to other states in late 2018.
For this RFI, RUC West and ODOT are asking potential business partners to provide information relative to the equipment and services they could propose to support the RUC West Regional Pilot. RUC West intends to release a formal RFP for business partner equipment and services sometime late 2018."
RUC West
RUC West brings together leaders from state transportation organizations to share best practices, ideas, and information on Road Usage Charge.
This group acts as a go-to source for anyone who has any interest in RUC. Whether watching the story unfold, or considering implementation of a Road Usage Charge, RUC West is the place to find a clear, factual, non-biased picture of how RUC has worked and is working in other states. RUC West also provides case studies, best practices, and the most up-to-date information on RUC available anywhere.
RUC West is a ONE-STOP SHOP for all road usage charge information."
Yes, but who is really RUC West? An OReGo Zombie?
A week ago I registered a new vehicle at the DMV in Bend. Outside the entrance was someone collecting signatures on a State Initiative Petition.
This is a related website:
This is info on the State Initiative Petition;
Tax vs Fee: This is a very sticky issue for those that will pay it! Taken from this link state OreGo final report:
"Additionally, unlike the nearly invisible gas tax, which is built into the cost-per-gallon that drivers pay when they purchase fuel, RUC is a tax that
users will see. It will necessitate some action on the part of the driver, such as writing a check, logging into an account, monitoring a device, or other actions. ODOT should consider ways in which it can streamline the collection of road usage fees to minimize the time and effort for drivers."
Business Model:
Shift the burden of the state collecting tax to the burden of a free private enterprise collecting a fee, taking its "Cut" as the fee collection agent and then passing what remains to the state of Oregon!
Thursday, May 10, 2018
GIS Map Information More Discrete Levels of Map Information Bend, Oregon ZIP+4
Information presented on a GIS map that can be drilled down to a discrete area relationship of geography to any type of space and time information is a glorious way to look at anything and everything in the relational world of information.
For example this US map of SNAP recipients.
Yes, I know that so far the subject line is not specifically being address right off the bat. I changed the subject line after seeing where this point of blog entry inquiry took me. Stick with it to see where it goes.
Yes, I know that so far the subject line is not specifically being address right off the bat. I changed the subject line after seeing where this point of blog entry inquiry took me. Stick with it to see where it goes.
The lowest discrete level is County areas. It could go lower than that governmental division? How low could it go before privacy required a limit? ZIP code perhaps?
This is a GIS Map that I often use as a point of entry to discover Deschutes County Assessor information. It drills down on a map to the individual owner property tax account. The map can be enlarged to show individual properties from which to select to see all property tax information related to that property (a large amount of info!).
Whoops! What has happened to the Deschutes county Dial Map? On my screen it shows only as a narrow sliver not a full screen map! Perhaps it is a temporary glitch?
Back to the usefulness of a GIS map as a point of entry to information research.....
Might the SNAP map be presented on a more precise geographical level? ZIP Code? It depends on how recipients receive their SNAP qualification/authorization.
The city of Bend is an example.
Whoops! What has happened to the Deschutes county Dial Map? On my screen it shows only as a narrow sliver not a full screen map! Perhaps it is a temporary glitch?
Back to the usefulness of a GIS map as a point of entry to information research.....
Might the SNAP map be presented on a more precise geographical level? ZIP Code? It depends on how recipients receive their SNAP qualification/authorization.
The city of Bend is an example.
My Zip Code is 97703-xxxx. Why not give my actual ZIP+4? Because Google searching on my full ZIP+4 reveals my name, street address and that of my next door neighbor as well. It also reveals the two names of previous occupants. One sold me the house 30 years ago. Another was the only renter of my home for a year! If the full ZIP+4 identified a carrier route there should be many more returns on the Google Search! WTF?
That cannot identify my specific house. I never know what that additional 4 digits meant. Those additional 4 digits are ZIP+4. Today I learned it is the carrier route ID Number used for sorting purposes. My street address does identify my house. My name on the letter (other than occupant) identifies me or any other resident in the house receiving a letter intended for them.
The Bend ZIP Code Map shows three ZIP codes for Bend. Bend used to be 97701 now there are three ZIP codes that cover a much larger area than the city limits of Bend but all intersect at Bend to divide the city itself into 3 areas.
The same commercial .com site above that gave me the Bend map of 3 Zip Codes will sell me a disc with all the ZIP+4 codes for the entire USA!
Where is a map that shows the geographical area of ZIP Code 97703 with added information related only to the basic ZIP Code number?
YES. Amazing! Another commercial .com site can add information.,zipcode,97703.cfm
This is a Wikipedia explanation of ZIP+4:
This is the government information on the system that encompasses ZIP+4:
What started out as thoughts to get a closer look at where recipients of SNAP are located lower than the county level turned into a serendipitous discovery of a more granular location system in the United States Postal System addressing!
How many ZIP+4 codes are there in the Bend 97701, 97702, 97703 Zip Code areas.
This is really narrowing things down!
Hmmm... this is getting interesting!
What might this Census data reveal if it was overplayed on a GIS map?
This is getting into something I do not know how to do but someone must have done it for me..other than a .com site that wants to sell it to me? It is open source government information.
What exactly is this Census Bureau TIGER thing all about that seems to have a connection to ZIP+4?
Google searching on my own ZIP+4: 97703-xxxx reveals that there are only 3 valid search returns.
One for the previous owner that sold me the house 30 years ago. One for my next door neighbor.
This explanation of ZIP+4:
"You may have noticed the extra appendage of numbers added to a ZIP code called the plus-four, ZIP + 4, or add-on code. What is it for? The USPS considers the five-digit ZIP plus those additional four digits to be the most complete kind of delivery code. Introduced in 1983, the plus-four is a helpful ally in the ongoing drive for even more efficient delivery and sorting.
relationship between ZIP+4 codes and Federal Information
Processing Standard (FIPS) county codes. The file allows users
who have assigned ZIP+4 codes to their address files to obtain
county data at the ZIP+4 level."
Holy Smokes!
Does the right hand of government data not know what it reveals when joined by relationship to the right hand of government data? This is a situation ripe for data mining and information exploitation!
This is a website providing Zip+4 location data for Bend, Oregon: dated 2015:
and for my street: 98 house addresses having Zip+4 on Trenton Ave.
Returning to the beginning of this blog entry:
The top link demonstrates the information value of a map point of entry to display relative geographical information. It shows information at the county level. More precise information would be presented if it was shown at a lower geographical level. Zip+4 for example. The first two digits of Zip+4 show a sector the second digits a section. A section appears to be s street or similar area. My street with 98 addresses for example. That is a very small area and nay reveal private information. The size of a sector however would likely anonymize any specific personal privacy information.
Making Demographics easy to use: The business of putting 2 and 2 together:,Zip4,Products.asp
There is an amazing amount of variables (mostly from census) available.,Zip4,Data,Variables,Products.asp
This is a data base to which any other variables with location as a key data element could be associated!
Mailing list:,CustomDesignYourOwnMailingList,Products.asp
ArcGIS ESRI zip+4
ERSI 65 segment tapestry system using ZIP+4 data key:
"The 65-segment Tapestry system classifies US residential neighborhoods based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition. Tapestry Segmentation codes are assigned by postal geographic levels to ZIP Codes and ZIP+4s and by census geographies at the census tract and block group levels. For a broader view of US neighborhoods, Tapestry Segmentation divides the 65 segments into summary groups:"
The demographic information in this .pdf is fascinating. It is used for emergency crises response. It could be used for any other information purpose as well.
ERSI Tapestry Segmentation:
Wow! What if this went to zip+4 level? Enter 97703 Zip Code for Bend
It could go to that level! data is available.
Census Tiger products:
Zip Code Tabulation Areas: ZCTA
ZCTA and the Postal Service Zip Code...background info:
A very interesting discussion of obtaining spatial mapping info related to ZIP+4 (Zip plus 4)
Finally: Getting back to the SNAP Analysis by USA County:
Oregon SNAP:
This gets Oregon SNAP down to a more detailed geographic city area (incl Bend) in Deschiutes county.
From the link above:
Total Snap Benefits Bend Oregon April 2018 $ 1,274,449.00
Households: 5,180
Recipients: 9,880.
$129.00 per recipient
Deschutes County Allotment Jan/Feb/Mar:
Deschutes $2,874,433 $2,895,457 $2,891,279
From the top link:
State: Oregon County: Deschutes County County Seat: Bend Metro/Micro/Rural: Metropolitan Statistical Area 2015 SNAP Participants: 28135 2015 Pop. Estimate: 175268 % Pop Enrolled in SNAP: 16.1
FIPS Code:
The FIPS state alpha code for each U.S. states and the District of Columbia are identical to the (state) postal abbreviations by the United States Postal Service.
My Zip Code is 97703-xxxx. Why not give my actual ZIP+4? Because Google searching on my full ZIP+4 reveals my name, street address and that of my next door neighbor as well. It also reveals the two names of previous occupants. One sold me the house 30 years ago. Another was the only renter of my home for a year! If the full ZIP+4 identified a carrier route there should be many more returns on the Google Search! WTF?
That cannot identify my specific house. I never know what that additional 4 digits meant. Those additional 4 digits are ZIP+4. Today I learned it is the carrier route ID Number used for sorting purposes. My street address does identify my house. My name on the letter (other than occupant) identifies me or any other resident in the house receiving a letter intended for them.
The Bend ZIP Code Map shows three ZIP codes for Bend. Bend used to be 97701 now there are three ZIP codes that cover a much larger area than the city limits of Bend but all intersect at Bend to divide the city itself into 3 areas.
The same commercial .com site above that gave me the Bend map of 3 Zip Codes will sell me a disc with all the ZIP+4 codes for the entire USA!
YES. Amazing! Another commercial .com site can add information.,zipcode,97703.cfm
This is a Wikipedia explanation of ZIP+4:
This is the government information on the system that encompasses ZIP+4:
What started out as thoughts to get a closer look at where recipients of SNAP are located lower than the county level turned into a serendipitous discovery of a more granular location system in the United States Postal System addressing!
How many ZIP+4 codes are there in the Bend 97701, 97702, 97703 Zip Code areas.
This is really narrowing things down!
Hmmm... this is getting interesting!
What might this Census data reveal if it was overplayed on a GIS map?
This is getting into something I do not know how to do but someone must have done it for me..other than a .com site that wants to sell it to me? It is open source government information.
What exactly is this Census Bureau TIGER thing all about that seems to have a connection to ZIP+4?
Google searching on my own ZIP+4: 97703-xxxx reveals that there are only 3 valid search returns.
One for the previous owner that sold me the house 30 years ago. One for my next door neighbor.
This explanation of ZIP+4:
"You may have noticed the extra appendage of numbers added to a ZIP code called the plus-four, ZIP + 4, or add-on code. What is it for? The USPS considers the five-digit ZIP plus those additional four digits to be the most complete kind of delivery code. Introduced in 1983, the plus-four is a helpful ally in the ongoing drive for even more efficient delivery and sorting.
What do the numbers mean?
What is the breakdown of the plus-four and what do the numbers mean? The first two numbers of the plus-four identify the larger area known as the sector. The last two identify the segment. Segment and sector are actually terms that identify very specific geographical areas that pinpoint more than just a numbered house on a street. As explained at this USPS source, “the final four digits identify geographic units such as a side of a street between intersections, both sides of a street between intersections, a building, a floor or group of floors in a building, a firm within a building, a span of boxes on a rural route, or a group of Post Office boxes to which a single USPS employee makes delivery.” It can also identify an individual high-volume receiver of mail."
"1.8.2 ZIP+4 - A Complete ZIP Code
"1.8.2 ZIP+4 - A Complete ZIP Code
In Bend ZIP+4 numbers for Zip Code 97703 appear to run from1001 to 3999.
This was discovered by trial and error bracket search.
That is about 3,000 ZIP+4 numbers for only the 97703 segment of Bend, Oregon.
What is the range of 97701 and 97702 for Bend?
It appears that that each of the 3 Bend Zip Codes have about 4,000 Zip+4 addresses. Each Zip Code with a ZIP+4 address give about 3 pages of google hits. Excluding the unrelated coincidental hits there are a few hits per each search that return different addresses for the same ZIP+4
Exactly what is the size of a geographical area related to a ZIP+4 address?
The size of a "Sector"?
The size of a "Segment"? Segment can be a floor in a multi story building.
This is an extremely interesting CDC link that cross references ZIP+4 information at the county level to
Federal data base.
"The County Cross Reference File is a product which provides arelationship between ZIP+4 codes and Federal Information
Processing Standard (FIPS) county codes. The file allows users
who have assigned ZIP+4 codes to their address files to obtain
county data at the ZIP+4 level."
Holy Smokes!
Does the right hand of government data not know what it reveals when joined by relationship to the right hand of government data? This is a situation ripe for data mining and information exploitation!
This is a website providing Zip+4 location data for Bend, Oregon: dated 2015:
and for my street: 98 house addresses having Zip+4 on Trenton Ave.
Returning to the beginning of this blog entry:
The top link demonstrates the information value of a map point of entry to display relative geographical information. It shows information at the county level. More precise information would be presented if it was shown at a lower geographical level. Zip+4 for example. The first two digits of Zip+4 show a sector the second digits a section. A section appears to be s street or similar area. My street with 98 addresses for example. That is a very small area and nay reveal private information. The size of a sector however would likely anonymize any specific personal privacy information.
Making Demographics easy to use: The business of putting 2 and 2 together:,Zip4,Products.asp
There is an amazing amount of variables (mostly from census) available.,Zip4,Data,Variables,Products.asp
This is a data base to which any other variables with location as a key data element could be associated!
Mailing list:,CustomDesignYourOwnMailingList,Products.asp
ArcGIS ESRI zip+4
ERSI 65 segment tapestry system using ZIP+4 data key:
"The 65-segment Tapestry system classifies US residential neighborhoods based on their socioeconomic and demographic composition. Tapestry Segmentation codes are assigned by postal geographic levels to ZIP Codes and ZIP+4s and by census geographies at the census tract and block group levels. For a broader view of US neighborhoods, Tapestry Segmentation divides the 65 segments into summary groups:"
The demographic information in this .pdf is fascinating. It is used for emergency crises response. It could be used for any other information purpose as well.
ERSI Tapestry Segmentation:
Wow! What if this went to zip+4 level? Enter 97703 Zip Code for Bend
It could go to that level! data is available.
Census Tiger products:
Zip Code Tabulation Areas: ZCTA
ZCTA and the Postal Service Zip Code...background info:
A very interesting discussion of obtaining spatial mapping info related to ZIP+4 (Zip plus 4)
Finally: Getting back to the SNAP Analysis by USA County:
Oregon SNAP:
This gets Oregon SNAP down to a more detailed geographic city area (incl Bend) in Deschiutes county.
From the link above:
Total Snap Benefits Bend Oregon April 2018 $ 1,274,449.00
Households: 5,180
Recipients: 9,880.
$129.00 per recipient
Deschutes County Allotment Jan/Feb/Mar:
Deschutes $2,874,433 $2,895,457 $2,891,279
From the top link:
State: Oregon County: Deschutes County County Seat: Bend Metro/Micro/Rural: Metropolitan Statistical Area 2015 SNAP Participants: 28135 2015 Pop. Estimate: 175268 % Pop Enrolled in SNAP: 16.1
FIPS Code:
The FIPS state alpha code for each U.S. states and the District of Columbia are identical to the (state) postal abbreviations by the United States Postal Service.
Wednesday, May 9, 2018
Speaking of Truth
This is a follow on to the previous blog entry that spoke about truth and Trump.
This is speaking the truth and nothing but the truth. How different the course of history would be if Bernie was elected. How unfortunate that Hillary gat the nomination.
This is speaking the truth and nothing but the truth. How different the course of history would be if Bernie was elected. How unfortunate that Hillary gat the nomination.
Tuesday, May 8, 2018
Economics is a bunch of Crap so is Trump
economics is a bunch of crap
I had a bad dream last night. After retiring from the navy I went back to college. The economics final exam was a two part. Multiple choice and written exam. I finished the first part then quit. I did not do the written part. I should have written "Economics is a Bunch of Crap" and then quit.
At an academic hearing on my exam I was asked why I did not do the second part. I said that "Economics was a bunch of crap". The examiner said that was wrong and a negative entry would be made in my student record.
This morning while roaming the results of last night's social commentary expressed by my favorite commenters I viewed this:
Economics is not the only thing that is a bunch of crap!
Crap is crap.
I know it when I see it.
What is economics:
It is the relationship between what people do and why they do it.
What thing implements the relationship between what they do (decisions related to goods and services)?
Cut the crap!
Economics is essentially first and foremost about money.
Like Facts = Truth
These are two facts:
The presence of truth is a fact.
The absence of truth is a fact.
A thing cannot be present and absent at the same time. At an instant of time the absolute condition of presence or absence is mutually exclusive.
This was expressed by Colbert at this link when he goes back in time to make a true statement about about Kelly Ann dependent on a previous moment of time that was true then.
What the social commentary comedians have in common is amusing presentation of simple truths in contrast to a bunch of crap that is ridiculously false = bunch of crap!
Crap is an assault on intelligence:
Hayden redeems himself by telling the truth!
Hayden says; "Finally to make this really complicated"........
Yes, it is really complicated.
The Intelligence community deals in deceit. It knows it deals in deceit. It knows it knows because it knows the facts. It has to know the real facts that are to manipulated to presented as fallacy to hide the facts. If the Intelligence community loses track of what is factual (locked up in the vault as fact) that it portrays as fallacy in performance of its mission then....internally is not longer knows at some level what the fact of the matter is.
Compartmentalization is the highest degree of security. It is layered disguise of the fact of what the true nature of anything is. The false cover story explaining each layer of cover story. Somewhere by design but at a very high level, someone knows the truth. Being the keeper of that truth is a scary thing. Few know the real way or the other. Ideally the real truth is in the best interest of the nation. What that best interest might be defined as being is what is scary!
Is the best interest served by torture for example ? That is a compartmentalized thing!
Hayden was at the very top.
The fact that he evidently knows the difference between truth and false and some responsibility to essentially know the truth, whatever it may be or how disagreeable it may be is the only thing thing that keeps the Intelligence Community from deceiving itself.
That is his redemption. I did not think he had it in him......if he does.
Same goes for the nation.
The Intelligence Community does this to truth to hide it or discover it in the reverse process. It is a code/decode thing.
Social commentary comedians are decoders of crap to reveal truth. Interesting interview with Hayden who knows both coding the truth to hide for the purpose of deception and decode it to discover it.
How much intelligence does anyone have to have to know the truth that Trump is a bunch of Crap? Can they do the true/false or multiple choice first part of a test and then defend in their own words any choice of Trump as Truth Teller?
I had a bad dream last night. After retiring from the navy I went back to college. The economics final exam was a two part. Multiple choice and written exam. I finished the first part then quit. I did not do the written part. I should have written "Economics is a Bunch of Crap" and then quit.
At an academic hearing on my exam I was asked why I did not do the second part. I said that "Economics was a bunch of crap". The examiner said that was wrong and a negative entry would be made in my student record.
This morning while roaming the results of last night's social commentary expressed by my favorite commenters I viewed this:
Economics is not the only thing that is a bunch of crap!
Crap is crap.
I know it when I see it.
What is economics:
It is the relationship between what people do and why they do it.
What thing implements the relationship between what they do (decisions related to goods and services)?
Cut the crap!
Economics is essentially first and foremost about money.
Like Facts = Truth
These are two facts:
The presence of truth is a fact.
The absence of truth is a fact.
A thing cannot be present and absent at the same time. At an instant of time the absolute condition of presence or absence is mutually exclusive.
This was expressed by Colbert at this link when he goes back in time to make a true statement about about Kelly Ann dependent on a previous moment of time that was true then.
What the social commentary comedians have in common is amusing presentation of simple truths in contrast to a bunch of crap that is ridiculously false = bunch of crap!
Crap is an assault on intelligence:
Hayden redeems himself by telling the truth!
Hayden says; "Finally to make this really complicated"........
Yes, it is really complicated.
The Intelligence community deals in deceit. It knows it deals in deceit. It knows it knows because it knows the facts. It has to know the real facts that are to manipulated to presented as fallacy to hide the facts. If the Intelligence community loses track of what is factual (locked up in the vault as fact) that it portrays as fallacy in performance of its mission then....internally is not longer knows at some level what the fact of the matter is.
Compartmentalization is the highest degree of security. It is layered disguise of the fact of what the true nature of anything is. The false cover story explaining each layer of cover story. Somewhere by design but at a very high level, someone knows the truth. Being the keeper of that truth is a scary thing. Few know the real way or the other. Ideally the real truth is in the best interest of the nation. What that best interest might be defined as being is what is scary!
Is the best interest served by torture for example ? That is a compartmentalized thing!
Hayden was at the very top.
The fact that he evidently knows the difference between truth and false and some responsibility to essentially know the truth, whatever it may be or how disagreeable it may be is the only thing thing that keeps the Intelligence Community from deceiving itself.
That is his redemption. I did not think he had it in him......if he does.
Same goes for the nation.
The Intelligence Community does this to truth to hide it or discover it in the reverse process. It is a code/decode thing.
Social commentary comedians are decoders of crap to reveal truth. Interesting interview with Hayden who knows both coding the truth to hide for the purpose of deception and decode it to discover it.
How much intelligence does anyone have to have to know the truth that Trump is a bunch of Crap? Can they do the true/false or multiple choice first part of a test and then defend in their own words any choice of Trump as Truth Teller?
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Autonomous Vehicles and the Other Driver - Social Change Implications
I recently returned from a 3 week trip in Australia where I drove about 500 miles. I lived in Australia for two years in the '70's and quickly noted a change in the the nature of drivers there.
Driving in the 70's required munch more defensive driving awareness because the general driving safety situation was not good. Speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, etc. Generally aggressive driving. The difference? First noticed was general lack of tailgating, Second was observance of speed limits. It seemed that if the limits were exceeded it was usually only by 3 or 4 miles per hour. These two things immediately struck me as a big change and after an initial few days driving I had the feeling that drivers in general were simply more courteous. Courtesy simply being defined as increased situational awareness resulting in what I would call "coordinated" driving. A type of driving in which human awareness and the application of logic and reason by drivers to mutual nature of the driving situation that when asking why this is so the answer is: It is best for everyone!
Driving on the left hand side initially required substantially much more focus and concentration and actual increase in the level of fear. For good is not normal! Initially, everytime I drove I actually said "this is Australia and today I am going to drive on the left hand side". After a few days I continued to say that but for the rest of the trip it became a sarcastic joke. Part of the reason was not increased natural skill in driving on the left but general reduction in the fear of driving because if I did anything wrong or unsafe out of right hand habit the results would be avoided or reduced as a consequence of the "good" driving of others driving well.
Why do they subjectively drive (I think actually objectively drive) better in Australia than the USA? Better being what I believe to be more coordinated? More coordinated meaning more like and autonomous vehicle would drive? Some speculation here. First I think it is due to the greater prevalence of speed cameras? Perhaps increased speeding fines but I am only guessing at that. Higher insurance rates? National traffic safety programs? Whatever it is I would say that the most striking thing is not only the observance of speed limits on the major highways but also the increased spacing of vehicles. In any four lane situation its was easier to change lanes but I also noticed that there were substantially fewer lane change frequency over time. In general all vehicles traveled at the same speed. Surprisingly that speed on a 4 lane was not only closer to the posted limit but if the first vehicle in a long line of cars driving in the left hand lane was 3 MPH above the limit then all cars behind it remained well spaced at the same speed. This was often true even if the lead car was traveling at the speed limit. Never happen in the USA.
Somehow Australian drivers were in my observation somehow to drive more like an autonomous vehicle was in control doing the "right" thing more consistent with rules of "doing the right thing".
That, exactly, is what non-autonomous drivers must do in the future where there are autonomous driven vehicle on the same road.
I like Australia, been there a dozen times. Mostly on a bicycle for long periods. I like the social environment of Australia as well as the natural environment. It is an egalitarian society and one in which the nature of "good day mate" is a "natural" trait because Australians believe in it like many Americans, unfortunately, believe "America First" to a socially detrimental extent. It is the difference between what two countries think of themselves socially. What they think is what they believe. What they believe is how they act. Sportsmanship is big in Australia. The expression "give 'em a fair go" is a national meme.
Maybe the way Australians drive is a function of the national character of what kind of people they think they are? Maybe the first rule of driving in Australia is: "Give 'em a fair go"?
Memes have a strong influence in Australia shaping the national character. The movie Australia has about all the foundational memes woven into it that I can think of. A person would have to be an Australian to see and know them. They would go over the heads of Americans. It was a movie about Australian memes. Memes they not only celebrate as national character but live by like religious belief. Interesting that religion is not that big an influence in Australia.
Maybe the stats might look like the USA but the influence on shaping the national character is in my opinion far less. Perhaps actual attendance is close but more nominal in Australia? Australian identity memes are stronger factors in shaping the national character than religion. I wonder if Australian memes are woven into the nature of religion in Australia? If so, then a clever move by organized religion to choose the content of what is preached to what the people already believe. Australia is a nation that also carries the memes of an founding prisoner population.
But I stray.....
Here is the focus thought:
There is a big change coming with self driving cars. The biggest change is integrating a legacy social attitude in how people drive with how they should drive for logical and reasonable greater benefit for everyone on the road. That way is the way that autonomous vehicles must drive. It is the way that non-autonomous vehicles should drive. Not only should drive but must be the human drivers controlled (forced if unwilling) into driving.
That level of "driver control shaping" is a "social problem" equal to the "hardware/software" problem of designing and operating an autonomous vehicle. It is a social problem that must be addressed by current shaping of actual driving behavior to the logic and reason level of autonomous driving. Otherwise human beings are rounded pegs pounded into a designed square hole as they integrate into a new social norm.
Americans do not integrate well.
Maybe Australia should be the world leader in the introduction of autonomous vehicles!
The new Australian meme: "We are number one because we give everyone a fair go on the road as well as in our country".
The driver that ran the red light did not give the autonomous vehicle a "Fair Go" as a function of the attitude and consequent actions of the driver in control.
The required changes to integrate diver social behavior with autonomous vehicle behavior must be driven by the the logic embedded in the sensors and software of the autonomous vehicle. The necessary social changes necessary to do that must be designed and implemented as formally as those applicable to autonomous vehicles. The great challenge is that unlike machines that operate based on operating systems and application software that reduce ambiguity of results to an absolute minimum is:.......
Human beings are not machines! Performance cannot be dictated unless it is dictated. Compliance with strict rules of behavior is by choice. That is an alternate method of social control. The idea and social nature of human "Choice" has evolved to make it more amenable to "programming".
It is fascinating to speculate how human beings driving vehicles are going to be "programmed" to integrate with a system aimed at the eventual objective of all vehicles on the road operating under autonomous control. What makes it more fascinating is that the technical time frame for creating and introducing autonomous vehicle operation on roads at an integration level that operate in cooperatively with human drivers is much shorter than what it certainly takes to implement the social changes necessary to change the driving habits of human beings to accomplish a safe integration.
I think that the social changes necessary must be designed and "driven" meaning driven upon drivers in order to implement the integration.
What is the magnitude of social engineering that will accomplish that?
I would place the magnitude at a level equal to the social changes necessary to implement gun control.
How to get an entire population of all drivers to do it in a short time frame equal to the autonomous vehicle introduction projected time frame driven by the industry is the big problem.
The biggest problem is the minority that will not give up the steering wheel until it is pried from their cold dead hands.
Hardware/Software driven cars will absolutely will drive better that human beings. Pilots are human beings with greatest skill and control but their airplanes basically fly themselves. The aviation model is where automobiles are headed.
Driving in the 70's required munch more defensive driving awareness because the general driving safety situation was not good. Speeding, tailgating, weaving in and out of traffic, etc. Generally aggressive driving. The difference? First noticed was general lack of tailgating, Second was observance of speed limits. It seemed that if the limits were exceeded it was usually only by 3 or 4 miles per hour. These two things immediately struck me as a big change and after an initial few days driving I had the feeling that drivers in general were simply more courteous. Courtesy simply being defined as increased situational awareness resulting in what I would call "coordinated" driving. A type of driving in which human awareness and the application of logic and reason by drivers to mutual nature of the driving situation that when asking why this is so the answer is: It is best for everyone!
Driving on the left hand side initially required substantially much more focus and concentration and actual increase in the level of fear. For good is not normal! Initially, everytime I drove I actually said "this is Australia and today I am going to drive on the left hand side". After a few days I continued to say that but for the rest of the trip it became a sarcastic joke. Part of the reason was not increased natural skill in driving on the left but general reduction in the fear of driving because if I did anything wrong or unsafe out of right hand habit the results would be avoided or reduced as a consequence of the "good" driving of others driving well.
Why do they subjectively drive (I think actually objectively drive) better in Australia than the USA? Better being what I believe to be more coordinated? More coordinated meaning more like and autonomous vehicle would drive? Some speculation here. First I think it is due to the greater prevalence of speed cameras? Perhaps increased speeding fines but I am only guessing at that. Higher insurance rates? National traffic safety programs? Whatever it is I would say that the most striking thing is not only the observance of speed limits on the major highways but also the increased spacing of vehicles. In any four lane situation its was easier to change lanes but I also noticed that there were substantially fewer lane change frequency over time. In general all vehicles traveled at the same speed. Surprisingly that speed on a 4 lane was not only closer to the posted limit but if the first vehicle in a long line of cars driving in the left hand lane was 3 MPH above the limit then all cars behind it remained well spaced at the same speed. This was often true even if the lead car was traveling at the speed limit. Never happen in the USA.
Somehow Australian drivers were in my observation somehow to drive more like an autonomous vehicle was in control doing the "right" thing more consistent with rules of "doing the right thing".
That, exactly, is what non-autonomous drivers must do in the future where there are autonomous driven vehicle on the same road.
I like Australia, been there a dozen times. Mostly on a bicycle for long periods. I like the social environment of Australia as well as the natural environment. It is an egalitarian society and one in which the nature of "good day mate" is a "natural" trait because Australians believe in it like many Americans, unfortunately, believe "America First" to a socially detrimental extent. It is the difference between what two countries think of themselves socially. What they think is what they believe. What they believe is how they act. Sportsmanship is big in Australia. The expression "give 'em a fair go" is a national meme.
Maybe the way Australians drive is a function of the national character of what kind of people they think they are? Maybe the first rule of driving in Australia is: "Give 'em a fair go"?
Memes have a strong influence in Australia shaping the national character. The movie Australia has about all the foundational memes woven into it that I can think of. A person would have to be an Australian to see and know them. They would go over the heads of Americans. It was a movie about Australian memes. Memes they not only celebrate as national character but live by like religious belief. Interesting that religion is not that big an influence in Australia.
Maybe the stats might look like the USA but the influence on shaping the national character is in my opinion far less. Perhaps actual attendance is close but more nominal in Australia? Australian identity memes are stronger factors in shaping the national character than religion. I wonder if Australian memes are woven into the nature of religion in Australia? If so, then a clever move by organized religion to choose the content of what is preached to what the people already believe. Australia is a nation that also carries the memes of an founding prisoner population.
But I stray.....
Here is the focus thought:
There is a big change coming with self driving cars. The biggest change is integrating a legacy social attitude in how people drive with how they should drive for logical and reasonable greater benefit for everyone on the road. That way is the way that autonomous vehicles must drive. It is the way that non-autonomous vehicles should drive. Not only should drive but must be the human drivers controlled (forced if unwilling) into driving.
That level of "driver control shaping" is a "social problem" equal to the "hardware/software" problem of designing and operating an autonomous vehicle. It is a social problem that must be addressed by current shaping of actual driving behavior to the logic and reason level of autonomous driving. Otherwise human beings are rounded pegs pounded into a designed square hole as they integrate into a new social norm.
Americans do not integrate well.
Maybe Australia should be the world leader in the introduction of autonomous vehicles!
The new Australian meme: "We are number one because we give everyone a fair go on the road as well as in our country".
The driver that ran the red light did not give the autonomous vehicle a "Fair Go" as a function of the attitude and consequent actions of the driver in control.
The required changes to integrate diver social behavior with autonomous vehicle behavior must be driven by the the logic embedded in the sensors and software of the autonomous vehicle. The necessary social changes necessary to do that must be designed and implemented as formally as those applicable to autonomous vehicles. The great challenge is that unlike machines that operate based on operating systems and application software that reduce ambiguity of results to an absolute minimum is:.......
Human beings are not machines! Performance cannot be dictated unless it is dictated. Compliance with strict rules of behavior is by choice. That is an alternate method of social control. The idea and social nature of human "Choice" has evolved to make it more amenable to "programming".
It is fascinating to speculate how human beings driving vehicles are going to be "programmed" to integrate with a system aimed at the eventual objective of all vehicles on the road operating under autonomous control. What makes it more fascinating is that the technical time frame for creating and introducing autonomous vehicle operation on roads at an integration level that operate in cooperatively with human drivers is much shorter than what it certainly takes to implement the social changes necessary to change the driving habits of human beings to accomplish a safe integration.
I think that the social changes necessary must be designed and "driven" meaning driven upon drivers in order to implement the integration.
What is the magnitude of social engineering that will accomplish that?
I would place the magnitude at a level equal to the social changes necessary to implement gun control.
How to get an entire population of all drivers to do it in a short time frame equal to the autonomous vehicle introduction projected time frame driven by the industry is the big problem.
The biggest problem is the minority that will not give up the steering wheel until it is pried from their cold dead hands.
Hardware/Software driven cars will absolutely will drive better that human beings. Pilots are human beings with greatest skill and control but their airplanes basically fly themselves. The aviation model is where automobiles are headed.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Michael (Michelle Wolf) Hudson The "People" Rent to Own But....Increasingly Owe! It is the USA Way
It is May Day and my hero Michael Hudson is proclaiming truth and speaking it to power.
The "Hudson Manifesto". Appropriately nailed to the door of Wall Street on May Day!
(The preceding line is my summation description of the above link emerging at the end of this blog entry but rightful demands entry at the beginning!)
More about my admiration of this economic truth teller at my last blog post about him:;postID=2055551688209402936;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link
China will rule!
"China must remain free of rentierideology that imagines wealth to be created by debt-leveraged inflation of real-estate and financial asset prices."
The People's Republic of China might just really be the "People's Republic"
The USA? ...."United States of Renters". Rent everything to the people....including money until the only thing not owned by Finance the debt contract in the possession of the everyone...everyone in the "People"s Republic of Debt".
China's buildup of debt: China's growth is debt fueled.
Build it up to the max then declare it null and void as a Jubilee.
Replace it with "People's Cryptocurrency of China" is debt free money.
Money is a Social Decision Making Tool. The Greenbsck dollar is a Return on Investment Decision Making Tool. The tool is owned by the Banksters.
May Day.
Power to the People! Michael Hudson describes the problem, the coming conflict between a nation that Rents to Own but the People never own but increasingly OWE!
"China is progressing along this “mixed economy” road to socialism, but Western economies are suffering from a resurgence of the pre-capitalist rentierclasses. Their slogan of “small government” means a shift in planning to finance, real estate and monopolies. This economic philosophy is reversing the logic of industrial capitalism, replacing public investment and subsidy with privatization and rent extraction. The Western economies’ tax shift favoring finance and real estate is a case in point. It reverses John Stuart Mill’s “Ricardian socialism” based on public collection of the land’s rental value and the “unearned increment” of rising land prices."
Michael hits every single nail on the head!
"The result of today’s alliance of the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) sector with natural resource and infrastructure monopolies has been to reverse that the 20thcentury’s reforms promoting progressive taxation of wealth and income. Industrial capitalism in the West has been detoured along the road to rent-extracting privatization, austerity and debt serfdom."
Chinas will win the long game. The only game that the USA can win is a short term one: The same old game: War. Perpetual.
What cannot go on forever will not go on.
A major advantage of a government as chief banker and credit creator is that when debts come to outstrip the means to pay, the government can write down the debt. That is how China’s banks have operated. It is a prerequisite for saving companies from bankruptcy and preventing their ownership from being transferred to foreigners, raiders or vultures.
Michael's Link is Revolutionary.
He is the Michael Wolf of the Economic world.
The hope of the free world rest on the People of the People's Republic of China supporting its government if this is what its country is to do:
"That is not the aim of Western national income statistics. In fact, applying the accounting structure described above would track how Western economies are polarizing as a result of their higher economic rent and interest payments crowding out spending on actual goods and services. This kind of contrast would help explain global trends in pricing and competitiveness. Distinguishing the FIRE sector from the rest of the economy would enable China to compare its economic cost trends and overhead relative to those of other nations. I believe that these statistics would show that its progress toward socialism also will explain the remarkable economic advantage it has obtained.If China does indeed make this change, it will help people both in and out of China see even more clearly what your government is doing on behalf of the majority of its people. This may help other governments – including my own – learn from your example and praise it instead of fearing it."
It is an economic social justice solution to the fundamental problems of the world.
The USA knows only the war solution to problems with the benefit going to not to "We the People" but "We Few Who Finance Everything".
The Clash is Coming.
The "Hudson Manifesto". Appropriately nailed to the door of Wall Street on May Day!
(The preceding line is my summation description of the above link emerging at the end of this blog entry but rightful demands entry at the beginning!)
More about my admiration of this economic truth teller at my last blog post about him:;postID=2055551688209402936;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link
China will rule!
"China must remain free of rentierideology that imagines wealth to be created by debt-leveraged inflation of real-estate and financial asset prices."
The People's Republic of China might just really be the "People's Republic"
The USA? ...."United States of Renters". Rent everything to the people....including money until the only thing not owned by Finance the debt contract in the possession of the everyone...everyone in the "People"s Republic of Debt".
China's buildup of debt: China's growth is debt fueled.
Build it up to the max then declare it null and void as a Jubilee.
Replace it with "People's Cryptocurrency of China" is debt free money.
Money is a Social Decision Making Tool. The Greenbsck dollar is a Return on Investment Decision Making Tool. The tool is owned by the Banksters.
May Day.
Power to the People! Michael Hudson describes the problem, the coming conflict between a nation that Rents to Own but the People never own but increasingly OWE!
"China is progressing along this “mixed economy” road to socialism, but Western economies are suffering from a resurgence of the pre-capitalist rentierclasses. Their slogan of “small government” means a shift in planning to finance, real estate and monopolies. This economic philosophy is reversing the logic of industrial capitalism, replacing public investment and subsidy with privatization and rent extraction. The Western economies’ tax shift favoring finance and real estate is a case in point. It reverses John Stuart Mill’s “Ricardian socialism” based on public collection of the land’s rental value and the “unearned increment” of rising land prices."
Michael hits every single nail on the head!
"The result of today’s alliance of the Finance, Insurance and Real Estate (FIRE) sector with natural resource and infrastructure monopolies has been to reverse that the 20thcentury’s reforms promoting progressive taxation of wealth and income. Industrial capitalism in the West has been detoured along the road to rent-extracting privatization, austerity and debt serfdom."
Chinas will win the long game. The only game that the USA can win is a short term one: The same old game: War. Perpetual.
What cannot go on forever will not go on.
A major advantage of a government as chief banker and credit creator is that when debts come to outstrip the means to pay, the government can write down the debt. That is how China’s banks have operated. It is a prerequisite for saving companies from bankruptcy and preventing their ownership from being transferred to foreigners, raiders or vultures.
Michael's Link is Revolutionary.
He is the Michael Wolf of the Economic world.
The hope of the free world rest on the People of the People's Republic of China supporting its government if this is what its country is to do:
"That is not the aim of Western national income statistics. In fact, applying the accounting structure described above would track how Western economies are polarizing as a result of their higher economic rent and interest payments crowding out spending on actual goods and services. This kind of contrast would help explain global trends in pricing and competitiveness. Distinguishing the FIRE sector from the rest of the economy would enable China to compare its economic cost trends and overhead relative to those of other nations. I believe that these statistics would show that its progress toward socialism also will explain the remarkable economic advantage it has obtained.If China does indeed make this change, it will help people both in and out of China see even more clearly what your government is doing on behalf of the majority of its people. This may help other governments – including my own – learn from your example and praise it instead of fearing it."
It is an economic social justice solution to the fundamental problems of the world.
The USA knows only the war solution to problems with the benefit going to not to "We the People" but "We Few Who Finance Everything".
The Clash is Coming.
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