Saturday, April 8, 2017

Time is the Ultimate Blockchain - I concede to Get_Crunk.....

...............But claim bragging rights to be the first to disprove that I was first to coin the phrase....!

I claimed first creative statement rights conveyed to me by being the first to create an original  phrase that had not previously been existed on the WWW to the extent that it would return a hit as a result of a Google search on the phrase:  "Time is the Ultimate Bockchain".  In addition, several of this blog's entries repeat and expand on this "First one to say it on the WWW" official bragging right locked into the time it was first stated.

Time and place transact to validate blockchain open ledger truth.  The prize of first to validate in the block is confirmed by all others seeking to be first to validate within the block and win the prize.  I was first to state the phrase but lack validation in a block of others that validate the fact that I was first.......

.....or, on the other hand validate that I was not the first and therefore my bragging rights are conceded to whomever finds my original phrase in a certified pre-existing time line blockchain of open ledger validated truth broader than the WWW that attributes the same phrase to anyone else.

I concede my bragging rights to Get_Crunk!  I gain title to be the first one to prove that I was not the first one to enter this phrase into the WWW searchable by Google!

I challenge all miners to compete for the ceding of my blockchain first to express a creative phrase bragging rights to them by discovering it in a previous same or diffenet block chain time line.  Does this change the nature of mining rewards in a blockchain to reward a miner that disproves the validity of an existing blockchain?   But...but... a blockchain block is sealed in the history of the block...How does that work out?  Anything is subject to disproof all the way back to the beginning of.....the time line?

There is of course a higher order level of abstraction that expresses the exact same concept, or disputes it or.....of course....either or both.....or simply nullifies it.

The nature of that higher order level of abstraction?

Time is Eternity?
I can create an original phrase but I concede to poetry

Time is the Eternal Now?

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