Sunday, February 5, 2017

The Code Is Law! Coding the Code - And Copyrighting The Result!

I never know what I will find written on the wall on any given Sunday morning and launch me on a blog entry exploring it in my own way.  This idea of this link was writ large.  It's Yuuuge!....Really Big!

Code is Law:  That means the Code of Laws of the United States of America is Law.  Law with a big "L".  Yuuuge I tell you!

"The Code of Laws of the United States of America[1] (variously abbreviated to Code of Laws of the United States, United States Code, U.S. Code, or U.S.C.) is the official compilation and codification of the general and permanent federal statutes of the United States"

Did I tell you Yuuuge?  To make it small and short but still Yuuge I will simply call it US Code.

US Code looks like public law to me.  Public...yes, but there is private money to be made on giving it value added that can be sold by an owner that added value to public law and has a private protection on value added.  Yuuuge money!

For example
"On a day-to-day basis, very few lawyers cross-reference the Code to the Statutes at Large. Attempting to capitalize on the possibility that the text of the United States Code can differ from the United States Statutes at Large, Bancroft-Whitney for many years published a series of volumes known as United States Code Service (USCS), which used the actual text of the United States Statutes at Large."

United States Statutes at Large, is now published by the government and available to the public for free in digital format.  At a price paid to the government for a paper copy.

The preceding is background to this Yuugeness:  There is Yuuuge money for private enterprise in monetizing things in the Public Domain sector of government publications.  Monetized by some form of protected value added.  This is simply a specific category of seizing or fencing public property for private gain.

Privatization of public assets is a business model that in application accomplishes privatization of public assets for private profit gain in a variety of very clever ways.  The beginning link looks at specific clever way to get an exclusive private copyright on public law: US Code.

Very clever backdoor model method indeed.   It is the backdoor model method that has Yuuuge potential.

Yuuge potential?  Even Yuuger than the front door model of Privatizing the Public Office of POTUS (POPTUS) which will be a failed attempt that was great risk for great reward where risk will bite Trump severely in the ass in his attempt to grab a great amount of power. 

Cutting to the chase:

The Yuuuge! potential financial return in privatizing  the US Code.  The really big, really big clever method of doing it is writing the US Code in Machine Language Code.

No small task!  Translating the US Code from Natural English Language to Machine Language.  It is a Yuuge long range plan with a logical progression in getting there even beyond the example of the government objective to put a man (or woman)  on the moon.

Digital Governance Google search results cover a wide range of thought and design.

A business model aimed at carving out and fencing private interfaces with the public US Code for private profit gain is Yuuge in potential but so small in present scope of application that it flies under the radar.  It will continue to do so as long as the private interface carve out and fencing by means of copyright remains expressed in Natural English Language as Business Standards.

The whole thing is a Public/Private partnership stealth transformation strategy.   By design or default driven?  Default driven if it is simply a function of how information tends to organize itself logically in the Information Age.  By design to the extent that private enterprise or government agency is taking the lead on change.  Probably private enterprise leading as a contractual agent to the government with revolving door privileges access.

Private standards are creeping into codification in law by extension/inclusion of those standards into US Code law and copyright protection of private entity rights to intellectual property.

That is first step creep.

When private enterprise copyright algorithms methodologies coded in machine language begin to be incorporated into the US Code as application extensions of US Code law like an API Application Program Interface then payments by the government are due to the copyright holder.

The initial link at the beginning of this blog entry focuses on private enterprise extensions to US Code coded in precise English Language it is a step up to coding extensions in a more precise coding language approaching an integration with nth generation machine language operating systems and application programs.

That is a Yuuge money making opportunity for a new market for private enterprise that always wanted to get into government business.

Federal Court Basically Says It's Okay To Copyright Parts Of Our Laws

Bottom line: The US Code of Law will not change.  Only the language used will change to a more highly defined more systemically integrated and accurate dialect of the English language created and copyrighted by the next Big Business Information Age Enterprise that sees opportunity to transform a public domain government law system written in ambiguous and relatively unstructured English language to a more precise more machine like (copyrighted as Intellectual Property coding) code and systems in the emerging domain of Artificial Intelligence. 

The 25th Amendment is a complicated algorithmic law written in English.  Someone, some collection of extremely gifted analysts like lawyers Object Oriented system analysts and programmers could re-write the  essence and intent of the 25th Amendment in a higher order language of English approaching the 5th or 6th generation coding the structure of an operating system and its application programs to say and do the same thing but much more accurately.  Probably identifying a lot of disconnects and logic failures in existing amendment coded in English.

For example:
When the 25th Amendment get an application we will be wishing that the re-coding had already been done! Whatever business did it would get a big and well deserved copyright payment for their intellectual property.  

The original creators never got paid.

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